The information hereinafter prescribed is declared to be the minimum, in kind and quantity, reasonably necessary for a proper disposition of an application for approval of a plan of subdivision hereunder. The maps and plans required by these regulations shall show the information required by, and shall be prepared in accordance with, the requirements hereinafter specified. All information hereinafter required concerning distances, areas, grades, contours and other existing or proposed geophysical and topographical information shall be shown on a map or maps prepared by a registered professional engineer or registered land surveyor. All information concerning the design and construction of proposed improvements shall be shown on a plan or plans prepared or approved by a licensed professional engineer.
The record subdivision map shall be prepared with an accuracy meeting or exceeding the standards for a Class A-2 Transit Survey of the Connecticut Technical Council, Inc. The map shall be clearly and legibly drawn and the original shall be submitted on translucent linen, mylar, or any other material approved by the Connecticut Public Records Administrator as provided in § 7-31 of the Connecticut General Statutes, as the same may from time to time be amended, on sheets 36 inches by 24 inches or 18 inches by 24 inches. Two maps shall be provided, one at a scale of one inch equals 40 feet and one at a scale of one inch equals 200 feet. The map shall show all perimeter property boundaries of all lots or parts into which it is to be divided and the following information:
General. The map shall show the following general information:
Title of the subdivision, which shall not duplicate the title of any previous subdivision in the Town;
Name and address of the owner or owners of all land within the subdivision area and the name and address of the applicant if different from the owner;
Date, scale, North point, town and state;
Tax map, block and lot numbers for all land within the subdivision area;
All existing and proposed road names;
A location map showing the location of the subdivision area in relation to existing roads in the Town to a scale of not less than one inches equals 2,000 feet;
The survey relationship of proposed roads to nearby monumented Town roads or state highways where practical;
A notation of the survey error of closure;
The words "Approved by the Killingworth Planning and Zoning Commission" with a designated place for the signature of the Chairman or Secretary and date of signing, followed by the words "The statutory five-year period for completion of all subdivision work expires on __________, 20___," or, if a bond has not been approved by the Commission and filed with the Town Clerk, the words "Conditionally Approved by the Killingworth Planning and Zoning Commission" with a designated place for the signature of the Chairman or Secretary and date of signing, followed by the words "The statutory five-year period for completion of all subdivision work expires on __________, 20___";
An endorsement signed by the Sanitarian or Director of Health stating that each lot within the plan area to be used for a building site is satisfactory for a private subsurface sewage disposal and water supply system and including all observational data and results as specified in § 485-12F;
The words "No engineered septic disposal system shall be approved without the as-built plan bearing the seal and signature of the design engineer certifying that the system was built in accordance with the design specifications which are part of the application for such system"; and
If a bond has not been approved by the Commission and filed with the Zoning Enforcement Officer, the words "No lot may be sold or offered for sale until all roads and improvements have been either bonded or accepted as a Town road by the Town of Killingworth" shall be placed in conspicuous letters on the record subdivision map.
The subdivision area. The map shall show the following information with respect to the subdivision area:
The layout, location and boundaries of all existing and proposed roads;
The names of all property owners, and the names of all other subdivisions, adjacent to the subdivision area;
A notation of the general nature, and the layout, location and dimensions, of all land within the subdivision area burdened by any existing real estate covenants, restrictions, rights-of-way and easements of any nature;
The total area of the land within the subdivision area and of all lots or parts into which it is to be divided; and
All existing and proposed monuments any municipal boundary lines and zoning district boundary lines, including a notation of the municipalities and zoning districts involved.
The plan area. The map shall show the following information with respect to the plan area:
A notation of the general nature, and the layout, location and dimensions, of all land proposed to be burdened by the creation or reservation of any real estate covenants, restrictions, rights-of-way or easements of any nature;
All existing, and any proposed relocation of, watercourses, whether intermittent or continuous flowing, the location and dimensions of all areas reserved or to be reserved for the protection of watercourses, wetlands, floodplains or other land subject to potential flooding, and conservation areas;
The designation by consecutive Arabic numerals of all lots or parts into which the plan area is to be divided;
A notation of the general nature, and the layout, location and dimensions, of all existing and proposed open spaces to be dedicated pursuant to § 485-50 for watercourse protection or for other open space purpose;
The location and dimensions of all existing permanent buildings and structures; and
The dimension of all existing and proposed property and road lines to the hundredth of a foot, and all bearings or deflection angles on all straight lines, and the central angle, tangent distance and radius of all arcs, and dimensions along property lines to the center line of intersecting watercourses.
The site development plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn and the original shall be submitted on good quality translucent mylar on sheets of the same size as the record subdivision map and to a scale of 40 feet to the inch. The plan shall show existing conditions and the proposed layout of lots, roads and improvements within the plan area and all perimeter property boundaries of the subdivision area and the proposed layout and boundaries of all lots or parts into which it is to be divided. The plan shall show the following information:
General. The plan shall show the following general information: the same information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38A(1) through (3).
The subdivision area. The plan shall show the following information with respect to the subdivision area: the same information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38B(1) through (5).
