[Added 11-18-1987 by Ord. No. 3069[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also repealed former Art. III, §§ 90-7 through 90-16, Eating and Drinking Places, as amended.
Editor’s Note: Former § 90-5, Adoption of standards by reference, and former § 90-6, Additions, insertions, deletions and changed to standards, as amended, were repealed 1-18-2006 by Ord. No. 3768.
[Added 3-20-1996 by Ord. No. 3416; amended 6-15-2005 by Ord. No. 3745]
Take-out food establishment. An eating and drinking place or a food store required to be licensed by the Township under this article may apply to the Department of Health for an addendum to that license for the consumption, but not the service, of food and/or nonalcoholic drinks outside of an enclosed or screened structure at the licensed premises. A license issued to a food store shall provide that the number of indoor seats available for the consumption of food shall be limited to 12, and that the total number of seats available for such purpose shall be limited to 20. Such license addendum shall be subject to the following:
Each application shall be accompanied by a floor plan drawn to scale showing the location of tables and equipment, composition of materials used and required setbacks. The drawing shall indicate the curb and property lines, all existing and proposed obstructions (traffic signs, traffic lights, street lights, bus benches, fire hydrants, etc.), and location of proposed freestanding sign, exhibit areas, outdoor dining area furniture, planter boxes and statuary. Applicants for any business located at a corner property or on a property that has a depth that runs from street to street shall provide information for both street frontages.
The applicant shall also provide two copies of a photograph or photographs of the area of the proposed enhancement. The photograph(s) shall include the entire area of the enhancement as well as the adjacent property to each side. Applicants for any business located at a corner property or a street-to-street property shall provide photographs for both street frontages.
Enhancements must not obstruct or interfere with the use of alleyways, driveways or parking areas and must be arranged to maintain free and unobstructed aisles and access to entrances and exitways. Enhancements shall also be removable in case of an emergency.
Surfaces of tables shall be smooth, durable and sealed to render them easily cleanable. Convenient and adequate trash receptacles with self-closing lids shall be provided. All trash shall be accommodated on site. Public trash receptacles shall not serve as the receptacles required by this section. Tables and chairs shall be metal, wood, durable plastic or other approved material and must be in good condition. Umbrellas must be in good condition and be fire-treated. Precautions should be taken to anchor or remove enhancements during periods of high winds or inclement weather so as not to cause safety hazards to pedestrian and vehicular safety.
The license addendum shall only be granted to an establishment which has not permitted health code violations [as defined in Section 10-204A(1) and (2) of the Food Code] or permitted refuse, litter or trash on the licensed premises to remain uncollected, which has not been issued repetitive notices (three or more) of the same or similar violations under this article in the prior license year and which is not operated in such a manner as to constitute a public nuisance. The license addendum, if granted, may be withdrawn should such conditions occur.
Table-side food service establishment. An eating and drinking place required to be licensed by the Township under this article may apply to the Department of Health for an addendum to that license for the consumption and/or the service of food and/or drinks outside of an enclosed or screened structure at the licensed premises. Such license addendum shall be subject to the requirements of Subsection A above, such regulations as the Board of Health shall promulgate and the following:
The area shall be cleaned at the end of each business day. All food debris shall be removed prior to cleaning down the area. An outdoor hose bib shall be provided unless the applicant can demonstrate that they have an alternative method for cleaning the outdoor dining area acceptable to the Department of Health.
Food preparation, the dispensing of bulk food, buffets and salad bars are prohibited outdoors. Foods on display must be in individual servings and prepackaged. All potentially hazardous foods must be held at the proper temperature using mechanical refrigeration or approved hot holding equipment.
Adequate personnel shall be specifically assigned to the outdoor dining area and remove all leftover food items as soon as the customer leaves.
Alcoholic beverages may be served outside by an establishment licensed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for outside service, but only in conjunction with the service of food and only to patrons seated at a table.
