There shall be established a Municipal Alliance Committee on Alcoholism
and Drug Abuse.
Membership on the Municipal Alliance Committee shall be appointed by
the Mayor and shall include but not necessarily be limited to representatives
of the following groups:
A. A Mayoral representative.
C. The President of the School Board.
D. The Superintendent of Schools.
E. The Student Assistant Coordinator.
F. A representative of the PTA.
G. A representative of the local bargaining unit for teachers.
H. A representative of the Chamber of Commerce.
I. A representative of organized labor.
J. A representative of the court system.
K. A representative of a local civic association.
L. A representative of a local treatment provider agency.
M. A representative of a local religious group.
O. A recovered substance abuser.
The purposes of the Municipal Alliance Committee shall include the following:
A. To organize and coordinate efforts involving school,
law enforcement, business and community groups for purposes of reducing alcoholism
and drug abuse.
B. To develop, in conjunction with the Lavallette Education
Association (LEA), comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education programs
for grades K-12.
C. To develop, in conjunction with the LEA, procedures for
intervention, treatment/referral and discipline of students involved with
substance abuse.
D. To develop comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse education,
outreach and support efforts for parents.
E. To develop a comprehensive alcoholism and drug abuse
community awareness program.
The functions of the Municipal Alliance Committee shall be:
A. To create a network of community leaders, private citizens
and representatives for public and private human service agencies who are
dedicated to promote and support drug and alcohol prevention and education
B. To conduct an assessment of community-wide needs pertaining
to drug abuse and alcohol issues.
C. To identify existing efforts and services acting to reduce
alcoholism and drug abuse.
D. To assist in the development of programs at the municipal
level that accomplish the purpose of the Alliance effort.
E. To assist the municipality in acquiring funds for Alliance
F. To cooperate with the Governor's Council on Alcoholism
and Drug Abuse, as well as the County Alliance Committee, to provide data,
reports or other information that may be needed to assist in the Alliance