The Historic Preservation Commission shall create an inventory of eligible resources. The inventory may be updated from time to time by the Commission. An owner of a resource which meets the criteria of § 181-130 may voluntarily request that his resource be listed in this inventory.
The Commission shall establish the priority of the inventory. The Commission will use this list to select those resources it deems most in need of protection and/or preservation. After developing the information required under § 181-131 as appropriate and arriving at an agreement with the owner of the resource, employing whatever incentives contained in § 181-132 that are deemed appropriate, the Commission may recommend to the Council that a resource in the inventory be designated, be listed in § 181-133, be shown on the Historic Resource Overlay Map and become subject to the requirements of this Part 5.
Other action the Commission may take with the owner's acceptance with regard to the resources listed in this section may include providing informational plaques to be prominently displayed on the property of the listed resources.
No building or structure that is listed in this inventory shall be demolished without a demolition permit issued by the Code Enforcement Officer. Upon receipt of an application for demolition, the Code Enforcement Officer shall notify the Historic Preservation Commission and the Town Council.