Under the direction and supervision of the Mayor as chief executive and appropriate authority, there shall be a Police Department, the head of which shall be the Chief of Police.
Composition. The Police Department shall consist of the Chief of Police and such other personnel as have been heretofore or may hereafter be authorized by the Council in the Salary Ordinance, or amendments thereto.[1] As chief executive, the Mayor shall appoint personnel to the Police Department after consultation with the Chief of Police.[2]
[Amended 10-1-2002 by Ord. No. 24-2002]
Editor's Note: The currently effective Salary Ordinance is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
Editor's Note: The Organizational Chart of the Police Department is included at the end of this chapter.
Appropriate authority; rules and regulations; table of organization. The appropriate authority relating to the police function in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-118 shall be the Mayor, as chief executive. With regard to the promulgation of rules and regulations governing the operation of the Police Department, such action shall be by directive of the Mayor, as chief executive. The Chief of Police shall report to the Mayor, as needed, or as required by law, ordinance or regulation. The Police Department shall be organized according to such table of organization as shall be prescribed by the Chief of Police, with the approval of the Mayor.
Powers and duties. The Police Department shall:
Preserve the public peace, prevent crime, protect life and property, detect and arrest offenders against the penal laws and ordinances effective within the Township and preserve order at all elections and at other public meetings when so directed.
Administer and enforce laws and ordinances to regulate, direct, control and restrict the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and the use of streets by vehicles and persons and to protect the safety of and to facilitate the convenience of motorists and pedestrians.
Remove all nuisances in public streets, parks and other public areas.
Inspect and observe all places of public amusement or assemblage and all places of business requiring any state or municipal license or permit and report thereon to the appropriate department.
Operate a training program to maintain and improve the efficiency of the members of the force.
Perform such other duties and have such other authority as prescribed by general law for municipal police departments.
Duties of Chief of Police.
The Chief of Police shall be the executive head of the Police Department in accordance with N.J.S.A.40A:14-118. The Chief of Police shall be directly responsible for the conduct, efficiency and management of the Department, subject at all times to the rules and regulations of the Police Department, as established.
All orders and instructions to the members of the Police Department shall be made through the Chief or, in his absence, through the next ranking superior officer.
Conduct of disciplinary proceedings.
The Chief of Police shall be the Disciplinary Review Hearing Officer and will conduct all disciplinary review hearings involving police officers in accordance with N.J.S.A 40A:14-147 et seq.
Charges against an officer shall be filed by the Captain of Police or, in his absence, through the next ranking superior officer, and prosecution shall be made by special counsel to be appointed on an as-needed basis by the Township Council.
[Amended 4-3-2001 by Ord. No. 4-2001]
After conducting the hearing on charges against an officer, the Chief of Police shall take such action as he deems necessary in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-147 et seq., including suspension, removal, fines, reduction in rank from office, employment or position therein, except that if the Chief of Police determines that termination is warranted, he shall recommend termination to the Mayor, as chief executive, who shall render the final decision on termination.
Intermunicipal police assistance.
Establishment of reciprocal agreement. The Township Council of the Township of Logan hereby establishes a reciprocal agreement with each and every municipality within the County of Gloucester for intermunicipal police assistance at times of any and all emergencies. This chapter shall become effective as to each and every other municipality within the County of Gloucester at such times as said municipality has in the past adopted or may in the future adopt an ordinance providing for the same terms and conditions as set forth herein.
Municipal expense. The Township Council of the Township of Logan hereby agrees to bear all expenses incurred by members of its Municipal Police Department for emergency assistance rendered within or without the boundaries of this community. The Township Council of the Township of Logan shall make no claim for reimbursement from any municipality for damages, injuries, wages and the like for aid rendered by the members of its Police Department to any other community adopting an ordinance with the same terms as this chapter.
Authority of police officers. In accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:14-156.1 et seq., the members of the Police Department of the Township of Logan and any other municipality passing an ordinance with the same terms and conditions as this chapter, while on duty rendering assistance to any other municipality, shall have the same powers, authority and immunities as have the members of the police force of the municipality in which such assistance is being rendered.
