[Adopted 2-20-1991 by Ord. No. 3227; amended in its entirety 4-21-2010 by Ord. No. 3908
It shall be unlawful to maintain any property in a disorderly manner within the Township of Lower Merion. The owner or owners of property, the use of which results in a conviction for violation of this chapter or the Pennsylvania Crimes Code, Article F, entitled "Offenses Against Public Order and Decency,"[1] shall be notified of such conviction in writing. If, within 12 months of such notification, an event occurs at the same property which leads to a subsequent conviction for violating the same or any other provision of such codes, the owner or owners shall be guilty of maintaining a disorderly property and shall be deemed in violation of this article. Each such event occurring within six months of the prior one shall be considered a separate violation.
Editor's Note: See 18 Pa.C.S.A. § 5501 et seq.