If the outdoor dining area abuts a residential zoning district, a twenty-foot planted buffer area must be installed along the entire property line adjacent to the abutting district and the hours of operation of such outdoor dining area shall be limited to the hours between 7:30 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
A licensed eating and drinking place may locate outdoor dining within the public right-of-way upon securing a permit from the Building and Planning Department, subject to the following regulations:
The licensed facility must be located in a commercial zoning district, on the first floor of a building, and have frontage along the public right-of-way for the full width of the outdoor dining area.
The Township's rights with respect to the public right-of-way shall remain and continue in full force and effect and shall in no way be affected by the feasibility to place the listed enhancements in the public right-of-way.
The right-of-way must be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition at the sole cost, risk and responsibility of the property owner.
Any enhancements in the public right-of-way must be removed or relocated without expense to the Township upon two days' written notice by the Township. Upon failure to do so, the Township may cause such work to be done and charge the licensee and the property owner for the cost of the work, at the sole discretion of the Township, without further notice. Upon failure to pay the charge, the Township may file a municipal lien against the property.
Enhancements shall not be placed in the public right-of-way during any repair or scheduled maintenance of a public utility within 100 feet of the property lines of the participating business.
During public events, such as street fairs and parades, enhancements shall not be placed in the public right-of-way without written approval, either general or specific, from the Township.
Enhancements shall be placed in such a way so as not to substantially obstruct a business or restaurant's transparency (i.e., the views into a store or restaurant's interior and window displays).
Enhancements (except flowerpots and flower planter boxes) are permitted in the public right-of-way only during business hours. Storage of these items shall be within the building during nonbusiness hours.
Business services (including those of cashiers or salespersons) and demonstrations shall not be provided in the public right-of-way. Security personnel, waiters or waitresses for outdoor dining areas are permitted in the public right-of-way.
The public right-of-way shall not be painted, resurfaced or raised.
Dining area may include the use of all the area in the public right-of-way adjacent to the business except that area required for the clear path of travel or clear area adjacent to street furniture, such as bus benches or utility boxes and that area of the public right-of-way within two feet of the curb.
Enhancements shall be placed so as not to block or obstruct vehicular visibility areas, including but not limited to 25 feet from the outside curb edge of any intersecting sidewalks at the intersection of any two streets and the ten-foot visibility area from the outside edge of any driveway or alley used by vehicles intersecting a street.
Enhancements shall be placed no closer than two feet to the curb.
Enhancements shall be placed so as to not block or obstruct and street furniture, including but not limited to bus benches or shelters and public utility boxes and poles.
Enhancements shall be placed a minimum of five feet from any public water facilities, including fire hydrants and meter boxes or assemblies.
Enhancements shall be placed a minimum of two feet from any sewer lateral cleanout in the public right-of-way.
Enhancements shall not be attached to public utility boxes and poles or other street furniture.
The licensee and the property owner shall agree to indemnify and hold the Township free and harmless from and pay in full any and all claims, demands, losses, damages or expenses that the Township may sustain or incur in any manner resulting from the construction, maintenance, state of use, repair or presence of the enhancements installed pursuant to an outdoor dining permit, including any loss, damage or expenses arising out of loss of or damage to property, and injury or death of persons, excepting any loss, damage or expense and claims for loss, damage or expenses resulting in any manner from the negligent act or acts of the Township, its contractors, officers, agents or employees.
The licensee or property owner shall maintain, and provide a copy to the Township upon request, a policy of liability insurance in the nature and amount satisfactory to the Township in order to protect the Township and the property owner from any potential claims which may arise from the enhancements. The policy shall name the Township, the property owner and their agents, officers and employees as an additional insured. The Township shall be notified in writing by the insurer a minimum of 10 business days prior to any cancellation of policy. Cancellation of a business' insurance policy immediately voids the outdoor dining permit.[1]
Editor’s Note: Former § 90-6.2, Caterers, added 10-17-2001 by Ord. No. 3621, which immediately followed this section, was repealed 1-18-2006 by Ord. No. 3768.