The plan area. The plan area shall show the following information with respect to the plan area:
The same information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38C(1) through (6);
The location of the boundaries of any special flood hazard areas and floodways and the base flood elevation data therefor and the boundaries of any streambelt designated on the Streambelt Map and all wetlands established by the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission;
The boundaries and classification codes of soil types under the National Cooperative Soil Survey of the Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture;
Existing and proposed contours at two-foot intervals based on field or aerial survey and using USGS vertical datum. The benchmarks used for field or aerial survey shall be noted on the plan;
Principal wooded areas and identification of any specimen trees and significant trees. In the case of parcels over five acres, the applicant may designate on the plans a portion of the parcel as containing specimen or significant trees rather than locating individual trees;
[Amended 12-16-2008]
Any ledge outcrops, ridgelines, vistas or views and unusual topographic, geologic, or physical features;
The width of all proposed pavements;
Existing and proposed storm drains, catch basins, manholes, ditches, watercourses, head walls, sidewalks, gutters, curbs and other structures and improvements and existing and proposed water mains, sanitary sewers and related facilities;
Spot elevations on both existing and proposed roads to indicate grading of roads;
The location of the percolation tests and observation pits referred to in the data prescribed in § 485-12F; locations proposed for water supply well site; and the location and dimensions of the areas suitable for leaching fields for on-site sewage disposal systems and the reserve area for future fields;
The limits of any areas proposed for regrading by excavation or filling and the limits of any areas proposed to be reserved and protected from excavation or filling;
For any proposed building site within a special flood hazard area or floodway, the lowest floor elevations that would be applicable for a building upon any such site in accordance with the Flood Insurance Rate Map prepared for the Town;
The location of proposed driveways; and
Specific identity and location of all buildings over 100 years old; stone walls; roads bounded by stone walls; historic sites, including house foundations, burial grounds, prehistoric Indian sites, cow pens, mill sites and factory sites; and archaeological and fossil sites or finds.
Construction plans and supporting information for all work, other than roads and related improvements, proposed or required under these regulations in connection with the plan of subdivision shall conform, as to form and manner of presentation, to the requirements prescribed for roads and related improvements in § 480-9 of the Road Regulations, the provisions of which are incorporated in these regulations by reference and shall be considered a part hereof. All information shown in construction drawings shall be based on accurate field survey data referenced to the USGS vertical datum. Aerial survey data, based on accurate ground control surveys, may be utilized provided it is implemented by field surveys at locations where elevations and dimensions are critical. Each drawing shall show the information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38A(1), (3) and (9).
The grading plan shall be clearly and legibly drawn, and the original shall be submitted on good quality translucent linen or mylar on sheets of the same size and to the same scale as the record subdivision map. The area to be shown on the plan may be limited to the portion of the plan area affected by major regrading (cuts or fills of soil or rock, two feet or more in depth). All contours and elevations shown on the grading plan shall be based on the same benchmarks used for purposes of preparing the site development plan and construction plans. The grading plan shall show the following information:
The information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38A(1) through (3);
The information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38B(1);
The information required to be shown on the record subdivision map by § 485-38C(1) through (6);
All existing and proposed contours at an interval not exceeding two feet based on field or aerial survey and using USGS vertical datum; and
The information required to be shown on the site development plan by § 485-39C(2), (6) and (7) through (10).
A detailed plan shall be submitted, an original and seven blue- or black-line copies, for erosion and sedimentation control covering all proposed work, which plan shall show measures to be taken to control erosion and sedimentation both during and after construction in accordance with the recommendations and standards described in § 485-51.
The applicant shall include with his application a statement in writing that he/she has considered, in developing his plan of subdivision, using passive solar energy techniques which would not significantly increase the cost of the housing to the buyer, after tax credits, subsidies and exemptions. As used herein, the term "passive solar energy techniques" shall mean site design techniques which maximize solar heat gain, minimize heat loss and provide thermal storage within a building during the heating season and minimize heat gain and provide for natural ventilation during the cooling season. Such techniques shall include but not be limited to house orientation; street and lot layout; vegetation; natural and man-made topographical features; and protection of solar access within the development.
The applicant shall submit a fire protection plan which shall include:
Provision for adequate water supply.
Provision for adequate emergency vehicle access.
The design and construction of the water supply shall conform to specifications established by the Town Engineer and the Killingworth Fire Department.
The improvements in the fire protection plan shall be fully implemented prior to the issuance of a building permit for any dwelling.
The applicant shall submit a plan for the protection of historical, archaeological, and other unusual features shown under § 485-39C(14) in accordance with the recommendations and standards described in § 485-56.
[Added 12-16-2008]
The applicant shall submit a plan for the protection of specimen trees and significant trees shown under § 485-39C(5) in accordance with the recommendations and standards described in § 485-56.1.
[Added 8-2-2011]
The applicant shall submit a stormwater management plan to protect and preserve the waters within the Town of Killingworth from nonpoint sources of pollution through the proper management of stormwater flows and minimization of pollutants in accordance with the recommendations and standards of § 485-56.2.