Senior ranking officer. At such times as an emergency may occur and intermunicipal police aid is requested, the Chief of Police of the municipality wherein the said emergency exists shall be the senior ranking officer of all members of any Police Department which may be rendering assistance within the confines of the said municipality.
Off-duty employment.
[Added 12-17-2002 by Ord. No. 29-2002; amended 3-4-2008 by Ord. No. 1-2008]
Purpose. For the convenience of those persons and entities that need the services of off-duty law enforcement officers of the Logan Township Police Department and to authorize the outside employment of the Township police officers while off duty, the Township hereby establishes a policy regarding the use of said officers.
Members of the Police Department shall be permitted to accept police-related employment from private employers or school districts only during off-duty hours and at such times as will not interfere with the efficient performance of regularly scheduled or emergency duty for the Township.
Any person or entity wishing to employ off-duty police shall first obtain the approval of an officer designated by the Chief of Police to handle the invoicing, scheduling and processing of payments for extra-duty/off-duty police. Approval may be granted if, in the opinion of the designated officer, such employment would not be inconsistent with the efficient functioning and good reputation of the Police Department and would not unreasonably endanger or threaten the safety of the officer or officers who are to perform the work. At the time the request for services is made, an authorized representative of the contracting unit shall complete the standardized request form and contract. Such form shall require a description of the site and the work that will be performed by the officer(s).
Private parties or attorneys who utilize police officers in civil cases by request or subpoena shall be responsible to reimburse the Township for the costs incurred for the officer's time while complying with the subpoena. The time incurred by the officer will be billed by the Township to the requesting private attorney or party at the rate established for extra-duty/off-duty assignments. A minimum of four hours will be billed for the officer's time for each day the officer is requested to appear. Officers will be compensated by the Township pursuant to prior practice and the collective bargaining agreement for the time responding to the request or subpoena. This subsection shall not apply to internal administrative or disciplinary matters in which reimbursement to the Township may not be applicable.
[Added 10-20-2009 by Ord. No. 14-2009]
Escrow accounts.
Any person or entity requesting the services of an off-duty law enforcement officer in the Logan Township Police Department shall estimate the number of hours such law enforcement services are required, which estimate shall be reviewed by the designated officer, and, if the estimate is approved, in writing, by the designated officer, an escrow account with the Township shall be established by the depositing of an amount sufficient to cover the cost estimate for the total estimated hours of service.
Prior to posting any request for services of off-duty law enforcement officers, the Chief of Police, or his designee, shall verify that the balance in the escrow account of the person or entity requesting services is sufficient to cover the compensation and fees for the number of hours specified in the request for services. The Chief of Police, or his designee, shall not post a request for service from any person or entity unless all fees and the compensation required in the manner described above have been deposited with the Township. No officer shall provide any such services for more hours than are specified in the request for services.
In the event the funds in such an escrow account should become depleted, services of off-duty law enforcement officers shall cease, and requests for further or future services shall not be performed or posted until additional funds have been deposited in the escrow account in the manner prescribed above.
The person or entity requesting such services shall be responsible for enduring that sufficient funds remain in the escrow account in order to avoid any interruption of services.
Request for services. All requests to the Township for the services of off-duty law enforcement officers in the Township of Logan Police Department for a period of one week or longer shall be forwarded to the Police Administrator for posting at least 10 days before such services are required. Any law enforcement officers, when so employed by the Township, shall be treated as an employee of the Township; provided, however, that wages earned for the outside employment shall not be applied toward the pension benefits of law enforcement officers so employed, nor shall hours worked for outside employment be considered in any way compensable as overtime.
[Amended 2-5-2019 by Ord. No. 01-2019]
Rates of compensation; administrative fee; payment for services.
Rate of compensation for contracting the services of off-duty law enforcement officers are established as follows:
Rate of compensation, per hour: rate shall be established per the Logan Township Police Department Extra Duty Fee Schedule adopted annually via Resolution by the Logan Township Council.
