Permit required. No owner shall, within the Village of Webster, build, construct, use or place any type of satellite earth station until a permit shall have first been obtained from the Director of Public Works.
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The holder of record of an estate in possession in fee simple, or for life, in land or real property, or a vendee of record under a land contract for the sale of an estate in possession in fee simple or for life, but does not include the vendor under a land contract. A tenant in common or joint tenant shall be considered such owner to the extent of his interest. The personal representative of at least one owner shall be considered an owner.
A dish-shaped antenna designed to receive television broadcasts relayed by microwave signals from earth-orbiting communication satellites.
Application. Application for a solar array system permit shall be made, in writing, to the Zoning Administrator. With such application there shall be submitted a complete set of plans and specifications, including a plot plan showing the location of the proposed solar array system with respect to adjoining alleys, lot lines and buildings. Such application shall be considered and acted upon by the Zoning Administrator. The Zoning Administrator shall act on all such applications within a period of 10 days.
[Amended 6-13-2001; 3-13-2024]
Installation restrictions. Satellite earth stations installed in any zoning district within the village shall comply with the following provisions:
Number of units. Not more than one satellite earth station may be allowed per individual recorded lot, except additional stations may be permitted upon application for a variance in nonresidential zones.
Location and setbacks. Satellite earth stations shall be allowed only in rear and side yards. However, satellite stations in side yards may not be any closer to the street line than the established setback of the principal building or structure. Side and rear yard setbacks shall be the same as for an accessory structure within the respective zoning district but not less than the total vertical height of the satellite earth station.
[Amended 6-13-2001]
Mounting. Satellite earth stations located in agricultural or residential areas shall be ground mounted only. Satellite earth stations may be wall or roof mounted in business or industrial areas only with the permission of the Village Board. Satellite earth stations attached to the wall or roof of any principal or accessory structure shall be subject to the structure being constructed to carry all imposed loading. The village may require engineering calculations.
Diameter. Satellite earth stations shall not exceed 12 feet in diameter except for stations used to provide community antenna television services.
Height. In residential and agricultural districts, no satellite earth station shall exceed the height of 12 feet above the ground measured at grade level.
Wind pressure. All satellite earth stations shall be permanently mounted in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications for installation. All such installations shall meet a minimum wind load design velocity of 80 miles per hour.
Electrical installations. Electrical installations in connection with earth satellite receiving stations, including grounding of the system, shall be in accordance with the National Electrical Safety Code, Wisconsin State Electrical Code and the instructions of the manufacturer; in cases of conflict the stricter requirements shall govern. All cable used to conduct current or signals from the satellite earth station to the receivers shall be installed underground unless installation site conditions preclude underground. If a satellite earth station is to be used by two or more residential property owners, all interconnecting electrical connections, cables and conduits must also be buried. The location of all such underground lines, cables and conduits shall be shown on the application for permit. All satellite earth stations shall be grounded against direct lightning strikes.
Temporary placement. No portable or trailer-mounted satellite earth station shall be allowed, except for temporary installation for on-site testing and demonstration purposes for periods not exceeding five days.
Advertising. No form of advertising or identification is allowed on the dish or framework other than the customary manufacturer's identification plates.
Interference with broadcasting. Satellite earth stations shall be filtered and/or shielded so as to prevent the emission or reflection of an electromagnetic radiation that would cause any harmful interference with the radio and/or television broadcasting or reception on adjacent properties. In the event that harmful interference is caused subsequent to its installation, the owner of the satellite earth station shall promptly take steps to eliminate the harmful interference in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations.
Compliance with federal regulations. The installation and use of every satellite earth station shall be in conformity with the Federal Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984 and regulations adopted thereunder.
Variances. Requests for variances from the standards established by this section may be made to the Village Board.
[Amended 10-12-2016 by Ord. No. 3-2016]
No radio, television, cell phone or internet antenna tower shall be erected or installed within the front yard or side yard. The rear setback and the side setback in rear yards shall be that for the principal structure within the respective zoning district. The exact location of the tower shall be subject to approval by the Village Board.
No radio, television, cell phone or internet antenna tower shall exceed a height of 50 feet above the roofline of the building on the property upon which the antenna is located or 90 feet above the ground measured at grade level, whichever is the minimum.
Radio, television, cell phone or internet antenna towers shall be erected and installed in accordance with the Wisconsin State Electrical Code, the National Electrical Safety Code and the instructions of the manufacturer; in cases of conflict the stricter requirements shall govern.