A violation of this Part 6 shall be deemed to exist when any person, partnership or corporate entity engages in any construction activity directly related to the erection or placement of a dwelling unit, upon any land within the Town without first having obtained a growth permit from the CEO.
If a dwelling unit has been constructed or placed, without a growth permit, it shall be deemed a violation for any person, firm, or corporate entity to sell, lease, rent or occupy such dwelling unit until such permit has been duly issued.
When a violation of any provision of this Part 6 shall be found, the CEO shall send a written notice of the violation to the responsible party or parties. If the notice does not result in the correction of the violation, the CEO may institute any and all actions and proceedings, either legal or equitable, including seeking injunctive relief, the imposition of fines, removal of the structure, or other action that may be appropriate or necessary to enforce the provisions of this Part 6. The remedies set forth herein are intended to be cumulative and not exclusive of each other.
Any person owning or controlling the use of any dwelling unit being constructed or occupied in violation of this chapter shall be liable to be fined not less than $100 or more than $2,500 for each day such a violation (i.e. construction activity, unlawful occupancy) continues after notification by the CEO.
If a dwelling unit has been built in violation of this chapter and is then occupied, for residential use, the owner may be fined as provided in § 181-154A of this Part 6.
The Appeals Board may, upon written application of an aggrieved party and after public notice, hear appeals from determinations of the CEO in the administration of this Ordinance. Following such hearing, the Appeals Board may reverse the decision of the CEO only upon a finding that the decision is clearly contrary to the specific provisions of this Part 6.