All applicants are encouraged to submit a sketch plan for any proposed subdivision and/or land development.
Such sketch plan shall be considered as submitted for informal discussion between the applicant and the Township. Submission of a sketch plan shall not constitute official submission of a plan to the Township.
For informational purposes, six copies of the sketch plan shall be submitted to the Township.
The Township Planning Commission shall review the sketch plan. The Planning Commission reserves the right to submit the sketch plan to the Chester County Planning Commission, the Township Engineer, the Conservancy Board, the Park and Recreation Board and the Historical Commission for a courtesy review. They shall recommend such changes and modifications as they shall deem necessary or advisable in the public interest.
The sketch plan of a proposed subdivision shall be legibly drawn.
The sketch plan shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Tract boundaries accurately labeled.
Key map.
North point.
Written and graphic scales.
Watercourses, tree masses, wetlands and other significant physical features.
Existing and proposed general street and lot layout.
Name of applicant and/or property owner and tax parcel number.
Proposed conceptual stormwater management and water supply and sewage facilities.
Existing and proposed structures.
Soil types for the tract from the Chester County Soil Survey or information provided by the Soil Conservation Service (SCS).
Approximate floodplain boundaries (where applicable).