[Amended 2-3-2015 by Ord. No. 1-2015; 2-5-2019 by Ord. No. 01-2019; 5-2-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
After eight hours of work on the same day by the same officer, the officer's pay rate shall increase per the Logan Township Police Department Extra Duty Fee Schedule adopted annually via Resolution by the Logan Township Council.
If the contractor cancels any work detail within two hours of the assigned start time, the contractor is responsible to compensate the assigned officer(s) a two-hour minimum pay rate and administrative fees.
If the contractor starts the work detail and cancels the job after starting, the contractor is responsible to compensate the assigned officer(s) a minimum of four hours of pay and administrative costs.
Rate per day for use of police vehicle: shall be per established the Logan Township Police Department Extra Duty Fee Schedule adopted annually via Resolution by the Logan Township Council.
[Amended 5-2-2023 by Ord. No. 12-2023]
An additional fee of 20% of the total cost of compensation and use of vehicle to the contracting unit is hereby established to cover administrative costs, overhead, and out-of-pocket expenses of the Township of Logan.
Payment of officers.
Once an extra-duty/off-duty assignment is completed, the Chief of Police, or his designee, shall advise the Finance Department/Payroll Clerk, in writing, to pay the officer(s). The advice shall contain the name of the officer(s), date(s) of service, time and place of site/job, hours worked and rate of pay.
The Finance Department/Payroll Clerk must confirm that funds are on deposit in the appropriate escrow account before issuing the paycheck requested above.
The Finance Department shall provide to the Chief of Police, or his designee, monthly reports identifying contractors and indicating the status of their extra-duty/off-duty escrow accounts.
Third-party off-duty employment scheduling and billing.
[Added 2-5-2019 by Ord. No. 01-2019]
Logan Township may choose to utilize a third-party service to administrate and perform the off-duty employment process. This process includes, but is not limited to: communicating with said person or company to schedule off-duty employment, scheduling the officers for the said employment, invoicing person or company and receiving escrow and/or payments from person or company in a manner set forth by the third-party service provider. The third-party provider may charge an additional fee for services that is above and in addition to the fee structure stated in Subsection G(4) above and utilize business-type collection rules as set forth in the contract/agreement between the Township and the third-party service provider.
The third-party service provider will reimburse the Township via ACH or other funds transfer methods, according to the fees set forth in this article due to the Township and officer. in a timely manner, usually coinciding with payroll periods for off-duty assignments that the officers have performed or were scheduled for in that period, in accordance with the terms of employment between the Township and person(s) or company seeking off-duty police services.
[Added 7-19-2022 by Ord. No. 12-2022]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to set the steps and protocols which will allow the Logan Township Police Department to hire and retain the best qualified applicants and promote the most proficient officers. The Police Department uses this adaptive selection, hiring, and promotional criteria to give the police administration and appropriate authority the ability to meet the specific needs of the agency for vacancies within the current structure. The hiring and promotional criteria contained in this directive are based on current trends and represent collective input from all levels of the department and governmental officials.
Logan Township Police Department hiring processes and procedures.
Openings are based on Department need and Township budgetary status. The specific hiring requirements/criteria will be established based on the needs of the department. All applicant files will be reviewed by the police administration.
Applicants/new hires.
Advertisement of an open position as needed.
Minimum criteria:
Be a US citizen.
Have a valid driver's license with no revocations or suspensions or be able to secure a NJ driver's license.
No criminal record.
Be in good health and capable of successfully completing a NJ Police Training Commission Police Academy.
Education/related experience:
Possess a minimum of 30 college credits in criminal justice or a related field; or
Possess a minimum of an associate's degree from an accredited college or university; or
Have served a minimum of two years of active duty in the United States military.
Submit the application fee as outlined in the advertisement.
Review of applicant's qualifications relevant to the established criteria. Notice sent to applicant advising of their continuation in, or removal from, the hiring process.
