An annual service and rental charge is established for any connection
made with the sanitary sewer collection system operated by the Borough of
Haddon Heights.
The fees charged will be in accordance with
Appendix A of this article.
No part of this article is meant to supersede, replace, alter or amend
any requirements imposed by any other sewerage treatment agency.
Bills for service and rental charges as required by this article shall
be sent to the owners of the respective building and premises once a year
and shall be due and payable on August 1 of each year. If the bill for service
or rental charges is not paid within 10 days from the due date, the same becomes
delinquent and shall bear interest thereon at a rate charged against delinquent
taxes in the Borough of Haddon Heights and shall become a lien on said property
and shall be collectible as in the case of other municipal taxes, charges
or liens.