These regulations and the district boundaries established may, from time to time, be amended, changed or repealed by the Commission in accordance with the provision of the Zoning Enabling Act.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 124 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
[Amended 11-1-2016]
Any person having standing may petition the Commission requesting a change in these regulations or the boundaries of the districts. A complete petition shall consist of the petition form and filing fee prescribed by the Commission and all documents and statements required to accompany the form. Seven copies of the complete petition shall be delivered to the Zoning Enforcement Officer for transmittal to the Commission at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The date of receipt of such petition shall be deemed to be the earlier of the date of such next regularly scheduled meeting or the 35th day following the date it was delivered to the Zoning Enforcement Officer.
Each petition form shall contain or be accompanied by, in writing:
A full text of any proposed change in these regulations clearly indicating existing provisions to be repealed and new provisions to be enacted;
A map clearly showing, and a complete written description of, any proposed change in district boundaries, including a precise description by metes and bounds or courses and distances of the location of the new boundary to be established and a list, keyed to said map, of the names and addresses of the record owners of land within, and within 500 feet outside, the area to be affected by such boundary change; and
A complete and comprehensive statement of the reasons for any proposed change, including any special interest the petitioner may have in such change.
Said map required hereby shall be prepared at a scale of 100 feet to one inch, unless otherwise prescribed by the Commission. Whenever the Commission shall deem it reasonably necessary or appropriate to a proper disposition of any petition, it may require the petitioner to submit, at or prior to the public hearing thereon, any other information in such form as it may be prescribed.
[Amended 11-1-2016]
A fee is required as specified under § 275-4 of the Code of Killingworth for the processing of petitions and publication of notices of hearing and decision.