Applications for variance pursuant to Chapter 132, Building Construction and Fire Prevention, of this Code, shall be heard by the Board upon completion by the applicant of the procedure required by these rules according to the nature of the variance requested.
Where a variance is requested because strict compliance with a provision of Chapter 132, Building Construction and Fire Prevention, of the Code of the Village of Scarsdale would, because of unique conditions and circumstances, impose unnecessary hardship upon any applicant for a permit, such request shall be considered by the Board in the same manner as an appeal from a determination of the Building Inspector that strict compliance with such provision is required and shall be heard and determined in accordance with Article V of these rules.
Where a variance is requested pursuant to any provision of Chapter 132, Building Construction and Fire Prevention, of this Code, which requires public notice and hearing as a condition precedent to the determination of such request, the applicant shall make a written application for a variance, which shall specify the grounds thereof and shall be full and complete, and shall file 11 copies thereof with the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall place the matter upon the calendar of the next regular meeting of the Board following the filing of such application, and the Board shall, at such meeting, schedule a public hearing thereon in accordance with the provisions of Article III of these rules.