[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Council of the Town of Barrington as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Excavations — See Ch. 99.
Zoning — See Ch. 185.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 200.
[Adopted 5-9-1994 by Ord. No. 94-4]
In order to promote the public safety and to provide for the upgrading of certain streets within the Town of Barrington, the Town Council of the Town of Barrington herewith adopts an ordinance relating to curbing on the streets within the Town of Barrington as follows.
The provisions of this article shall apply only to existing streets within the Town of Barrington which are being reconstructed and in which curbing is being replaced or newly installed by direction of the Town Public Works Director. This article shall not apply to curbing on streets in newly developed subdivisions which are controlled by the applicable provisions of Chapter 200, Subdivision of Land, of the Code of the Town of Barrington.
Granite curbing shall be installed in all such streets to which this article applies.
Granite curbing shall be installed in accordance with the following specifications:
The trench for setting the curb shall be excavated so that it shall be 18 inches wide and its subgrade at least 24 inches below the finished curbing grade. Upon this subgrade a foundation is to be made consisting of clean course gravel thoroughly tamped so that it will be at least six inches when compacted. Upon this foundation the curbing is to be laid, the joints made a close as possible and all spaces under the curb filled with gravel and tamped so that the curbing will bear throughout its entire length and be at the line and grade required.
The trench on each side of the curbing is then to be filled to the subgrade of the roadway and sidewalk, respectively, with concrete. The joints will be carefully pointed up, front and back, with mortar made of equal parts of cement and clean sharp sand.
Standard granite curb inlets shall be installed at the back gutter lines of all catch basins.
Asphalt and concrete. Under no circumstances will asphalt or concrete curbing be allowed to be substituted for granite curbing.
All specifications for granite curbing will be per Rhode Island Department of Transportation (DOT) Detail Standard Specifications and approved by the Director of Public Works.
[Adopted 5-9-2005 by Ord. No. 2005-1; amended in its entirety 12-5-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-15]
Generally. The owner, occupant or any person having the care of any building or lot of land bordering on any street, highway, square or public place within the Town where there is a sidewalk shall, by 6:00 in the afternoon on the day following any snowfall, cause such snow and/or ice to be removed from the sidewalk as well as areas surrounding any fire hydrants. This section shall also apply to the falling of snow and/or ice from any building.
Enforcement. If such snow and/or ice is not removed by 6:00 in the afternoon on the day following the snowfall, such owner, occupant or any person having the duty to care for the property shall pay a fine of $50, except that a warning may be issued for a first offense. The Police Department shall be charged with the duty of enforcement.
Hardship. Individuals who are physically incapable of removing the snow and/or ice or who lack financial means to pay for such removal may apply to the Director of the Department of Public Works for a hardship waiver from this article.