In general. The County has the duty and responsibility to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
Interpretation. The County shall decide questions of interpretation of this chapter.
Waiver; in general.
The County may waive the requirements of this chapter, in whole or in part, for a unit of rental housing if:
The property owner applies for a waiver;
A tenant of the unit receives adequate notice in a form and manner specified by the County;
The tenant is afforded an opportunity to comment on the application, either in writing or in person; and
The waiver would not threaten the health or safety of a tenant.
The County may grant a waiver based on the religious practices of an occupant of a unit of rental housing.
Grounds for waiver. The County may waive or vary particular provisions of this chapter to the extent that the waiver is not inconsistent with the state Minimum Livability Code adopted under Article 83B, § 6-103 of the Annotated Code of Maryland, if:
Geographic differences or unique local conditions justify the waiver; and
The waiver would not threaten the health or safety of a tenant.
Displacement. A person may not be displaced by enforcement of this chapter unless alternate housing of comparable affordability is available within a reasonable distance of the vacated premises.
Effect on state laws. Enforcement and waiver application are not intended to supersede:
State fire laws under Article 38A of the Annotated Code of Maryland;
State boiler laws under Article 48 of the Annotated Code of Maryland; or
State elevator laws under Article 89 of the Annotated Code of Maryland.
In general.
The County shall designate a Code Official.
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the Code Official shall enforce this chapter.
Notices and orders. The Code Official shall issue each notice and order necessary to ensure compliance with this chapter.
Inspections. The Code Official may enter a structure or premises to inspect or perform duties under this chapter at any reasonable time after providing reasonable notice to the property owner and tenant.
Information. The Code Official may collect and disseminate information concerning techniques of maintenance, repair, and sanitation in housing.
Alterations and repairs.
The Code Official may require and approve alterations or repairs necessary to bring a structure or premises into compliance with this chapter. The determination of what may be necessary to bring the premises into compliance shall take into consideration the use of alternatives and equivalent approaches, as provided for in this chapter.
The Code Official may approve changes in alterations or repairs in the field when conditions are encountered that make the originally approved work impractical if the changes in approved work can readily be determined to be in compliance with this chapter and are requested by the property owner or an agent of the owner before the changes.
The property owner or the property owner's agent shall document the changes specifically, describing the change in work and the reasons and justification for the change. The documentation shall be filed with the permit for the project.
Right of entry. If a property owner, tenant, or operator of a structure refuses, impedes, inhibits, interferes with, restricts, or obstructs entry or free access to any part of the structure or premises where inspection authorized by this chapter is sought, the County may seek, in a court of competent jurisdiction, an order that the property owner, tenant, or operator cease and desist from the interference.
Access by property owner or operator. A tenant of a structure or premises shall give the property owner or operator, or agent or employee of the owner or operator, access to the structure or its premises at reasonable times upon receiving reasonable notice for the purpose of making an inspection or performing maintenance, repairs, or alterations as necessary to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
Credentials. The Code Official shall disclose the Code Official's credentials for the purpose of inspecting a structure or premises.
Coordination of enforcement.
The Code Official is responsible for the inspection of structures and premises and the issuance and enforcement of notices and orders.
When a Code Official initiating an inspection of a premises under this chapter becomes aware that another governmental official or agency will inspect the premises, the Code Official shall make a reasonable effort to coordinate the inspections to minimize the number of visits by inspectors.
The Code Official shall confer with the other governmental official or agency to eliminate conflicting orders before the orders are issued.
The Code Official, however, may not delay the issuance of emergency orders by a governmental official or agency that the official or agency determines must be issued.
Rule making authority. The County shall have power as necessary in the interest of public safety, health, and general welfare to adopt regulations to interpret and implement the provisions of this chapter.