[Adopted 4-13-1994 by Ord. No. 181]
There is hereby levied a streetlight tax for the cost and expense of maintaining streetlights within Skippack Township at a rate of $0.50 per front foot on all properties located within 350 feet and benefited by streetlighting in proportion to the number of feet the same fronts on the street or highway or portion thereof to be lighted.
There shall not be any assessment for a streetlight tax on farmland but vacant lots between built-up sections, whether tilled or untitled, shall not be deemed to be farmland. The assessment per front foot against vacant lots shall be only 25% of the assessment per front foot against properties with improvements thereon. Corner properties shall be assessed on only one side of the property, the longest side adjacent to a street, road or highway.
The owner of a premise shall be defined to be an individual, corporation, partnership or any other business entity whatsoever who is a recorded legal title holder thereof.
The streetlight tax levied under this article shall be for the tax year of 1995 of Skippack Township and thereafter until repealed.
The Tax Collector for the Township of Skippack, County of Montgomery, State of Pennsylvania, in conformity with law, is hereby required and duly authorized to collect all such annual assessments for streetlights, by whatever method used, and collection is to be in the same manner as township taxes are collected, and if said assessment is uncollected, the same shall be liened and shall be collectible in the same manner as other municipal claims. The assessment may be billed on the annual real estate tax bill for general township purposes if the Township Supervisors agree to do so.
Upon receipt of a petition signed by 70% of the property owners within any defined area or development of the township, the Township Supervisors may agree to vote to remove and/or eliminate streetlights of the defined area or development, provided that any removal costs or fees are paid by the residents making said requests. Public safety lighting will not be considered under this section.
Public safety streetlighting is lighting approved by the Board of Supervisors at particular locations associated with streets and roads to promote safety through better visibility for the general public and is paid for by the Skippack Township General Fund and is not assessed to any property owners.