[Added 3-8-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-5[1]; amended 12-13-2006 by Ord. No. 2006-15]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. VI, AR-3 Agricultural Residential District, added 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-7, as amended.
Principal permitted uses on the land and in buildings shall be as follows:
Farms and farm buildings; see Article XVIII for regulations.
Detached single-family homes.
Public playgrounds, public conservation areas, public parks, public and common open space and public purpose uses.
Community residences for the developmentally disabled and community shelters for victims of domestic violence, community residences for the terminally ill and community residences for persons with head injuries, subject to standards and requirements for single-family dwelling units located within the AR-10 District.
Conditional uses and permitted accessory uses shall be as follows:
Private residential swimming pools; see § 215-134 for regulations. Private tennis courts and other usual recreational facilities customarily associated with residential dwelling units.
Sheds; see § 215-9 herein for definition.
Private garages, either attached or detached; see § 215-17 herein and § 215-79A for additional regulations.
Accessory buildings; see § 215-9 herein for definition and Article XXI for regulations.
Fences and walls. (See Article XVII.)
Home occupations; see § 215-19 herein for definition and regulations.
Home offices; see § 215-20 herein for definition and regulations.
Satellite dish antennas as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for standards.
Cellular antennas and other public utility uses as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for applicable standards.
Accessory apartments as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for standards. Accessory apartments and residential flats are included in the Township's fair share housing plan. Accessory apartments and residential flats are permitted as conditional uses to implement that plan. Upon the grant of approval by the Land Development Board to the last accessory apartment or residential flat required to implement that plan, this subsection shall be repealed and of no further force or effect.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Accessory apartments on permanently preserved farms enrolled in the farmland preservation program prior to November 13, 2001.
Farm stands; see § 215-97 for regulations.
[Amended 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]
Temporary construction trailers and one temporary sign not exceeding 32 square feet, advertising the prime contractor, subcontractor(s), architect, financing institution and similar data for the period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or one year, whichever is less, provided that said trailer(s) and sign are on the site where the construction is taking place, are not on any existing proposed street or easement and are set back at least 30 feet from all street and lot lines. There shall be at least one working telephone in the trailer.
Renewable energy facilities as conditional and accessory uses; see § 215-134 for regulations.
[Added 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07]
Historic redevelopment of properties containing historic buildings and structures which may be adaptively reused in order to preserve the historic nature of such properties while allowing new economic uses; see Article XXIV Conditional Uses, § 215-132G.
[Added 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]
No principal building shall exceed 30 feet in height and 2.5 stories as measured from the existing grade before construction to the top of the building or highest peak of the roof.
No accessory building shall exceed 20 feet in height and 1.5 stories as measured from the existing grade before construction to the top of the building or highest peak of the roof.
Farm buildings are excluded from these height limits (see definition of "farm Buildings").
Area and yard requirements shall be as follows:
Detached dwelling units, minimums in feet.
Lot frontage: 300 feet.
Lot width: 300 feet.
Lot depth: 400 feet.
Side yards: 50 foot aggregate, minimum 20 feet.
Front yard: 50 feet.
Rear yard: 35 feet.
Lot area: 10 acres. At least three acres shall be contiguous noncritical acreage, appropriately situated for the location and construction of the detached single-family dwelling and its appurtenances, including the well and septic system serving the lot.
Accessory buildings, minimums in feet.
Distance to side lot line: 20 feet.
Distance to rear lot line: 20 feet.
Distance to front lot line: 50 feet.
Distance to other building: 20 feet.
Maximum building coverage: 3.5%.
Maximum impervious coverage: 10%.
Flag lots, as defined in Article IV of this chapter, are permitted, provided the lot meets the following conditions:
The lot is the site of an existing farmhouse, with or without associated outbuildings, designated as a historic structure by the governing body.
The minimum lot size shall be three acres, exclusive of the access strip.
Lots with access easements in lieu of road frontage must also comply with conditions for the protection of public health and safety as determined by the Land Development Board, as the case may be.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Each individual use shall provide parking spaces according to the minimum requirements of the New Jersey Residential Site Improvement Standards (RSIS). No private parking area or driveway shall be located within 10 feet of any property line.
See Article XX for regulations and standards.
Definition: see § 215-9.
Such occupation may be pursued in the principal dwelling unit or in one or more secondary buildings which are accessory to such principal structure.