Doctor's authorization to participate in physical testing.
Pass departmental physical training test (scored minimum standards established). Notice sent to applicant advising of their continuation in, or removal from, the hiring process.
Pass a written test, if required (scored minimum standards to be established). Notice sent to applicant advising of their continuation in, or removal from, the hiring process.
First interview with a police board (scored). Notice sent to applicant advising of their continuation in, or removal from, the hiring process.
Fill out a background information packet accurately and completely.
Return the background packet on time as instructed.
Second interview with police and Township officials (scored). Notice sent to applicant advising of their continuation in, or removal from, the hiring process.
Conditional offer of employment given to applicant, contingent on successfully passing a thorough background investigation, psychological exam and drug screening.
Review and selection sent to the Public Safety Committee. Third interview, if necessary. Notice sent to applicant advising of their continuation in, or removal, from the hiring process.
Recommendation made to the appropriate authority by the Chief of Police.
Upon approval of the appropriate authority, notice of intent given to selected applicant(s).
Attend a police training academy and complete all required training successfully.
Appointment to probationary period as appropriate (SLEOs included).
Be assigned to a duty shift. Complete departmental required FTO program (SOP 0001) and receive a recommendation to achieve full-time status upon completion of the FTO program.
Upon completion of the FTO program and probationary period, there will be a recommendation to the appropriate authority by the Chief of Police for full-time employee status.
Suitability for promotion. The Chief of Police has the authority to eliminate from promotional consideration any candidate who is currently under active discipline or who is the target of an active criminal investigation. Active discipline shall be defined as any officer who has two or more sustained dispositions within the past four evaluative periods (i.e., 12 months). In addition, negative aspects of a candidate's personnel file such as unsatisfactory evaluations, substandard performance and abuse of sick time will be evaluated in an effort to determine eligibility. To better determine officer eligibility, officers who submit a letter of intent will be subject to an administrative review to assess the candidate's performance against the responsibilities associated with the position desired. The administration, accompanied by a ranking member of the bargaining unit as well as the officer's immediate supervisor, will then review the suitability of all candidates to make a final determination on their ability to proceed in the promotional process. If a candidate is screened out, he or she will be notified, in writing, explaining the reasons which necessitated same.
Promotion criteria for Captain and below. The eligibility requirements and processes used for promotion within the Logan Township Police Department are specific to the position being sought. The requirements may include, but are not limited to, total years of sworn service, time in grade or rank, and educational level. After a test is advertised and administered, a list will be established. The list shall remain valid for two years after the date of issuance. If a position becomes available within that time frame and a previously ineligible officer becomes eligible, said officer will be afforded the opportunity to test at a date established by the Chief of Police. Listed officers may opt to retake the test or stand on their previous test scores. Each candidate shall submit a letter of intent to participate or a letter of declination, as appropriate.
Process. Any or all of the following evaluation methods may be utilized as deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police in consultation with the appropriate authority. If any of the interviews or examinations are removed from the process, the remaining weighted scores will be adjusted proportionately.
A written examination to be administered by an approved testing agency chosen by the Chief of Police. This testing agency may be the NJSACOP, SJCOP or an internal test as deemed appropriate by the Chief of Police. The date of such test will be determined by the police administration. Eligible candidates will be provided with a list of all study materials and afforded ample time to prepare for same. Candidates must achieve a minimum of 70% on the written test to move on to the oral/assessment center component. Barring an extraordinary circumstance, failure to appear at the appointed time and location for the test will result in the candidate being disqualified from the process. Value= 30%.
An oral interview and/or interactive assessment center exercise administered by an approved testing agency chosen by the Chief of Police, most commonly the NJSACOP. This does not prevent the Chief of Police from selecting another qualified testing center or administering the assessment center from within the police department. The assessment center may consist of an oral component involving role playing, interviews, or other situational interactive exercises at the discretion of the testing agency. The completion of this phase will result in a numerical score tabulated by the aforementioned testing agency. Barring an extraordinary circumstance, failure to appear at the appointed time and location for the interview/assessment center will result in the candidate being disqualified from the process. Value = 30%.
