[Adopted 3-10-1992 as Order No. 19-92]
Under the authority of M.R.S.A., Title 30-A, § 3001, this Article of the Town of Standish is hereby adopted to set forth and confirm the status of presently accepted Town streets and roads; to provide a procedure whereby persons may apply for Town acceptance of publicly dedicated roads; to adopt specifications to which such roads must conform prior to consideration for acceptance; and to provide for adequate review and control of activities which take place within public streets and private roads to assure the preservation and enhancement of safe use and economical maintenance of said streets and roads.
Those definitions set forth in Chapter 181, Part 1, Zoning and Part 3, Subdivision Regulations, shall apply to this Article in addition to those in this section.
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The Director of Public Works for the Town of Standish.
The Planning Board of the Town of Standish created under Section 601 of the Town Charter.
A road for vehicular traffic in which there is no public right of travel.
A road, street or road maintained under public authority for vehicular traffic and including the entire right-of-way.
A list of Town streets and roads as of the effective date of this Article is contained in Appendix A.[1]
Editor's Note: Appendix A is on file in the Town offices.
Any private road proposed for acceptance by the Town as a street must be designed and constructed in accordance with the street construction standards which are in effect at the time such street acceptance is proposed as contained herein and, if in one of the Form Based Code Village Districts, per the street frontage type.
[Amended 6-7-2011; 9-14-2021 by Order No. 53-21]
A private road shall be considered for acceptance as a street by the Town Council only upon the following conditions:
The owner shall give the Town a warranty deed with a metes and bounds description of the property being offered to the Town for acceptance as a street.
A plan of said street shall be recorded at the Cumberland County Registry of Deeds within 30 days of its acceptance and at the expense of the person proposing the street.
An application for acceptance of the proposed street shall be submitted for approval of the Town Council upon a form to be prescribed by the Director of Public Works. Said application shall be accompanied by a plan, profile and cross section of the proposed street as follows:
A plot plan drawn to a scale of 40 feet to one inch, or a scale acceptable to the Director of Public Works, and to be on one or more sheets of paper not exceeding twenty-four inches by thirty-six inches in size. Said plan shall show the North point, the location and ownership of all adjoining lots of land, right-of-way widths, passageways, monuments, waterways, topography and natural drainage courses with contours at not greater than five-foot intervals, all angles, bearings and radii necessary for the plotting of said street and lots and their reproduction on the ground and the distance to the nearest established street or way, together with the stations of their side lines.
A profile of the proposed street drawn to a horizontal scale of 40 feet to one inch, and vertical scale of four feet to one inch. The profile shall show the profile of the center line of the proposed street and the grades thereof.
A cross section of the proposed street drawn to a horizontal scale of five feet to one inch and a vertical scale of one foot to one inch.
The location, size, materials and conditions of the existing and proposed water and/or sewer mains, storm drains, sanitary sewers, gas mains, culverts, underdrains and the location of all underground and overhead utilities.
Plans submitted to and accepted by the Planning Board within 60 days after acceptance of this Article for subdivision approval shall be considered acceptable for the above requirements, after being updated to reflect as-built conditions.
The Public Works Director and the Code Enforcement Officer shall give written reports to the Town Council on the proposed street, which shall include information on how the street meets the standards in this Article and information on whether the street's acceptance:
Is in conformance with the Town's Comprehensive Plan.
Will cause an undue burden on the ability of the Town to provide adequate municipal services.
Will require expenditures by the Town for upgrading or extending water and/or sewers, gas mains, culverts, underdrains and all underground and overhead utilities.
Will result in Town liability for damage to private property, such as but not limited to walks, fences, lawns and other items that encroach on the proposed street.
No proposed street may be accepted unless the Town Council finds, after a review of the information provided under Subsection C, that acceptance is in the public interest and until certificates of occupancy have been issued for at least 20% of the housing units or two housing units, whichever number is greater.