The home occupation shall be clearly incidental and subordinate to the residential use and not more than 20% of the gross floor area of all buildings shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation.
No person other than members of the household residing on the premises plus one outside employee or other assistant shall be engaged in the occupation on the premises.
The residential character of the lot and the building shall not be changed, no occupational sounds shall be audible outside the building and no equipment shall be used which will cause interference with radio or television reception in neighboring residences. No products shall be stored or displayed outside. The outside storage of material and equipment is prohibited.
[Amended 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-07]
The home occupation shall not include the breeding, raising, care, boarding or maintenance of animals.
The home occupation shall not reduce the parking or yard requirements of the dwelling.
[Amended 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-07]
The home occupation shall not create the need for more than two parking spaces in addition to those required for the passenger vehicles and pick-up trucks owned or used by the residents of the home.
[Amended 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-07]
No more than two commercial vehicles, excluding vehicles designed or used to carry waste products, hazardous or combustible materials, each with a manufactured gross vehicle weight under 14,000 pounds in the AR-10 Zoning District and 12,000 pounds in the HMR-3 Zoning District, with only one rear axle owned or used in connection with the home occupation may be parked, stored or garaged on the premises. Such vehicles may only be parked in the rear or side yards and may be parked no nearer to side or rear lot lines than the minimum setback for accessory buildings in the zone. These limitations on parking and on the number of commercial vehicles do not apply to pick-up trucks whether or not they are registered as commercial vehicles.
[Added 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-07]
Minor repairs and routine maintenance, but no major repairs, to the commercial vehicles and equipment owned or used in connection with the home occupation may be made on the premises.
[Added 11-8-2017 by Ord. No. 2017-07]
Definition: see § 215-19.
The office area shall not occupy more than 300 square feet or 12.5% of the gross floor area of the detached dwelling, whichever is greater, and excluding the area of garages, basements and attics in the calculation of gross floor area.
The office area shall not have direct access to the outside via a door, but shall be an existing room or area within the detached dwelling unit which is integrated within the overall floor plan of the dwelling.
The office area shall not contain any kitchen or bathroom facilities which are separate from the remainder of the detached dwelling unit.
No supplies or furnishings shall be permitted other than typical office supplies and furnishings.
No evidence of the office area shall be visible from the outside of the detached dwelling unit.
Clients and/or customers do not come to the home office.
Active and passive recreation areas shall be provided for residential subdivisions in accordance with the requirements in Article XIV.
Location. The Zoning Map adopted by this chapter delineates viewshed corridors within the AR-10 Zone on the east and west sides of State Highway No. 206 and State Highway No. 68. Both viewshed corridors are 500 feet deep on both sides of both highways.
Purpose. Route Nos. 206 and 68 are the only state highways that traverse Springfield Township. The purpose of the viewshed corridor is to permit a viable economic use of the land abutting the state highways without destroying the rural appearance that identifies Springfield Township as a farming community.
Special design criteria.
Minimum lot size.
Conventional lots: 10 acres.
Flag lots: 13 acres.
Flag lots are permitted, provided there is no reasonable alternative.
Minimum lot depth.
All lots: 800 feet.
The 500 feet nearest the highway will be protected by a viewshed conservation easement in a form to be approved by the Planning Board. The developed portion of the lot, including any stormwater management or wastewater disposal system, shall be screened from view with a landscaped buffer. See Article XVI and Chapter 119-13, Landscaping, for standards. The viewshed conservation easement area may serve to satisfy either the minimum rear or front yard setback requirement.
Minimum lot frontage.
Lots fronting on Route No. 206: 400 feet.
Lots fronting on interior streets: 250 feet.
Lots fronting on cul-de-sac bulbs: 150 feet.
Front yard setback, all lots: 50 feet.
Rear yard setback, all lots: 50 feet.
Side yard setback, all lots, both sides: 25 feet.
Stormwater management facilities and wastewater disposal systems may be located in the five-hundred-foot viewshed area but not within the 100 feet nearest the right-of-way of the state highway.
Developed lots. Buildings located within the five-hundred-foot viewshed corridor, existing on the effective date of this article, may be enlarged and/or renovated, provided the building addition is located away from the highway, behind and within the extended sidelines of the existing structure.
Farm stands may be located in the viewshed if they are set back a minimum of 40 feet from the right-of-way.
[Added 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]