An interview with the police administration which will focus on established departmental policies, procedures, directives, rules and regulations. Value= 25%.
Personnel file review, to include past annual/quarterly employee evaluation ratings, awards and commendations, practical work performance (specifically supervisory ability), training, administrative responsibilities, and disciplinary action. Value= 10%.
Council interview. General questions posed by the appropriate authority. Value= 5%.
Educational/seniority points (bonus). Points earned from this category shall be added to the candidate's score to determine the final promotional score for each candidate:
Associate's degree/military honorable discharge
Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
5 to 9 years
10 to 14
15 +
Written examination
30 points
Assessment center/NJSACOP oral interview
30 points
Police administration interview
25 points
Personnel file review
10 points
Council interview
5 points
100 + points
Selection criteria (by rank).
Served as a Captain to be eligible for promotion to Chief. (Special circumstances may require for this provision to be waived, as determined by the police administration and the appropriate authority).
Submit a letter of intent and resume to the appropriate authority as specified.
Pass all testing, interviews, and/or evaluations as may be required by the appropriate authority.
Submit all related personnel files for the last five years to the review panel.
Receive and maintain the NJSACOP Accredited Chief/Command Executive (ACE) Certification in a timely manner.
Attend and complete senior officer advanced supervision classes, seminars, conferences, and/or related training.
Served as a Lieutenant for a minimum of three years to be eligible for promotion to Captain. (Special circumstances may require for this provision to be waived, as determined by the police administration, with recommendation to the appropriate authority).
Submit a letter of intent and resume to the Chief of Police as specified in the job posting.
Pass all testing, interviews and reviews to be selected for promotion.
Evaluation of management aptitude in police services. Evaluation will be completed with a thorough screening process, to include one or more interviews and complete review of performance evaluations and the officer's personnel file.
A psychological evaluation may also be recommended.
Attend and complete senior officer advanced supervision classes, seminars, conferences, and/or related training.
Prepare for and work toward receiving the NJSACOP Accredited Chief/Command Executive (ACE) Certification in a timely manner.
Served as a Sergeant or Detective Sergeant for a minimum of three years to be eligible for promotion to Lieutenant. (Special circumstances may require for this provision to be waived, as determined by the police administration, with recommendation to the appropriate authority).
Submit a letter of intent and resume to the Chief of Police as specified in the job posting.
Pass all testing, interviews and reviews to be selected for promotion.
Evaluation of management aptitude in police services. Evaluation will be completed with a thorough screening process, to include one or more interviews and complete review of performance evaluations and the officer's personnel file.
A psychological evaluation may also be recommended.
Attend and complete senior officer advanced supervision classes, seminars, conferences, and/or related training.
Prepare for and work toward receiving the NJSACOP Accredited Chief/Command Executive (ACE) Certification in a timely manner.
Detective sergeant:
Hold the position of Detective for at least two years.
Submit a letter of intent.
Attend an initial supervision class (advanced classes are recommended).
Attend advanced investigations training.
Attend advanced interview training.
Investigator school training.
Basic evidence training.
Basic interviewing training.
Personal file review of:
Letters and awards.
Career training.
Personal education.
Department evaluations.
Sick time used.
Pass all testing, interviews and reviews to be selected for promotion.
Conditional upon passing a psychological evaluation for supervisors.
Served as a patrol officer with the Logan Township Police Department for at least five years.
Submit a letter of intent.
Attend an initial supervision class (advanced classes are recommended).
Personal file review of:
Letters and awards.
Career training.
Personal education.
Department evaluations.
Sick time used.
Pass all testing, interviews and reviews to be selected for promotion.
Conditional upon passing a psychological evaluation for supervisors.
Detective (and Investigator assignment):
Served as a patrol officer with the Logan Township Police Department for at least three years.
Demonstrate effective investigative skills as an Investigator assigned to the Detective Unit.
