A Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be established, the composition of which shall be made up as follows: one Chief of each fire district within the Town; one Fire Commissioner from each fire district; the Building Inspector, the Fire Inspector, one officer from the Police Department; the Superintendent of the Water Department; a member of the Planning Board; and the Fire Inspector. The Chairman of the Bureau will be chosen annually by the members. The function of the Bureau of Fire Prevention is to assist the Fire Inspector in the review of site plans and subdivision plans for the purposes of addressing safety concerns of the general public, and the needs of emergency services, and to act as an interface between the Town of Yorktown and the respective fire districts within its boundaries.
A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the chief executive officer of the municipality; it shall contain all proceedings under this code. The Fire Prevention Bureau may also recommend any amendments to the Code that, in its judgment, shall be desirable.