Mobile home parks shall be located in the Town by nonconforming use
permit only. The park shall be located on a well-drained site, properly graded
to insure rapid drainage and free from stagnant pools of water.
A minimum of 10 acres with a minimum of 200 feet on an accepted street
shall be required for any mobile home park. No mobile home park shall have
less than 50 mobile home spaces with corresponding services and facilities
available at first occupancy.
No buildings in the park shall exceed 40 feet in height, and all buildings
in a mobile home park shall require a building permit.
Each park shall provide mobile home spaces, and each such space shall
be clearly defined and numbered. Each space shall have an area of not less
than 2,000 square feet and a width of not less than 30 feet, and the average
area of all spaces shall not be less than 3,000 square feet and the average
width of all spaces shall not be less than 40 feet.
Any extension or addition of mobile home spaces within the park plan
as submitted shall comply with this chapter and require the filing of an amended
park plan. No mobile home shall be placed on a mobile home space until such
mobile home space has been approved.
No structural additions (including carports) shall be made to a mobile
home or permitted on a mobile home space without a building permit approved
by the Building Inspector. Such additions shall comply with this chapter.
Travel trailers shall not be permitted in a mobile home park.
Consideration should be given to providing a recreational area.