Under the supervision of the Mayor as chief executive, there shall be a Department of Emergency Services. Within the Department there shall be the following divisions:
Division of Health.
Division of Welfare.
Fire Department.
Fire Prevention.
Emergency Management Division.
Ambulance squads.
Division directors and duties, generally. The Council shall designate one of its members to be in charge of each of the divisions set forth in Subsection A hereof. This member shall not assume operational control over the personnel of the division, but he shall have the following duties:
Represent the division within the Department before the Council.
Assist division heads in long-range planning.
Assist division heads in budget preparation.
Inform division heads of matters which may affect the performance of their division.
Report to the Council on expenditures and on operations.
Assist division heads in the preparation of division bylaws and operating regulations and present such bylaws and regulations to Council.
Perform such other duties as are assigned to department heads generally by this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, Emergency Services Coordinating Council, added 4-17-2001 by Ord. No. 7-2001, as amended, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 6-1-2010 by Ord. No. 07-10.
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Health, the head of which shall be the Board of Health.
Composition. The Board of Health shall consist of the members of the Township Council, a physician licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and the Township Tax Assessor. The Board of Health shall annually, at its first meeting, appoint a Recording Secretary. There shall be within the Division a Registrar of Vital Statistics, the Municipal Physician, Assistant Health Inspectors, Assistant Registrar of Vital Statistics and such other persons as may be established by ordinance who shall be appointed by the Mayor.
Powers and duties. The Board of Health shall:
Have all the functions, powers and duties of a local Board of Health under Title 26 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, except that all legislative powers conferred on boards of health by that title shall reside in the Council.
Plan and administer a comprehensive public health program in accordance with the public laws of the State of New Jersey, including, without limitation thereto, environmental sanitation, communicable disease control, child and adult health, water supply, sanitation in hotels and eating places, garbage, sewers and dumps, the keeping and slaughtering of animals, heating of apartments, sanitation in trailer coach parks, sanitation in public campgrounds, picnic and swimming areas and such other services as may be authorized by the Charter, by ordinance or by general law.
Provide for the enforcement of public health laws, the State Sanitary Code and local health ordinances.
Conduct inspections and investigations of complaints of violations of public health laws or refer inspection and investigation to the Division of Inspections herein established, where appropriate.
In accordance with the contract between the Township and the Gloucester County Health Department, refer appropriate matters to the Gloucester County Health Department for investigation.
Initiate investigation into matters deemed injurious to the public health.
Establish standard procedures, including forms, for the collection of license fees, issuance of licenses and the referral of inspections, investigations or enforcement to other agencies, departments or divisions and for reporting disposition.
Cooperate with state agencies and with other appropriate agencies in the prosecution of violations of the public health laws.
Work for the abatement or removal of nuisances to the public health.
Investigate state model codes of public health and, where deemed appropriate, recommend to the Council their adoption.
Recommend to the Council ordinances required for the preservation of the public health and amendments deemed appropriate to existing ordinances.
Maintain and administer a Bureau of Vital Statistics according to the provisions of Title 26 of the New Jersey Revised Statutes, including births, deaths and marriage licenses pursuant to law.
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Welfare, the head of which shall be the Local Board of Assistance.
Composition. The Local Board of Assistance shall be composed of five members. The members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the Council. The members shall serve without compensation but shall be allowed their necessary and actual expenses.
Terms of members.
One member of the Local Board of Assistance shall have a term of one year. This member shall be appointed from among the membership of the Council.
The terms of the remaining members shall be for four years each.
The term of each member shall commence on the first day of January, and each member shall continue in office until a successor shall be appointed.
Organization; Director of Welfare. Each Local Board of Assistance shall organize and select a Chairman, Secretary and Recording Secretary and shall appoint a Director of Welfare and, from among its members, a Deputy Director of Welfare. The Director of Welfare shall be the executive and administrative officer of the Board. He shall hold office for a term of five years from the date of his appointment and shall be paid such salary as may be fixed by the Council. In the absence of the Director, the Deputy Director may exercise the authority of the Director of Welfare.
Powers and duties. Under the supervision of the Director of Emergency Services and of the Local Board of Assistance, the Welfare Director shall:
Administer laws and ordinances relating to relief of the needy, including the furnishing of all forms of public assistance provided by law through county and state agencies.
Provide or arrange for shelter and custodial care to dependent and homeless men and women.
Enter into and perform cooperative agreements with voluntary charitable organizations and services to effectuate the other functions under this section.
Provide related social services such as domestic relations counseling, investigation of paternity cases, indigent burials and other public welfare activities.
