The following documents shall be submitted prior
to a formal application for conditional approval for minor and major
A. General subdivision information shall describe or
outline the existing conditions of the site and the proposed development
as necessary to supplement the drawings required below. This information
may include data on existing covenants, land characteristics, and
available community facilities and utilities and information describing
the subdivision proposal, such as number of residential lots, typical
lot width and depth, price range, business areas, playgrounds, park
area and other public areas, proposed protective covenants and proposed
utilities and street improvements.
B. The topographic survey shall show the proposed layout
of streets, lots and other features in relation to existing conditions.
The following documents shall be submitted for
preliminary plat approval for major subdivisions:
A. A subdivision application must be completed in full.
B. A consent of property owner(s) form must be completed
in full with original signatures.
C. Fourteen full environmental assessment forms must
be completed in full.
D. Three photographic enlargements at a minimum scale
of one inch equals 100 feet. Clearly outline subject parcel, street
that it is on and adjacent streets. Label the back of the map with
the project name and grid number.
E. Fourteen folded copies of the plot plan at a scale
of not less than one inch equals 50 feet on a twenty-four-inch by
thirty-six-inch sheet. Plus, 14 copies of the plot plan reduced in
scale on eleven-inch by seventeen-inch paper in addition to the full-size
set of plans. The plot plan shall show:
(1) Proposed subdivision name, date, North point, scale,
name and address of record owner, subdivider and engineer or surveyor.
(2) Site data table listing the name of any school, fire
or special districts, zoning designations of parcel, required and
proposed lot area, required and proposed lot width, required and proposed
road frontage. Lot sizes must be shown in square feet and acres.
(3) Location map at a scale of one inch equals 400 feet.
Tax map is acceptable.
(4) Location of existing watercourses, marshes, rock outcrops,
wooded areas, single trees with a diameter of eight inches or more
and other significant existing features.
(5) Location of existing sewers, water mains, culverts,
driveways and drains on the property with pipe sizes, grades and direction
of flow.
(6) Existing contours with intervals of five feet or less.
(7) Location of existing property lines, streets, easements
and buildings.
(8) All proposed streets with profiles indicating grades,
lots, easements and public or community areas, with approximate dimensions.
(9) The approximate location of all proposed water lines,
valves and hydrants and of all sewer lines with profiles indicating
connections with existing lines or alternate means of water supply
or sewage disposal and treatment as provided in the Public Health
The names of all proposed streets and alleys
and the cross-sections of proposed streets showing the width of roadways,
the location and width of sidewalks, and the locations and size of
utility lines.
Deeds of cession of streets, rights-of-way,
easements and any sites for public use and copies of agreements, covenants
or other documents showing the manner in which areas to be reserved
for the common use of the residents of the subdivision are to be maintained,
all certified as to their legal sufficiency by the Town Attorney.
If the application covers only a portion of
the applicant's entire holding, a map of the entire tract, drawn at
a scale of not less than 400 feet to one inch, showing an outline
of the plotted area must be shown on the plans.
Names, addresses, and tax identification numbers
of all adjacent property owners.
Sanitary and sewer notes, water notes and special
notes for plans required by the Town of Poughkeepsie Engineer, to
be incorporated in the plans (if applicable).
If the application covers only a part of the
applicant's entire holding(s), together with all parcels owned in
whole or in part by the applicant must be disclosed on the plans.
F. Copies of such covenants or deed restrictions as are
intended to cover all or any part of the tract.
G. A stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) consistent with the requirements of Chapter
173, Part
2, Articles
III and
IV, shall be required for preliminary subdivision plat approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards in Chapter
173, Part
2, Articles
III and
IV. The approved preliminary subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter
173, Part
2, Stormwater Control.
The following documents shall be submitted for
final plat approval for minor and major subdivisions:
A. The plat shall be drawn in ink on tracing cloth in
sheets not exceeding 24 inches by 36 inches and at a scale of not
less than 100 feet to the inch. When more than one sheet is required,
an additional index sheet of the same size shall be filed showing
to scale the entire subdivision, with lot and block numbers clearly
B. The plat shall show:
(1) Subdivision name, date, scale and North arrow.
(2) Certification of title showing ownership.
(3) Names of owners of adjacent land.
(4) Certification by a licensed engineer or surveyor as
to the accuracy of the survey and plat.
(5) Primary control points (wherever possible including
monuments included in the state system of plane coordinates or reference
points previously established by public authority) or descriptions
and ties to such control points, to which all dimensions, angles,
bearings and similar data on the plat shall be referred.
(6) Boundaries of the property; building or setback lines if different from those required in Chapter
210, Zoning, and lines of streets, lots, reservations, easements and areas to be dedicated to public use; lengths and deflection angles of all straight lines; radii, lengths, central angles, long chords and tangent distances of all curves. All lengths shall be in feet and decimals of a foot, and all angles shall be given to the nearest 10 seconds or closer if deemed necessary by the surveyor. The error of closure shall not exceed one to 10,000.
(7) Area of all lots in square feet.
(8) The location, material and size of all permanent monuments.
Designation and purpose of all areas to be dedicated
or reserved for public use and of any streets which are not to be
C. Deeds of cession of streets, rights-of-way, easements
and any sites for public use and copies of agreements, covenants or
other documents showing the manner in which areas to be reserved for
the common use of the residents of the subdivision are to be maintained,
all certified as to their legal sufficiency by the Town Attorney.
D. Cross-sections and profiles of all proposed streets
showing existing and proposed grades. The cross-sections shall show
pavements and, where required, gutters, curbs and sidewalks.
E. Street trees are to be planted by the subdivider,
planting plans showing the types and spacing of trees.
F. A stormwater pollution prevention plan consistent with the requirements of Chapter
173, Part
2, Articles
III and
IV, and with the terms of preliminary plan approval. The SWPPP shall meet the performance and design criteria and standards in Chapter
173, Part
2, Articles
III and
IV. The approved final subdivision plat shall be consistent with the provisions of Chapter
173, Part
2, Stormwater Control.