The Town Council shall only consider private roads for Town acceptance in the month of July of each year. Applications must be made to the Town prior to April 1.
[Added 12-15-1995 by Order No. 188-95; amended 9-8-1998 by Order No. 117-98]
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other section hereof, the Town may at any time lay out and accept any street or way in the Town as a public street whenever the public interest so requires pursuant to authority granted under M.R.S.A. Title 23, § 3023.
[Amended 5-8-2007 by Order No. 25-07]
Purpose. A performance guaranty shall be provided to insure the completion, proper installation and maintenance of all improvements, facilities and services necessary to provide transportation, drainage, utilities or similar essential services and facilities to a project, including, but not limited to, road construction, storm drainage, utilities, fire ponds, roadway monumentation, street trees and any required landscaping (hereinafter "Essential Improvements").
[Amended 3-9-2021 by Order No. 96-20; 1-9-2024 by Order No. 97-23]
Form of performance guaranty.
Before the releasing or recording of the final plan, the applicant shall furnish to the Finance Director one of the following forms of performance guaranty:
[Amended 1-9-2024 by Order No. 97-23]
Certified check made payable solely to the Town of Standish;
Savings account passbook issued solely in the name of the Town of Standish;
A surety bond issued by a surety company licensed to do business in the State of Maine, which must be approved as to form and enforceability by the Finance Director and Town Attorney; or
An irrevocable letter of credit, in which the Town is named as beneficiary, issued by a state or federally chartered financial institution reasonably acceptable to the Town, which must be approved as to form and enforceability by the Finance Director and Town Attorney.
With respect to subdivision projects only, in lieu of the furnishing of a performance guaranty before the recording of the final plan, the Planning Board may accept the agreement of the subdivider that no lot or parcel of land may be conveyed, and no building permit for any building or portion of the development shall be issued by the Code Enforcement Officer, until the completion of all Essential Improvements. Such agreement shall be acknowledged by a note on the final subdivision plan that provides as follows:
[Amended 3-9-2021 by Order No. 96-20; 1-9-2024 by Order No. 97-23]
"In lieu of a performance guaranty for the construction of the project improvements, no lot or parcel of land may be conveyed, and no building permit for any building or any portion of the development shall be issued by the Code Enforcement Officer, until the completion of all streets, utilities and other essential improvements in accordance with this plan and all applicable laws, ordinances and standards. If the applicant wishes to convey a lot prior to all project improvements being completed in accordance with this plan and all applicable laws, ordinances and standards, a performance guaranty equal to 110% of the cost of the remaining improvements shall first be submitted to the Director of Public Works and approved as to form and enforceability by the Finance Director and Town Attorney."
The Finance Director shall be responsible for monitoring the performance guaranty to insure that it does not expire or is not released without review by the proper officials.
Amount of performance guaranty. The amount of such performance guaranty (the "stated amount") shall be approved by the Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Town Planner, and shall be in an amount at least equal to 110% of the total cost of furnishing, installing, connecting and completing all of the Essential Improvements specified in the final plan and shall be conditioned on the completion of all such Essential Improvements within two years of the date of the Finance Director's approval of the performance guaranty.
[Amended 3-9-2021 by Order No. 96-20; 1-9-2024 by Order No. 97-23]
Application. The applicant shall submit a detailed construction cost estimate, with quantities and unit costs, of the proposed Essential Improvements prepared by a Maine licensed professional engineer to the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works shall, in consultation with the Town Planner, review the construction cost estimate and establish the amount of the performance guaranty and approve the type of performance guaranty offered. The Director of Public Works may, at his discretion, submit the construction cost estimate to a Maine licensed professional engineer for peer review at the applicant's sole expense. If such peer review is obtained by the Director of Public Works, no approval of the performance guaranty shall be granted until payment for the peer reviewer's services is made by the applicant and such amount shall be payable by the applicant without regard to the peer review results or the outcome of the application.
