If the location of the central alarm monitoring facility should be changed at any time, the village shall not be responsible for any expense incurred by the owner or lessee or business licensee or alarm agent for moving alarm systems or reconnecting such systems to the relocated central alarm monitoring facility.
In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the Scarsdale Police Department, whenever it shall have knowledge of the use of any alarm device, cabinet or attachment which is not operated or maintained in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or which is contrary to regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter, may order the disconnection of such device from the central alarm, and it shall be unlawful to disobey such order.
The Village Manager shall promulgate rules, regulations and standards applicable to alarm devices, alarm businesses, alarm agents and alarm users which are necessary for the purpose of assuring the quality, efficiency and effectiveness of alarm devices and alarm installations owned, operated, maintained, installed, leased or sold by a licensee under this chapter. The rules, regulations and standards shall be set forth in writing, and copies shall be available for applicants.
The Village Manager is hereby authorized to prescribe the manner of communication and transmission of information between a central alarm station and the central alarm monitoring facility.
The Village Manager is hereby authorized to prescribe the location and manner of installation of all cabinets, accessories, connections and equipment of an approved direct alarm system within police and fire headquarters where the visible and audible signals therefrom may be readily seen and heard by police and fire personnel.