The purpose of this district is to provide a suitable location for Borough public works facilities, i.e., a garage for the storage of maintenance equipment, servicing of Borough vehicles and leaf composting. Within this district no lot or building or premises shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered to be used, in whole or in part, unless it complies with the regulations set forth in this article. The following principal uses shall be permitted in this district:
Municipal public works garage.
Leaf composting.
Buildings, structures and uses owned and operated by the Borough of Haddon Heights for municipal purposes.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted in this district:
Fences and walls. (See § 450-96.)
Signs. (See § 450-135.)
Public utility installations, subject to the following special requirements:
There shall be no storage of materials and trucks and no repair facilities or staging of repair crews except within completely enclosed buildings.
The exterior of any structure shall be in keeping with the other structures in the immediate neighborhood.
Lot area. A minimum lot area of three acres shall be provided for every use hereafter erected.
Lot width. Lot width is not applicable.
Yards. When a front, side or rear yard adjoins a residential district, the minimum yard setback shall be 40 feet. The Planning Board may require a buffer strip to be planted as a dense visual screen.
Height. A structure shall not have a greater height than two stories or 30 feet measured from the average grade line perimetering the building to the top of the main roof cornice line, excluding necessary utility-type roof structures.