The arrangement, character, extent, width, grade and location of all streets, lots and blocks shall conform to the following design standards.
Land shall be suited to the purpose for which it is to be subdivided.
Minor streets shall be so laid out as to discourage through traffic, but provisions for street connections into and from adjacent areas will generally be required.
Half streets shall be prohibited except to complete an existing half street in an adjacent tract.
Dead-end streets are permitted as temporary stubs for future street extensions into adjoining property where in the opinion of the Planning Commission it is desirable to provide for street access to adjoining property and shall be paved and placed with curbing and shall be extended by dedication to the boundary of such property.
Dead-end streets are permitted when designed as culs-de-sac, where the length does not exceed 600 feet and where a turnaround or cul-de-sac with a minimum inside curb of 50 feet as a turning space for vehicles is provided and a radius of 63 feet at the right-of-way (property line) is provided.
Private streets (streets not offered for dedication) are prohibited within developments where it is anticipated that the majority of the dwellings or other structures are to be owned by separate individuals rather than jointly by a person, firm or corporation. When private streets are permitted, they shall meet design standards of these regulations.
Alleys shall be prohibited except where found to be necessary.
Where a subdivision abuts an existing street of improper width or alignment, the Planning Commission may require the dedication of land sufficient to widen the street or correct the alignment.
Provisions for additional street width (right-of-way, cartway or both) may be required when determined to be necessary by the Planning Commission in specific cases:
For public safety and convenience.
In commercial and industrial areas and in areas of high-density development.
No utilities shall be located within the roadway between the curbs.
Street width and paving width. Widths shall be as follows:
Type of Street
Paving Width
As per PennDOT specifications
Street alignment and grade.
Streets shall be logically related to the terrain and topography so as to produce usable roads with reasonable alignments and grades.
Whenever street center lines are deflected in excess of 1º, connection shall be made by horizontal curves. Tangents shall be required between curves.
Minimum center line radii for horizontal curves shall be as shown as follows:
Type of Street
Center Line Radius
As per PennDOT specifications
Vertical curves shall be used wherever changes in grades (or slope) exceed 1% and shall be corrected by a vertical curve of sufficient length to afford easy transition.
Center line grades shall not be less than 1% and shall not be greater than as follows:
Type of Street
Center Line Grades
As per PennDOT specifications
Cul-de-sac streets
Cul-de-sac turnarounds
All streets shall have a crown of four inches from the center line down to the curb to facilitate adequate drainage.
No intersection shall involve the junction of more than two streets.
Angle of intersections shall be at right angles (90º) and shall follow a straight line for a distance of at least 100 feet from the intersection center lines.
Intersections shall be approached on all sides by a straight leveling area, the grade of which shall not exceed 5% within 50 feet of the intersection of the nearest right-of-way line.
Arcs for intersecting street right-of-way (property lines) lines shall be parallel to curb arcs.
Street intersections curbing shall be rounded by a tangential arc with a minimum inside curb radius as follows:
Twenty feet for intersections involving only minor streets.
Thirty feet for all intersections involving a collector street.
Forty feet for all intersections involving a major street.
Streets intersecting another street shall either intersect directly opposite to each other or shall be separated by at least 150 feet between center lines measured along the center line of the street being intersected.
Streetlighting shall be installed as per specifications by the local electric company and approved by the township.
Reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited.
Lot dimensions and areas shall be not less than specified by the provisions of Chapter 240, Zoning, as amended, or a minimum of frontage of at least 50 feet on the street, whichever is greater, unless a variance is first granted under the provisions of said chapter; however, no parcel may be subdivided which will create a nonconforming lot or building setback.
Blocks shall not exceed 1,600 feet in length nor be less than 300 feet.
Blocks should have sufficient width to provide for two tiers of lots of appropriate depth.
Utility easements shall be a minimum of 15 feet in width and shall be located along side or rear lot lines wherever possible and shall include 7 1/2 feet of lots abutting in the rear or side. All utility lines, cables, conduits and/or pipes shall be underground.