[Amended 3-9-2021 by Order No. 96-20]
Phasing of development. At the time of approval of the final plan, the Planning Board may approve the construction of a subdivision in specifically identified phases and allow the applicant to furnish separate performance guaranties for each phase and any associated off-site improvements prior to the commencement of construction of each phase, provided that the performance guaranty furnished for any individual phase must secure the construction of all required improvements within such phase and any associated off-site improvements, plus any improvements located in other phases that are necessary in order for the phase being constructed to comply with the requirements of this article or Chapter 181, Land Use, should subsequent phases not be constructed. The applicant must furnish a performance guaranty for specific phases in accordance with this article. All improvements within the first phase must be completed within two years of the date of the Finance Director's approval of the performance guaranty. Each subsequent phase must be completed within subsequent two-year periods of the date of the Finance Director's approval of the performance guaranty.
[Amended 1-9-2024 by Order No. 97-23]
Partial releases. The Director of Public Works, in consultation with the Town Manager, may allow periodic reductions of the stated amount as portions of specified improvements are determined by the Director of Public Works or his designee to be complete, provided that each such reduction shall be limited to 85% of the cost of the improvements for which the reduction is allowed. In no event shall the performance guaranty be reduced to less than 15% of the stated amount until all of the specified improvements have been completed and inspected and all inspection fees due under Subsection I below or pursuant to any conditions of approval have been paid in full.
Final release. Before an applicant may be released from any obligation required by his performance guaranty, the Finance Director shall require certification from the various departments and agencies concerned, including, without limitation, the Director of Public Works, the Town Manager, the Code Enforcement Officer and the Director of Public Safety, that all improvements have been satisfactorily completed in accordance with the final plan and all applicable laws, ordinances and standards. In addition, before an applicant may be released from any obligation required by his performance guaranty, he shall furnish, at his own expense, the following:
The signed certification by a Maine licensed surveyor or professional engineer that all permanent bounds or monuments have been installed and are accurately in place in the locations designated in the final plan;
"As built" record construction drawings prepared by a Maine licensed professional engineer.
All fees must be paid in full.
Extension of performance guaranty. The Director of Public Works may grant one extension of up to two years beyond the guaranteed performance period when the applicant can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works, good cause for such extension; provided, however, that the performance guaranty shall remain in full force and effect during any such extension period. The Director of Public Works may not grant an extension if the applicant or an affiliate of the applicant is in default on any performance guaranty on any development within the Town or is in arrears on any fees owed the Town in connection with any other development within the Town.
Construction inspection fee. Prior to the release of the final plan to the applicant for recording or any site construction, the applicant shall pay to the Town a construction inspection fee. Said fee shall be computed as follows:
The amount of the fee shall be determined by the Director of Public Works or his designee and shall include the estimated cost to the Town of retaining a Maine licensed professional engineer to observe and monitor construction of required improvements. In fixing the amount, the Director of Public Works or his designee may consider the complexity of the improvements, the overall cost of the project, the anticipated construction schedule, and any other factors relevant to estimating the cost of monitoring.
If, upon completion of the required improvements, the actual cost of monitoring and inspection exceeds the amount paid at the time of submission of the final plan or the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall pay the additional amount to the Town before the applicant shall be released from his obligations under the performance guaranty, such additional amount being deemed a required improvement under the performance guaranty. If, upon completion of the required improvements, the actual cost of monitoring and inspection is less than the amount paid at the time of submission of the final plan or the issuance of a building permit, the Town shall return the unused portion to the applicant.
Inspection of required improvements.
Prior to the start of construction, the applicant shall conduct an on-site preconstruction meeting. This meeting shall, at a minimum, be attended by the Director of Public Works, the engineer performing construction monitoring, the general contractor and the applicant or his agent.
