Highway construction shall be performed in accordance with New York State Department of Transportation Standard Specifications, current edition, and with these construction standards.
All highway construction shall be controlled by stakes for grade and alignment.
The owner shall maintain traffic and protect the public from damage to person and property while construction is being performed in any public right-of-way or any private street. Travel shall be maintained over a reasonably smooth traveled way which shall be marked as necessary for the type of street so that a person who has no knowledge of conditions can safely and with a minimum of discomfort and inconvenience drive or walk over all or any portion of the street. The Town Highway Superintendent shall determine whether one-way or two-way traffic shall be maintained.
The owner shall clean up all debris or materials left as a result of his work and completely repair damage caused by him to any public or private property, including any existing street he may have used. Resetting of surveying points and reseeding roadside areas are included in repairs required.
The town may require construction of a type not contemplated at the time of Planning Board review, provided that such requirements are for a higher type of construction. This is to allow for proper construction to meet conditions not known at the time of review. Such construction changes shall be shown on as-built drawings.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Application of asphaltic concrete on new roads shall be permitted only during the period of April 1 through November 1. The temperature during the time of construction shall be at least 50° F. Construction shall not occur during wet weather or during other adverse weather conditions. Deviation from these conditions shall be permitted only by special permission from the Town Highway Superintendent.
Sod, topsoil, organic matter, foreign material and cobbles larger than four inches shall be removed from the entire right-of-way and shall be disposed of in an acceptable manner. Topsoil shall be stockpiled on site for use in topsoiling and seeding.
In cases where the subgrade consists of clayey soil as defined herein, the removal of the appropriate amount of this material shall be accomplished in an acceptable manner prior to grading the subgrade. Muck, spongy material or other unsuitable material shall be completely removed and the excavation filled with suitable material.
Grading and compaction of the subgrade shall commence after completion of the clearing and grubbing and prior to the placement of any embankment or subbase material. The grading and compaction shall be done in conformance with the accompanying road sections and with the approved grade profile of the road.
Compaction of the subgrade shall be accomplished by means of a vibratory eight- to ten-ton roller as outlined in Section 203-3. 12 B.2 of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications. The method of compaction used shall also comply with the above-referenced standard.
Soft areas identified during compaction may require the installation of underdrain fillers and/or geotextile materials as determined by the Highway Superintendent.
No organic material, frozen material or other unsuitable material shall be used on embankments. Compaction shall be done in accordance with the NYSDOT Standard Specifications.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
Embankments shall be placed and rolled in layers of maximum eight-inch depth, measured before compaction. The embankment subgrade shall be prepared as required under § 124-55. Grading and compaction of subgrade.
Compaction of the subgrade shall be achieved to the satisfaction of the Town Highway Superintendent. Placement of the subbase shall not proceed until approval of the subgrade is received in writing from the Town of Moreau.
The subbase course shall consist of Type 3 (Item 304.04) or Type 4 (Item 304.05) gravel as defined in Section 304-2.02 of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications.
The minimum number of lifts permitted for the subbase shall be two Compaction of the subbase shall be accomplished by means of an eight- to ten-ton roller or other compacting device as defined in Section 203-3.12 of the NYSDOT Standard Specifications and shall be graded in accordance with the accompanying drawing. Any imperfections, irregularities or other damage in the subbase shall be repaired prior to the installation of the base course.
Prior to the placement of the gravel, the contractor shall have a sample analyzed that is truly representative of that material to be used for compliance with the appropriate NYSDOT Standard. A New York State approved laboratory for sieve analysis shall be used. The results of the sample tested shall be submitted for the town's approval. Town approval, in writing, shall be obtained before the commencement of any work. In the event that the gravel bank changes, the procedure outlined above shall be repeated. Additional testing may be required at the discretion of the Town of Moreau Highway Superintendent. The owner shall provide the Highway Superintendent with men and equipment to dig or have dug test holes to confirm the depth of subbase actually placed. The location of such test holes shall be at the Highway Superintendent's discretion.
[Amended 6-25-2024 by L.L. No. 4-2024]
The subbase course shall consist of three inches, after compaction, of Type 3 asphalt concrete (Item 403.13 NYSDOT Standard Specifications) binder material. Application of the subbase course shall be in conformance with Section 401-3 NYSDOT Standard Specifications and shall be graded as shown on the accompanying drawing and the approved grade profile.
An intermediate finish course shall be applied consisting of 1 1/2 inches of either Type 6F or Type 7 compacted asphalt over the three-inch layer of the Type 3 dense binder and subbase material.
The top course shall consist of 1 1/2 inches, after compaction, of Type 7 asphalt concrete (Item 403.18 NYSDOT Standard Specifications) top material. Application of the top course shall be in conformance with Section 401-3 NYSDOT Standard Specification and shall be graded as shown on the accompanying drawing and the approved grade profile.
The top course shall not be placed until certificates of occupancy are issued for at least 2/3 of the lots within the subdivision or approved phase of the subdivision or until two years after the base course has been installed. However, the owner shall provide the town with a certified check or irrevocable letter of credit in accordance with Article VII of the Town of Moreau's Subdivision Regulations.
Upon completion of the asphaltic concrete base course and top course, the owner shall furnish the Highway Superintendent with men and equipment to dig or have dug test holes to establish and confirm the depth and quality of each paving course.
The construction of storm drains and highway underdrain shall be properly sequenced with the road construction. Storm drains and underdrains shall be constructed in accordance with the approved plans and in accordance with the NYSDOT Standard Specifications.