[Added 11-13-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-7]
Permitted principal uses on the land and in buildings shall be as follows:
Farms and farm buildings; see Article XVIII for regulations.
Light manufacturing of vegetable, fruit and grain food products, dairy processing, pharmaceuticals, printing and publishing, assembling from previously manufactured materials;
Research and development.
Warehousing and distribution.
Administrative and professional offices.
Government offices and services.
Renewable energy facility; see § 215-134 for regulations.
[Added 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07]
Conditional uses and permitted accessory uses shall be as follows:
Off-street loading and parking and private garages to house delivery trucks or other commercial vehicles. (See § 215-50 herein and Article XV for additional standards.)
Signs; see § 215-52 herein and § 215-110.
Fences and walls; see Article XVII.
Storage buildings not exceeding 15 feet in height.
Child-care centers as part of a principal building or as the entire use of an accessory building, provided that the child-care center is limited in service to the employees of the principal use designated on the site plan as approved by the Land Development Board.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Employee cafeterias limited in service to the employees of the principal use designated on the site plan as approved by the Land Development Board.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Water storage tanks, and propane and automobile and heating fuel storage tanks, provided that such tanks are no higher than 15 feet above the ground and all tanks comply with any applicable federal, state and/or local ordinances, statutes, codes and regulations.
Satellite dish antennae as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for standards.
Cellular antennas and other public utility uses as conditional uses under N.J.S.A. 40:55D-67; see § 215-132 for applicable standards.
Farm stands; see § 215-97 for regulations.
[Amended 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-08]
Temporary construction trailers and one sign not exceeding 32 square feet, advertising the prime contractor, subcontractor(s), architect, financing institution and similar data for the period of construction beginning with the issuance of a construction permit and concluding with the issuance of a certificate of occupancy or one year, whichever is less, provided that said trailer(s) and sign are not on any existing or proposed street or easement and are setback at least 30 feet from all street and lot lines. There shall be at least one working telephone in the trailer.
Renewable energy facilities as accessory uses; see § 215-134 for regulations.
[Added 11-10-2010 by Ord. No. 2010-07]
No building shall exceed 45 feet in height and 2.5 stories. No accessory building shall exceed 1,000 square feet and 25 feet in height.
Area and yard requirements shall be as follows:
Principal buildings, minimum in feet.
Lot area: five acres.
Lot frontage: 400 feet.
Lot width: 400 feet.
Lot depth: 400 feet.
Side yard: 60 feet. [Note: Or not less than 100 feet where a lot abuts a residential district.]
Front yard: 125 feet.
Rear yard: 60 feet. [Note: Or not less than 100 feet where a lot abuts a residential district.]
Accessory buildings, minimum in feet.
Distance to side lot line: 60 feet.
Distance to rear lot line: 60 feet.
Distance to other building: 50 feet.
Floor area ratio: 0.15.
Maximum impervious surface ratio: 0.50.
Any principal building may contain more than one use. Only one principal building is permitted on a lot.
Display or storage.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
Unless otherwise specifically approved by the Land Development Board as part of a site plan application, no merchandise, product, equipment or similar material or objects shall be displayed or stored outside.
Where merchandise, products, equipment or similar material or objects are approved by the Land Development Board to be displayed or stored outside, the materials shall be suitably screened to be obscured from view.
All areas not utilized for buildings, parking, loading, access aisles and driveways or pedestrian walkways shall be suitably landscaped with shrubs, ground cover, seeding or plantings and maintained in good condition. See Chapter 119, Landscaping, for standards.
All buildings shall be compatibly designed, whether constructed all at one time or in stages over a period of time. All building walls facing any street or residential district line shall be suitably finished for aesthetic purposes, which shall not include unpainted or painted cinder block or concrete block walls.
The minimum required side and/or rear yard setback areas shall include a planted buffer of 40 feet in width along any common property line with a residential district. See Article XVI; Chapter 119, Landscaping; and Chapter 164, Site Plan Review, § 164-26, for additional standards. Within the required front yard area and at least 40 feet adjacent to any lot line, there shall be no parking or loading and, except for access driveways, the areas shall be planted and maintained in lawn or ground cover and landscaped with evergreen shrubbery as per the site plan approved by the Land Development Board.
[Amended 3-13-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
A detailed description of the proposed industrial process as well as its resulting products and by-products shall be included in any development application.
An agreement for public water and sanitary sewer treatment services must be made with the Wrightstown Municipal Utilities Authority pursuant to the Borough’s DEP approved Water Quality and Wastewater Management Plan.
No vibrations or glare shall be evident at any point beyond the property lot lines. See § 215-135B and H for additional standards.
No more than two access driveways shall be permitted for each 300 feet of road frontage.
No critical acreage shall be developed.
Each individual use shall provide parking spaces to the following minimum provisions. Where a permitted use of land includes different specific activities with different specific parking requirements, the total number of required parking spaces shall be obtained by individually computing the parking requirements for each different activity and adding the resulting numbers together.
One space for every 5,000 square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor area for inside storage or warehousing, plus one space for every 800 square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor area used for research laboratories or limited manufacturing, plus one space for every 200 square feet or fraction thereof of gross floor area used for offices.
Child-care centers shall provide parking at a ratio of one parking space per employee, plus one additional parking space for every five children. Adequate spaces shall be provided for the loading and unloading of children, which shall take place on-site and not in the public right-of-way.
See Article XV and Chapter 164, Site Plan Review, § 164-25, for additional standards.
Each principal building shall provide at minimum one off-street loading space at the side or rear of the building or within the building. Each loading space shall be at least 15 feet in width by 40 feet in length with adequate ingress and egress from a public street and with adequate space for maneuvering. There shall be no loading or unloading from the street. See Article XV for standards.
There shall be at least one trash and garbage pickup location, including provision for recyclable materials collected provided by each building, which shall be separated from the parking spaces by either a location within the building or in a pickup location outside the building, which shall be a steel-like, totally enclosed container located in a manner to be obscured from view from parking areas, streets and adjacent residential uses or zoning districts by a fence, wall, planting or combination of all three. If located within the building, the doorway may serve both the loading and trash/garbage functions, and, if located outside the building, it may be located adjacent to or within the general loading area(s), provided that the container in no way interferes with or restricts loading and unloading functions. See Chapter 164, Site Plan Review, § 164-26, for standards.
Each principal use may have one sign, either freestanding or attached, not exceeding an area equivalent to 10% of the front facade of the principal building or 75 square feet, whichever is smaller. Freestanding signs shall not exceed 10 feet in height and shall be set back at least 30 feet from all property and street lines.
See § 215-110 for additional standards.