If the Director of Public Works or his designee shall find, upon inspection of the Essential Improvements described by the performance guaranty, that any of the required improvements have not been constructed in accordance with the final plan and specifications filed by the applicant and all applicable laws, ordinances and standards, the Director of Public Works shall notify the Town Planner and the Finance Director, who shall take all necessary steps to preserve the municipality's rights under the performance guaranty. The Town Planner shall then notify the applicant and the Planning Board. The Planning Board shall have the authority to declare default.
[Amended 3-9-2021 by Order No. 96-20]
Minor modifications. If at any time before or during the construction of the required improvements the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Code Enforcement Officer, the Director of Public Works and/or the Director of Public Safety, as appropriate, that unforeseen conditions make it necessary or preferable to modify the location or design of such required improvements, the Code Enforcement Officer, the Director of Public Works and/or the Director of Public Safety, as appropriate, may authorize modifications, provided that these modifications are within the spirit and intent of the Planning Board's approval, that they do not materially affect the criteria and standards employed by the Planning Board during its review, and that they do not substantially alter the function of any improvements required by the Planning Board. The Code Enforcement Officer, the Director of Public Works and/or the Director of Public Safety, as appropriate, shall issue any authorization under this subsection in writing and shall transmit a copy of such authorization to the Town Planner and the Planning Board. All other modifications of the required improvements shall first require Planning Board review and approval.
Responsibility for improvements prior to street acceptance. The applicant shall be required to maintain all improvements and provide for snow removal on streets and sidewalks until acceptance of said improvements by the legislative body.
Street acceptance guaranty. No proposed street shall be accepted until the Town has been furnished with a performance guaranty providing that the developer, or other persons petitioning for acceptance of the street, will be responsible for a period of two years from the date of acceptance for repair of any defects or conditions of said street that are determined by the Director of Public Works to be unsatisfactory to the Town and which arise out of failure of the developer or said petitioners to design and construct said street to the specifications provided for in this article. Said guaranty shall be in the amount of 1% of the construction cost or $5,000 plus $1 per linear foot of said street, whichever amount is greater. This guaranty shall be in addition to and independent from any performance guaranty furnished to the Town prior to the construction of the required improvements.
[Amended 7-9-1996 by Order No. 38-96]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to facilitate rapid location of properties for delivery of emergency public safety services as well as mail and parcel delivery within Standish.
Authority. This section is adopted pursuant to and consistent with the Municipal Home Rule Powers as provided for in Article VIII, Part 2, Section 1 of the Constitution of the State of Maine and Title 30-A M.R.S.A., Section 3001.
Definitions. For the purpose of this section only, the following definitions shall apply. A "street" is any highway, road, street, avenue, lane, private way, or similar paved, gravel or dirt way within a city, Town or plantation. An "improved property" refers to any property on which a more or less permanent structure has been erected or placed.
Official Map. The map(s) entitled "Property Number Map(s) of the Town of Standish, Maine," dated May 1996, are hereby adopted as official maps by which streets are named and property numbers assigned. The map shall be held in the custody of the Town through its tax assessor. Assignment of numbers to properties, both on existing and proposed streets, shall be the responsibility of the assessor or designee. The assessor, in coordination with the Town dispatch department, shall be responsible for maintaining the following official records of the numbering system:
The property number maps of Standish.
An alphabetical list of all property owners as identified by current assessment records, by last name, showing the assigned numbers.
An alphabetical list of all streets with property owners listed in order of their assigned numbers.
Numbering and naming system.
Each resident and business property shall have a number indicating its position on the street on which it is located. Every street, regardless of public/private status or extent of development, shall have a name. The Standish Town Council shall be the final authority in assigning or accepting names for such ways. A street name assigned by the Town shall not constitute or imply acceptance of the street as a public way. Street names shall generally conform to United States Postal Service guidelines, however, the Town retains final authority in assigning all street names and numbers. In general, one whole number shall be assigned for every 50 feet of street frontage, whether the property is improved or vacant. In general, numbers shall begin at the end of the street closest to the Town's datum point which is hereby designated as the intersection of Routes 25 and 35, Standish Corner. Based on this datum point, even numbers shall appear on the left side of the street and odd numbers shall appear on the right side of the street.
