[Adopted 11-28-2001 by Ord. No. 267]
The provisions of the Open Space Lands Act, Act 153 of 1996, 32 P.S. § 5001 et seq., as amended, supplemented, modified or reenacted by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, are incorporated herein by reference hereto. Additionally, the provisions of Section 6913 of the Local Tax Enabling Act, P.L. 1257, No. 511, December 31, 1965, 53 P.S. §§ 6901-6924 (1982), as amended, supplemented, modified or reenacted by the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, are incorporated herein by reference thereto; except that, to the extent that options are provided in said Section 6913, this article designates the option selected, and except as and where hereinafter specifically provided otherwise.
A tax for the purpose of acquiring interests in real property in order to secure open space pursuant to the Open Space Lands Act, Act 153 of 1996, 32 P.S. § 5001 et seq., of .25% (1/4 of 1%) is hereby imposed on:
Salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation earned or paid on or after January 1, 2002, by residents of Skippack Township; and
The net profits earned on or after January 1, 2002, of businesses, professions or other activities conducted by such residents.
The tax levied under Subsection A(1) of this section shall relate to and be imposed upon salaries, wages, commissions and other compensation paid by employers or on their behalf to any person who is employed by or renders services to them. The tax levied under Subsection A(2) of this section will relate to and be imposed on the net profits of any business, profession or enterprise carried on by any person as owner or proprietor, either individually or in association with some other person or persons.
Every taxpayer whose net profits are subject to the tax imposed by this article shall file a declaration of his/her net profits for the current year and shall pay the tax due thereon in annual installments, all as provided in Section 6913 III A (1) of the Local Tax Enabling Act, or estimated net profits for the current year and pay the tax due thereon in quarterly installments, all as provided in Section 6913 III A (1) (ii) of the Local Tax Enabling Act.
Every taxpayer whose earnings are subject to the tax imposed by this article shall make and file final returns and pay to the Income Tax Officer the balance of the tax due, as provided in Section 6913 III B of the Local Tax Enabling Act.
Every taxpayer whose earnings are not subject to collection at the source shall file with the Income Tax Officer quarterly returns and shall pay quarterannually the amount of tax shown as due on such returns, all as provided in Section 6913 III B (2) of the Local Tax Enabling Act.
The Income Tax Officer is hereby authorized to provide by regulation, subject to the approval of the Skippack Township Board of Supervisors, that the return of an employer or employers, showing the amount of tax deducted by said employer or employers from the salaries, wages or commissions of any employee, and paid by them to the Income Tax Officer shall be accepted as the return required of any employee whose sole income, subject to the tax or taxes under this article, is such salary, wages or commissions.
Every employer having an office, factory, workshop, branch, warehouse, or other place of business within Skippack Township who employs one or more persons, other than domestic servants, for a salary, wage, commission, or other compensation shall register with the Income Tax Officer, deduct the tax imposed by this article on the earned income of his/her employee or employees and shall make and file quarterly returns and final returns and pay quarterly to the Income Tax Officer the amount of taxes deducted, all as provided in Section 6913 IV of the Local Tax Enabling Act.
The Income Tax Officer shall be the same person or corporation appointed by the Board of Supervisors of Skippack Township to collect the existing general revenue earned income tax.
If for any reason the tax is not paid when due, interest at the rate of 6% per annum on the amount of said tax, and an additional penalty of 1/2 of 1% (1/2%) of the amount of the unpaid tax for each month or fraction thereof which the tax remains unpaid, shall be added and collected. Where suit is brought for recovery of any such tax, the person liable therefor shall, in addition, be liable for the costs of collection and the interest and penalties herein imposed.
Any person who fails, neglects or refuses to make any declaration or return required by this article, any employer who fails, neglects or refuses to register or to pay the tax deducted from his/her employees or fails, neglects or refuses to deduct or withhold the tax from his/her employees, any person who refuses to permit the Income Tax Officer or any agent designated by the Officer to examine his/her books, records, and papers, and any person who knowingly makes any incomplete, false or fraudulent return or attempts to do anything whatsoever to avoid the full disclosure of the amount of his/her net profits or earned income in order to avoid the payment of the whole or any part of the tax imposed by this article shall, upon conviction thereof before any District Justice or court of competent jurisdiction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $500 for each offense, and costs, and, in default of payment, to be imprisoned for a period not to exceed 30 days.
Any person who divulges any information that is confidential under the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction thereof before any District Justice or court of competent jurisdiction, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $500 for each offense, and costs, and, in default of payment, to be imprisoned for a period not exceeding 30 days.
The penalties imposed under this section shall be in addition to any other penalty imposed by any other section of this article or any other ordinance.
The failure of any person to receive or procure forms required for making the declaration or returns required by this article shall not excuse him/her from making such declaration or return.