Submit a letter of intent.
Basic investigator school training.
Basic evidence training.
Basic interviewing training.
Personal file review of:
Letters and awards.
Career training.
Personal education.
Department evaluations.
Sick time used.
Pass all testing, interviews and reviews to be selected for promotion.
A psychological evaluation may also be recommended.
Investigator (assignment is made based on staffing levels, investigative workload and to further department goals and objectives):
Served as a patrol officer with the Logan Township Police Department for at least two years.
Submit a letter of intent.
Demonstrate effective investigative skills.
Interviews and recommendations.
Basic investigator schools and/or seminars.
Evidence handling and/or familiarization training.
Basic interviewing practices and/or seminars.
Complete personnel file review.
Served as a patrol officer with the Logan Township Police Department for at least three years.
Submit a letter of intent.
Personal file review of:
Letters and awards.
Career training.
Personal education.
Department evaluations.
Sick time used.
Pass all testing, interviews and reviews to be selected for promotion.
Canine handler:
Commitment: The officer assigned as the canine handler must be willing to make a minimum commitment of five years to the program.
Motivation: The officer must demonstrate a convincing desire to work with canines in law enforcement. The officer should also have satisfactory work performance evaluations, disciplinary records and medical leave records.
Care: The K-9 handler candidate must be willing to care for his canine at all times. Handler can either house the canine at his personal residence, with family approval, or house at a canine kennel at police headquarters, as directed by the Chief of Police, Captain, or Lieutenant.
The K-9 handler will be a full-time employee for the Logan Township Police Department who has successfully served two years within the Department prior to selection.
Submit a letter of intent.
Personal file review of:
Letters and awards.
Career training.
Personal education.
Department evaluations.
Sick time used.
Patrol officer:
Possess a minimum of 30 college credits in criminal justice or a related field of study, or possess a minimum of an associate's degree from an accredited college or university, or have served a minimum of two years of active duty in the United States military upon appointment.
Full application completed and submitted as per hiring notice.
Hiring process to include:
Physical fitness test.
Interviews with Chief, Captain, Sergeant, and patrol officer.
Complete background check by Department Detective Unit.
Interviews with Township officials.
Psychological test.
Medical screening by Township doctor.
Complete a New Jersey PTC certified program.
Complete Department FTO program and evaluations.
Specials I and II (SLEOs):
Possess a minimum of 30 college credits in criminal justice or a related field of study, or possess a minimum of an associate's degree from an accredited college or university, or have served a minimum of two years of active duty in the United States military upon appointment.
Full application completed and submitted as per hiring notice.
Hiring process to include:
Physical fitness test.
Interviews with Chief, Captain, Lieutenant, Sergeant, and patrol officer.
Complete background check by Department Detective Unit.
Interviews with Township officials.
Psychological test.
Medical screening by Township doctor.
Complete a New Jersey PTC certified program.
Complete Department FTO program and evaluations.
Officers who successfully complete all requirements and are in good standing will be advised of future full-time vacancies. (additional testing may be required).
All equipment to be supplied by Department, up to two complete uniforms.
Bike patrol (weather permitting).
Recreation area patrol.
Special details as needed (race track, parades, security assignments, etc.).
Patrol vehicle assignment during winter months.
Job description set by Department SOP/Special Law Enforcement Officers Act, N.J.S.A. 40A:14-146.8 et seq.
Work hours:
Primary 1600 hrs to 2400 hrs or 2000 hrs to 0200 hrs.
Pay rate set by the Township Salary Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: The currently effective Salary Ordinance is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
No health insurance or benefits will be supplied.
Crossing guards. Submit an application or resume as may be required and complete all required testing, interviews, background investigation, and training to secure employment for any open position as advertised.
Civilians. Submit an application or resume as may be required and complete all required testing, interviews, background investigation, and training to secure employment for any open position as advertised.
Volunteers/specially assigned persons. Submit an application or resume as may be required and complete all required testing, interviews, background investigation, and training to secure employment for any open position as advertised.