[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Horseheads at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
As provided in § 119 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and acts amendatory thereof.
Any vehicle, trailer, motor vehicle, motorcycle or house coach which is not currently, validly licensed and/or registered, as the case may be, such that the same may be operated on the streets and highways of this state in accordance with law, or is in any one (1) or more of the following conditions: rusted, wrecked, dismantled, partially dismantled, discarded, inoperative or abandoned.
As provided in § 125 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and acts amendatory thereof.
As provided in § 123 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and acts amendatory thereof.
Any person, firm or corporation, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, holding title to or being in control of the junked vehicle or holding title to the real property whereon said vehicle is situate. Thus it is noted that there may be multiple "owners."
As provided in § 156 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and acts amendatory thereof.
As provided in § 159 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law of the State of New York and acts amendatory thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation, partnership or entity either as owner, lessee, occupant, user or otherwise to store or deposit, or cause or permit to be stored or deposited, any junk vehicle in or upon any land or place within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Horseheads. Nothing to the contrary contained herein withstanding, it shall not be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or entity to keep, store, deposit or maintain a junk vehicle in the Town of Horseheads if the same is at all times contained, in whole and in part, in a fully enclosed structure or building. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit the storing, depositing or maintenance of a junked vehicle in a private garage or to interfere with the operation of a business enterprise lawfully situated upon the property, such as, but not limited to a new or used car sales establishment, gasoline service station, motor vehicle repair establishment or bodyshop.
In the event that the Code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Horseheads shall observe a condition which he or she believes to be in violation of this chapter, he or she shall post or cause to be posted in a conspicuous place upon the premises where the violation is observed or the vehicle itself a notice to comply with the provisions of this chapter. Further, the Code Enforcement Officer shall mail or cause to be mailed a copy of said notice to the owner of the premises, within seven (7) days of such posting, directing compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The Code Enforcement Officer shall mail or cause to be mailed such notice to the owner of the premises, addressed to such owner as the same's address may appear upon the last town assessment roll. Alternatively, the Code Enforcement Officer may personally serve or cause to be personally served upon the owner of such premises the notice to comply in the same manner as service of a summons is permitted in Article 3 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules of the State of New York.
If the owner upon whom the notice is served fails, neglects or refuses to comply with the provisions of said notice within thirty (30) days after the later of such posting, mailing or service of such notice, the Code Enforcement Officer shall cause such junked vehicle to be removed and destroyed or disposed of. The total cost thereof may be certified by the Code Enforcement Officer to the Assessor of the Town of Horseheads to be assessed by the latter upon the premises on which such junked vehicle was found. Said total costs shall constitute a lien and charge on the lot or parcel of land on which said vehicle was found and on which said assessment shall be levied until paid or otherwise satisfied or discharged and shall be collected in the manner provided by law for the collection of delinquent taxes.
If a property owner has been served a notice to comply and elects to relinquish his or her right, title and interest in and to the junked vehicle and to permit the town to carry out the abatement of the violation as listed on the notice without further delay, then, in that event, the town may proceed to remove the junked vehicle, provided that the owner signs a written waiver permitting such removal holding the town harmless from any damage, claim, cost, expense or liability arising out of or resulting from such removal or abatement and submits same to the Code Enforcement Officer. Any expense incurred by the town as a result of such removal of a junked vehicle following the receipt of such a waiver by the owner or his or her duly authorized representative shall be at the town's expense.
The owner may, within fifteen (15) days following the later of the posting, mailing or service, as provided for hereinabove, request a hearing before the Town Supervisor or his or her designated representative by filing a written notice of appeal of the Code Enforcement Officer's determination with the Town Clerk of the Town of Horseheads, who shall receive same and report the receipt thereof to the Town Board. The Town Supervisor shall hold a hearing on the same within ninety (90) days following the receipt of the notice of appeal, which hearing shall be upon notice to the owner and other interested parties. The rules of evidence prevailing in courts of record shall not be controlling in hearings held pursuant to this chapter.
Any person found guilty of a violation of this chapter shall be punished as provided in Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II, General Penalty.