Cooperate with other public agencies and institutions and with voluntary institutions in the certification of medically indigent patients for care and treatment.
Provide periodic investigation of all welfare cases in accordance with general law.
Aid needy persons to achieve self-support or to obtain aid from other appropriate agencies.
Refer needy persons to appropriate agencies from which they may obtain aid.
Establish standard procedures for and maintain records of investigations, local assistance requests and grants, referrals for categorical assistance or for general assistance and the disposition of cases.
Commit individuals to state or county institutions when such care is required.
Request state reimbursement for payments for general assistance and for interim assistance grants made to needy persons.
Comply with all requirements of applicable law so that the municipality shall be eligible to receive reimbursement for payments made.
[Added 2-21-2023 by Ord. No. 4-2023]
Within the Department there shall be a Division of Fire. The head of which shall be the Fire Director.
Appointment and experience. The Fire Director shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of Council. Prior to his/her appointment the Fire Director shall have a minimum of 10 years' experience in a responsible capacity in fire administration. The Fire Director shall possess the following minimum qualifications:
Fire Official per N.J.A.C.5:71-4.3.
Fire Officer I per N.J.A.C.5:73-8.2.
Fire Investigator per N.J.A.C.5:73-18.2.
Fire Instructor I per N.J.A.C.5:73-5.2.
Incident Management Level 3 per N.J.A.C. 5:73-3.
Minimum Associates Degree in Fire Science or Public Safety.
Compensation. The Fire Director shall receive an annual salary to coincide with the annual salary ordinance.
Powers and duties. The Fire Director shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council for a term of three years. The Fire Director shall hold the combined positions of "Fire Official" and "Municipal Fire Chief" and shall exercise all duties prescribed to the office by law. The Fire Director shall oversee the daily operations of the Bureau of Fire as well as the Logan Township Fire Company.
Authority of Fire Director. Subject to the supervision of the Mayor, Administrator, or the Mayor's designee, the Fire Director shall be directly responsible for the efficient and routine day-to-day operations of the Bureau of Fire and the Logan Township Fire Company. The Fire Director shall have the authority to:
Organize the Department according to such table of organization as (s)he shall deem necessary and appropriate.
Adopt and promulgate such policies as are necessary and appropriate for the divisions within the Department.
Adopt and promulgate rules and regulations for the government of the divisions under his/her supervision and for the discipline of their members.
Prescribe the duties and assignments of all subordinates and other personnel.
Adopt and promulgate standard operating procedures for the efficient operation of the Department.
Shall oversee all spending and shall provide an annual budget to the CFO on an annual basis for the operations of the Bureau of Fire and the Logan Fire Company.
Responsibilities of Fire Department. Under the direction and supervision of the Fire Director, the Fire Company shall:
Have co-jurisdiction over the control, fighting and extinguishing of any conflagration which occurs within the Town limits.
Provide the firefighting services and facilities for the protection of life and property within the City and in accordance with such mutual aid agreements as may be enforced.
Responsibilities of Bureau of Fire. Under the direction and supervision of the Fire Director, the Bureau of Fire shall:
Ensure that duties of Fire Official, Fire Inspectors and other employees are completed per N.J.S.A. 5:70-3.3.
Shall coordinate and oversee fire prevention activities.
Investigate the cause, circumstances and origin of fires and report to the County Prosecutor every case of suspicious arson.
Maintain and administer fire prevention and fire safety inspection service for the City, provided that the primary responsibility for organizing and conducting fire inspection activities shall be lodged in the Department of Inspections which such personnel as shall be specially trained and assigned with reference to fire inspections.
[Amended 6-1-2010 by Ord. No. 07-10; 2-21-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
There shall exist within the Township of Logan the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company and such other companies as may be organized under the authority and jurisdiction of the Council. The Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company shall be the sole provider of emergency fire and related services within the borders of Logan Township, excluding mutual aid.
Constitution and bylaws. The Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company shall be governed in accordance with its presently existing constitution and bylaws and any amendments thereto which shall be adopted by the membership of the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company. The constitution, bylaws and any amendments thereto adopted by the membership of the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk.
A designated Council member shall be liaison between the Volunteer Fire Company and the Township Council.
Fire apparatus may be removed outside the limits of the Township with the express permission of the Fire Director. The Fire Director or his/her designee(s) shall have full control over the operation of all Township-owned equipment and apparatus. The Volunteer Fire Company shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, care and proper condition of all of its equipment and apparatus. The Fire Director, with the coordination of the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Chief, shall keep the Mayor and Council and the Director of Emergency Services informed as to the condition of apparatus and equipment and of such other matters as may affect the fire protection and fire safety of the Township.
