[Adopted 4-28-1992]
Driveway grades shall not exceed 15% at any point along its entire length. In addition, the driveway grade shall not exceed 8% for a distance of 12 feet from the edge of road or within 12 feet of the entrance of a private garage.
The driveway entrance profile shall be provided with a vertical curve and shall conform to the typical driveway profiles and conditions shown in Figure No. 1.[1]
Editor's Note: Figure No. 1, which shows the engineering design with which the applicant shall comply, is included at the end of this chapter.
The installation of a culvert will be required in the event that the existing flow line or ditch cannot be crossed with a shallow dish-type gutter. The culvert will be constructed under the driveway at the gutter line of the road in such a manner as not to interfere with the flow of water in road drainage swales or ditches along the public road. The culvert pipe shall have a minimum diameter of 15 inches and shall be sized based on calculated runoff and shall be approved by the Township Engineer.
Driveways shall be constructed with a finished wearing surface of a four-inch minimum thickness of gravel or stone of the type generally acceptable for residential driveway construction. Driveways shall be paved within 25 feet of the street in accordance with the following specifications:
Base material. A minimum of four inches of small aggregate, such as 5A.
Surface material. FABC two inches thick, compacted.
Side slopes of driveways in earth shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized and mulched to prevent erosion. Side slopes shall not exceed 2 to 1. Cut slopes in rock shall not exceed 1 to 4.
Sight distances.
A driveway shall be located and designed to provide sight distance in each direction along the township road in accordance with the following table:
Speed Limit
Minimum Sight Distance
The measurement of sight distance shall be from a minimum of 15 feet behind the curbline or edge or shoulder of the township road.
Where a site occupies a corner of two intersecting roads, no driveway shall be located within 25 feet of the point of tangency of the existing or proposed right-of-way return of that site.
A plot plan of the proposed driveway shall accompany a permit for road construction for approval by the Township Read Supervisor in accordance with § 88-1. Said plot plan shall include the following:
A key plan showing the following:
At least one intersection of the roadway on which the lot fronts.
The distance from the intersection to the proposed driveway.
A North arrow and the scale of the key map.
A design plan showing the following:
Driveway location, proposed center line elevations every 50 feet along the center line and existing contours at two-foot intervals for a distance 50 feet each side of the driveway center line.
Edge of the existing road, type of roadway surface, culverts, utility poles, storm drains, swales or ditches within the right-of-way and within the subject property.
Right-of-way line.
Location of the existing or proposed septic system, dwelling and garage.
A center line profile of the existing and proposed grade along the entire length of the driveway if the slope of the lot would require a driveway with a maximum grade of 15%.
Proposed surface of the driveway.
Proposed storm drainage improvements showing the type of storm drain to be constructed at the driveway entrance, i.e., dish-type gutter, pipe or culvert. Sizes of pipes, culverts and gutters, grades, construction details and any other information deemed necessary to the proper analysis of the installation shall be shown.
Sight triangles as required in Subsection G of this section.
Cross sections of the driveway shall be required if the proposed construction will result in excavations and/or fills in excess of four feet. Cross sections shall be provided at the edge of road, at a point 15 feet from the edge of road and at twenty-five-foot intervals along the driveway. Cross sections shall be prepared at a vertical and horizontal scale of one inch equals five feet and should show the existing and proposed grades, slopes of the embankment and proposed stabilization of slopes. Side slopes shall be topsoiled, seeded, fertilized and mulched to prevent erosion. If banks exceed six feet in height, stabilizing materials shall be planted.
Driveway entrance shall not exceed 20 feet in width without approval of the Township Committee.
Any applicant for a permit to construct a residential driveway, curbing or other structure intersecting with or entering upon a public road or street in the Township of Hampton shall comply with the requirements of § 88-4 of this chapter with respect to cash deposits and performance guarantees and fee requirements.
[Added 8-30-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-8A]