No person, either as owner, lessee, occupant, employee, contractor, agent, or otherwise, shall throw, cast, or deposit or cause or permit to run, drop, or remain or to be thrown, cast, or deposited in or upon real property within the Village, except at such place or places as are designated or provided by the Board of Trustees:
Any decomposable organic matter that might create a nuisance or act as a breeding place and/or as food for insects or as food for vermin;
Any discarded thing capable of holding water that might serve as a breeding place for insects; or
Any combustible matter or growth that might increase a potential fire hazard.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit:
The temporary keeping of garbage, manure, offal, and other putrescible matter in suitable cans, vessels, tanks, or containers which are watertight and provided with tightly fitting covers; and
The depositing of manure upon any property, with the permission of the owner of such property, for the purpose of cultivating the same. In the prosecution for any alleged offense of this provision, it shall be an affirmative defense that the person who so deposited the manure had the permission of the owner.
No person shall permit, allow, or tolerate any accumulation of water in which mosquitoes are breeding, or are likely to breed, on real property within the Village owned, leased, or otherwise occupied by such person. Whenever the Board of Trustees shall determine that any accumulation of water, wherein mosquito larvae breed or are likely to breed, constitutes a nuisance or a danger or injury to life or health, it may proceed to suppress such nuisance or remove such danger or injury in the manner prescribed in Article 15 of the Public Health Law of the State of New York.