The following shall be permitted principal uses in the GLI District:
Light manufacturing, assembly and packaging and offices incidental thereto.
Scientific, technological or research facilities devoted to research, testing, design and/or experimentation and processing and fabricating incidental thereto.
Office buildings for business, professional, executive and administrative purposes.
Data processing and storage facilities.
Warehouses and wholesale distribution centers.
Municipal government buildings and uses, including planned open space and conservation areas.
The following shall be permitted accessory uses in the GLI District:
Signs conforming to Article IV, Signs, of this chapter.
Parking and parking facilities.
[Amended 12-14-2023 by Ord. No. 23-24]
Outdoor storage as regulated in § 172-22.
Other accessory uses customarily incident to the permitted principal uses.
[Amended 11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 25-22]
[Amended 11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 25-22]
The following shall be conditionally permitted uses in the GLI District, subject to compliance with the following bulk requirements for each principal building:
Front yard: 75 feet.
Rear yard: 50 feet.
Side yard: 25 feet.
Frontage: 200 feet.
Floor area ratio: 0.20.
Maximum impervious coverage of lot: 50%.
Buffer strip. A landscaped planting and buffer strip not less than 10 feet in width shall be established and maintained along all lot lines.
Planned high-tech/light industrial parks on a minimum site area of five acres.
Indoor recreational facilities.
Pet care establishments.
Breweries and distilleries.
Artisan industrial spaces and artist studios.
In addition to the requirements and limitations contained in the Schedule of Zoning Requirements referred to in § 172-5, the following conditions shall also apply:
An application for any construction permit or certificate of occupancy in the GLI District shall be submitted to the Construction Official in duplicate. The applicant shall also submit in duplicate all plans of the proposed construction and development which shall include a description of the proposed machinery, operation and products as well as an affidavit by the applicant acknowledging an understanding of the applicable performance standards pursuant to § 172-84, Performance standards, and agreement to conform with the same at all times. The Borough Administrative Officer shall refer any development application for investigation and report to the Borough Engineer and Borough Planning Consultant and to any additional expert consultants as directed by the Board to advise on conformance to the required performance standards. All such consultants shall make their report within 30 days after receipt of such referral. Any permit authorized and issued shall be conditioned upon, among other things, the buildings, installations and operation therein conforming to the applicable performance standards.
[Amended 11-10-2022 by Ord. No. 25-22]
The Construction Official shall investigate any alleged violations of the performance standards and, if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a violation exists, shall take appropriate action under the Uniform Construction Code[1] or Borough Code.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 115, Uniform Construction Codes.
No building or structure shall be constructed within the GLI District which shall be closer than 100 feet from any residential zone district boundary.
Any use other than the above permitted uses is prohibited. The following uses are specifically prohibited:
The overnight parking of trucks not associated with the principal use of the property.
The overnight storage of containers containing trash, garbage, waste materials, hazardous materials or the like not associated with the principal use of the lot, property or location where such activity is conducted.
The overnight parking of trucks containing garbage, waste materials and hazardous materials, including vehicles used in connection with any trash transfer station, but excluding gasoline, motor and fuel oil vehicles.