[Adopted 12-30-1976 by Ord. No. 76-11 (Ch. 85, Art. I, of the 1974 Township Code)]
This article shall be known as the "Oxford Township Home Improvement Taxation Exemption Ordinance."
The following words and terms, when used in this article, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise:
A written request for the exemption filed with the Tax Assessor on forms devised by the Director of the Division of Taxation.
The Oxford Township Tax Assessor.
That portion of any increased assessed value of real property which directly resulted from improvements made thereon.
Substantially ready for the use for which it was intended.
Any building or part of a building used, to be used or held for use as a home or residence, including accessory buildings located on the same premises, together with the land upon which such building or buildings are erected and which may be necessary for the fair enjoyment thereof, but shall not mean any building or part of a building defined as a multiple dwelling pursuant to the Hotel and Multiple Dwelling Law (N.J.S.A. 55:13A-1 et seq.). A "dwelling" shall include individual residences within a horizontal property regime or a condominium but shall not include general common elements or common elements of such horizontal property regime or condominium as defined pursuant to the Horizontal Property Act (N.J.S.A. 46:8A-1 et seq.) or the Condominium Act (N.J.S.A. 46:8B-1 et seq.).
[Amended 10-21-1993 by Ord. No. 93-11]
That amount to be deducted from the Assessor's full and true value of home improvements.
The improvement of a dwelling which does not change its permitted use, and shall include the modernization, rehabilitation, renovation, alteration or repair of a dwelling.
Real property must meet the following qualifications in order to gain the exemption:
It must contain a building (or buildings) which was constructed more than 20 years prior to the time of application for the exemption and is used or being held for use, in whole or in part, as a home or residential dwelling which is a constituent part of the real property.
The application must be filed with the Assessor within 30 days, including Saturdays and Sundays, following the completion of the improvements.
In determining the value of real property for the purposes of taxation, the Assessor shall regard the first $10,000 in Assessor's full and true value of home improvements for each dwelling unit primarily and directly affected by a home improvement in any single- or multiple-dwelling property more than 20 years old as not increasing the value of such property for a period of five years, notwithstanding that the value of the dwelling to which such improvements are made is increased thereby; provided, however, that during said period the assessment on such dwelling shall in no case, except that of damage through action of the elements sufficient to warrant reduction, be less than the assessment thereon existing immediately prior to such home improvements.
[Amended 10-21-1993 by Ord. No. 93-11]
Such amounts may be deducted from the amount determined by the Assessor on October 1 of any year following the date of the completion of the improvement to be the true taxable value of the improvement and may continue to be so treated for each of the five tax years subsequent to the original determination by the Assessor.
Additional improvements completed during a period in which the improved property is subject to previously granted exemption privileges, or exemption and abatement privileges, in an amount less than the maximum deductions permissible hereunder shall be qualified for additional deduction privileges, or additional exemption and abatement privileges, under the terms and conditions herein specified; provided, however, that in no tax year shall the total deduction or annual abatement for any single property exceed the maximum amount specified in Subsection A hereinabove.
[Amended 10-21-1993 by Ord. No. 93-11]
The following conditions shall apply to all claims for the exemption at the time of application:
Claims for the exemption shall be in writing upon forms prescribed by the Director of the Division of Taxation and must be filed with the Tax Assessor within 30 days following completion of the home improvement.
The Tax Assessor shall provide copies of the prescribed application forms at the request of any claimant.
When required by the Assessor, claimants for the exemption must submit such data in support of their claims as he might request.
Additional claims for the exemption may be submitted and approved with regard to dwellings with respect to which a previous home improvement exemption was granted in an amount less than $10,000; provided, however, that the total deduction for any dwelling unit shall not be in excess of the maximum of $10,000.
[Amended 10-21-1993 by Ord. No. 93-11]
The following procedures shall apply upon allowance of exemption:
Every application for exemption of one or more improvements which qualify shall be approved and allowed by the Assessor, but in no case may the exemption exceed the maximum of $10,000 per dwelling unit.
[Amended 10-21-1993 by Ord. No. 93-11]
A claim for the exemption, once filed on the prescribed form and allowed by the Assessor, shall continue in force for a period of five years following January 1 of the year in which the exemption was allowed.
The granting of any exemption shall be recorded and made a permanent part of the official tax record.
With respect to improvement or improvements which do not qualify, the Assessor shall notify the claimant of the disallowance of the claim, in writing, within 20 days after disallowance and shall note therein the specific reasons for the disallowance.