[Added 11-25-1996 by Ord. No. 48-96]
The purpose of this section is to establish a permanent requirement in the Township ordinances that the attack upon Pearl Harbor which resulted in the sacrifice of so many American lives be remembered by the adoption of a resolution each year at the Council meeting closest in time to December 7.
The Administrative Code of the Township of Old Bridge is hereby modified and amended by addition. Each year the Township Council shall consider a resolution commemorating, remembering and honoring the sacrifices at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on December 7, 1941. Such resolution shall be substantially in the following form:
WHEREAS, December 7, 1941, was the day on which the United States Naval Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attached by the Empire of Japan;
WHEREAS, on December 8, 1941, one day after the sneak attack by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt called it "a day that will live in infamy"; and
WHEREAS, the attack on Pearl Harbor resulted in the first loss of any naval vessel of World War II, the Arizona, entombing 1,103 young men; and
WHEREAS, the remains of the Battleship Arizona, together with its entombed sailors and crew, has become a national memorial, and a reminder of the unprovoked attack; and
WHEREAS, the war which followed the attack upon Pearl Harbor caused the loss of 292,000 lives and 670,000 casualties; and
WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge believes that the attack upon Pearl Harbor should be remembered both for its infamy and by reason of the sacrifice made by so many;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that December 7, 1941, is hereby remembered, and the sailors and servicemen killed or injured are hereby honored and remembered for their sacrifices.
[Added 9-22-1997 by Ord. No. 34-97]
The purpose of this section is to establish a permanent requirement in the Township ordinances that the Independence of the Nation of India be remembered by the adoption of a resolution each year at the Council meeting closest in time to August 15.
The Administrative Code of the Township of Old Bridge is hereby modified and amended by addition. Each year the Township Council shall consider a resolution commemorating, remembering and honoring the anniversary of the Independence of the Nation of India on August 15, 1947. Such resolution shall be in the following form:
WHEREAS, the Nation of India, through nonviolent means, was able to obtain its independence from the British Empire on August 15, 1947; and
WHEREAS, this nonviolent revolution has been an inspiration to peoples seeking freedom all over the world, especially during the struggle for civil rights for all citizens of the United States;
WHEREAS, the Nation of India remains to this day the largest democracy in the world; and
WHEREAS, the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge believes that the anniversary of the Independence of the Nation of India should be remembered for its nonviolent origins and for the contributions of its peoples to this nation as a whole and to the Township of Old Bridge in particular;
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Township Council of the Township of Old Bridge that August 15, 1947, the anniversary of the Independence of the Nation of India, is hereby remembered.