Kent Narrows/ Stevensville/ Grasonville Water Subdistrict.
There is a Kent Narrows/ Stevensville/ Grasonville Water Subdistrict in the Sanitary District.
The Kent Narrows/ Stevensville/ Grasonville Water Subdistrict encompasses the land area of the County contained within the Fourth and Fifth Election Districts of Queen Anne's County, excluding the Chesapeake Bay Business Park Water Subdistrict and the Prospect Bay Water Subdistrict.
Chesapeake Bay Business Park Water Subdistrict.
There is a Chesapeake Bay Business Park Water Subdistrict in the Sanitary District.
The Chesapeake Bay Business Park Water Subdistrict encompasses all the land contained within the outline boundary of the Chesapeake Bay Business Park as shown on the plat entitled "Final Record Plat, Chesapeake Bay Business Park, M-2 General Industrial District, Stevensville, Kent Island, 4th District, Queen Anne's County, Maryland," prepared by McCrone, Inc., dated March 27, 1986, and recorded among the land records of Queen Anne's County.
Prospect Bay Water Subdistrict.
There is a Prospect Bay Water Subdistrict in the Sanitary District.
The Prospect Bay Water Subdistrict encompasses the land area of the County contained within the following grid lines of the Maryland State Plane Coordinance System:
Northern boundary: 401,000 N;
Southern boundary: 388,000 N;
Eastern boundary: 1,031,000 E; and
Western boundary: 1,025,000 E.