Renaming of streets and ways shall require approval of the Town Council. Property owners may petition the Council at any time for a name change. However, the Council is not bound to act on any such petition.
Renaming streets and ways may be accomplished at any time by the Town Council if, in the judgment of the Council, the name of a street or way duplicates or bears phonetic resemblance to another existing street or way.
Property owners encouraged to post numbers.
All property owners of an improved property, on or before the effective date of this section, are encouraged but specifically not required to display and maintain in a conspicuous place on said property the number assigned.
Numbering and maintaining of boxes utilized by the United States Postal Service is expressly outside the jurisdiction of the Town of Standish.
Proposed streets and proposed structures. Proposed streets shall be named and numbered in accordance with the provisions of Subsection E of this section. A street shall not be assigned a name that is already in use in the Town nor shall a street be assigned a name that is similar to a street name already in use in the judgment of the Planning Board. Final approved subdivision plans shall bear an assigned street name as approved by the Planning Board, however, the Town Council shall be the final authority in all street name assignments.
Street signs. The Town of Standish shall assume responsibility for installation and maintenance of all street signs on all streets, public and private, with the express exception of approved mobile home parks. The Town retains final authority in all sign selection and placement. In any situation where one or more private property owners along a given street objects to Town placement of a street sign and an alternate solution cannot be reached, then the Town Manager shall provide a written report of the same to the Town Council and this report shall be permanently filed with the Town Clerk. The Town shall then be absolved of future responsibility and liability related to nonplacement of related street sign(s).
[Amended 1-10-2006 by Order No. 188-05]
Effective date. This section shall become effective as of July 15, 1996. It shall be the duty of the Town to notify by mail each owner and the Post Office of the new address within 30 days of this date.
Driveway entrances and curb cuts.
No driveway or curb cut to a street may be constructed without first obtaining a permit from the Code Enforcement Officer, after review by the Public Works Director.
The Code Enforcement Officer shall review the proposed location and design and consider the following before a permit is granted:
Drainage requirements.
Sight distances.
A safe and efficient traffic flow.
The adequacy of design for the intended use.
The consolidation of curb cuts on arterial and collector streets.
Any sidewalks or curbs crossed may be required to be rebuilt to adequately serve the use.
A permit under this subsection shall not be required for driveways or curb cuts which appear on a plan which has received subdivision or site plan review approval, or which falls within the jurisdiction of the Maine Department of Transportation (MDOT) if a permit has been issued by the MDOT.
Notwithstanding that the public way is intended for public travel and convenience, other uses are permissible when not in conflict with public interest. The following criteria shall apply to uses within the street right-of-way:
Mailboxes may be located in the public way when located so as not to obstruct visibility for safe vehicle operation and not to interfere with the maintenance of the public way. Mailboxes shall be placed as follows:
The box will be a minimum of 42 inches above the edge of pavement.
The reflectors will be located on the side facing oncoming traffic.
The standard or upright will be at least four feet from the edge of pavement.
Lawns and other ground cover may be located within the right-of-way so long as the landscape will not adversely affect visibility for safe vehicle operation nor impede storm drainage and snow and ice removal activities. No ground cover (shrubs or trees) may be placed within four feet of the edge of pavement without written permission of the Director of Public Works. The Director of Public Works shall review the location and design to determine if curbing or drainage modifications are necessary.
Discharge of water onto the public way. No water other than the natural flow from a site may be discharged into the right-of-way of a street without written permission from the Director of Public Works. The Director shall review the proposed location and design and consider the following before granting any permit:
The adequacy of the downstream drainage system.
The impact upon the public way.
Snow and ice removal and control.