[Amended 5-21-1991 by Ord. No. 884]
The purpose of this district is to provide for business, commercial and office uses. Within this district, no lot or building shall be used and no building shall be erected or altered to be used, in whole or in part, unless it complies with the regulations set forth in this article. The following retail and service uses and those uses which are similar to the enumerated permitted uses shall be permitted in this district:
Antique shops, provided that there is no display of merchandise outside the building
Bakery or confectionery shops for retail sales on the same premises
Blueprinting or other reproduction establishments
Bookstores and stationery stores
Buildings and structures owned and operated by the Borough of Haddon Heights for municipal purposes
Clothing stores, gift shops and sporting goods stores
Interior decorating establishments
Jewelry stores and watch repairs
Job printing
Musical instrument stores or studios, including retail sale of recordings and tapes
Office buildings, office complexes and professional offices
Offices and shops of an artisan, such as a carpenter, electrician and plumber, provided that all facilities and supplies are in a completely enclosed building and all shop work is performed therein
Offices for professional services such as physicians, lawyers or architects; small commercial offices such as realtors, insurance or travel agencies; small governmental offices, including post office branch or social security; and offices incidental to uses permitted in this section
Personal service shops, such as beauty, barber-, tailor and dressmaking shops, retail dry-cleaning, laundry and shoe repair shops
Photographers' and artists' studios
Picture-framing shops
Repair, sale and servicing of radio, television and other home appliances
Repair, sale and servicing shops for typewriters and other office equipment
Sales offices, including the office of a manufacturer's representative or catalog-ordering establishment
Stamp or coin stores
Supermarkets, grocery stores, meat markets, delicatessens, fish markets, drugstores and hardware stores
Travel bureaus
Veteran, fraternal and lodge organizations
Video rental and retail sales
[Amended 5-21-1991 by Ord. No. 884]
The following uses are specifically prohibited in the Business Commercial District:
Billiard parlors, poolrooms, bowling alleys or commercial amusement establishments.
Welding shops.
Pet shops, kennels or other commercial establishments for breeding or sale of animals.
Display, outside the building, of articles for sale.
Any kind of manufacturing, fabricating, altering, finishing or assembling, except as necessarily incidental to retail trade or service.
Any machinery used incidental to any permitted use that is powered by other than electric motive power. In no one store or separate establishment shall there be permitted more than 10 horsepower, exclusive of refrigeration and air conditioning. If steam is required, no more than 15 pounds of steam pressure shall be permitted.
Any internal-combustion engine or gas generator, unless operated for a particular temporary use or where essential for the emergency use of a public utility.
Heavy-trucking transport.
The storage of furniture, building materials or solid, liquid or gaseous fuels or chemicals, unless incidental and subordinate to a permitted use.
Uses conducive to potentially high hazard in the form of fire, explosion, radiation, contamination or other elements dangerous to human beings.
Fast-food, drive-in or take-out restaurants.
The following accessory uses shall be permitted in the Business Commercial District:
Fences and walls. (See § 450-96.)
Signs. (See § 450-135.)
Parking lots and parking garages, provided that:
There is no automotive service or repair.
The use will not increase traffic congestion in the streets abutting the property.
Public utility installations, subject to the following special requirements:
There shall be no storage of materials and trucks and no repair facilities or staging of repair crews except within completely enclosed buildings.
The exterior of any structure shall be in keeping with the other structures in the immediate neighborhood.
The following conditional uses shall be permitted in the Business Commercial District:
Restaurants, excluding fast-food, drive-in and take-out service establishments.
Lot area. A minimum lot area of 5,000 square feet shall be provided for every use hereafter erected.
Lot width. Each lot on which business commercial uses shall be erected shall have a width of not less than 50 feet.
Building coverage. The maximum building coverage shall not be greater than 40% of the gross lot area.
Lot coverage. The maximum lot coverage, including all structures, shall not be greater than 80% of the gross lot area.
Front yard. A front yard setback shall be provided to be not less than 10 feet. Where there is an existing building on each of two lots adjacent to a lot on which a proposed building is to be erected and both buildings have an alignment nearer to the street than the required front yard and where both buildings are within 100 feet of the proposed building, the average of the existing front yard depths of each adjacent lot shall be the minimum required front yard depth of the lot on which the proposed building is to be erected.
Side yards. There shall be side yard setbacks to be not less than 10 feet.
Rear yard. There shall be a rear yard to be not less than 30 feet.
Height. A structure shall not have a greater height than two stories or 30 feet measured from the average grade line perimetering the building to the top of the main roof cornice line, excluding necessary utility-type roof structures.