Membership. Members of the Department shall be chosen and admitted to membership or removed or expelled from membership in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the company. Categories of membership shall be established by the constitution and bylaws. Current membership lists shall be filed with the Director.
Fire Department officers.
Within the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company there shall be a Volunteer Fire Chief of the Fire Company and such other line officers as shall be established in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the Volunteer Fire Company. The line officers shall be selected in accordance with the individual constitution and bylaws.
There shall be a Municipal Fire Marshal, also known as the "Municipal Fire Official." The Municipal Fire Marshal shall be appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of Council for a term of three years. The Fire Marshal shall exercise all duties prescribed to that office by law.
The Fire Director shall oversee all municipal spending on fire equipment, apparatus and ancillary needs and on a yearly basis shall provide an annual budget to the CFO for subsequent approval by Mayor and Council for the operations of the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company.
The Fire Director shall be advised immediately by the LTVFD Chief of any/all accidents, injuries to personnel, disciplinary actions against members, and any/all other incidents involving Township-owned equipment, facilities and apparatus, including, but not limited to, theft, misuse, damage and/or loss. For the purposes of this section, the term "immediately" shall be defined as verbal communication within two hours of any trigger event described above and followed up in writing within 24 hours.
The Fire Director shall be paid in accordance with the annual salary ordinance that is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
The Mayor, with the consent of Council and by recommendation of the Fire Director, may appoint Deputy Municipal Fire Chief(s). The Deputy Municipal Fire Chief(s) shall be appointed in accordance with provisions of law and shall be subject to removal by the Mayor as provided by law. The Deputy Municipal Fire Chief(s) shall be assigned duties and responsibilities as appropriate by the Fire Director and, in cooperation with the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Company, shall coordinate the fighting of fires and the performance of the Volunteer Fire Company in emergencies, in drills and in the providing of outside aid.
The Fire Director and the Deputy Fire Chief(s) shall be responsible for overseeing the daily operations of the Fire Company and shall be directly responsible for the efficiency and routine day-to-day operation of the Fire Company. Furthermore, the Municipal Fire Chief shall have the authority to establish policies and procedures which:
Delegate such authority as may be deemed necessary for the efficient operation of the Company to be exercised under his direction and supervision;
Administer and enforce the rules and regulations and special emergency directives for the disposition and discipline of the Company and its officers and personnel; and
Report at least monthly, in writing, to the Mayor and Council on the operation of the Company during the preceding month and make such other reports as may be requested by Mayor and Council.
The Township shall provide liability insurance and workers' compensation insurance covering any member of the Fire Company killed or injured in the performance of his or her duties as a firefighter.
Succession. In the event of the death, disability or resignation of any Fire Company officer, such vacancies will be filled in accordance with the bylaws of the Volunteer Fire Company.
Authority at fires. In the absence of a chief officer at a fire, the first line officer to arrive at the scene shall assume command until the arrival of a chief officer. In the absence of a line officer, the first executive officer present shall assume command until the arrival of a line officer. In the absence of an officer, the first senior person to arrive at the scene other than the driver shall assume command until the arrival of an officer. The person in command at a fire or other emergency shall have full police authority and is authorized and directed to require and secure the removal of any and all obstructions in and around the danger zone and is authorized to request assistance from other municipal departments as may be required in the performance of the duties of the Fire Company.
Fire police. The Chief of the Volunteer Fire Company may designate such fire police as he/she shall deem necessary. Each fire police person so designated shall serve for a term of one year. The fire police shall have all authority designated within N.J.S.A. 15:8-1 et seq.[1] The Chief of the Volunteer Fire Company shall notify the Fire Director of those individuals named as fire police. Persons designated to be fire police shall be sworn in before the Council. Fire police shall receive training in crowd control and in traffic control and shall be issued distinctive safety clothing and equipment approved by the Fire Director and the Chief of the Volunteer Fire Company. At the scene of a fire emergency, the fire police shall also have the following rights and duties:
Enforce the removal of obstructions to the Fire Company in the performance of its duties.
Direct traffic at the scene of a fire emergency.
Control crowds at the scene of a fire emergency.
Take possession of goods at a fire emergency and protect the premises from access by unauthorized persons until the arrival of the owner.
Editor's Note: Repealed by L. 1983, c. 127, § 15A:16-2, eff. Oct. 1, 1983.
Entry to premises. The Fire Company shall be authorized to enter upon, without hindrance or fee, all premises, grounds, structures, buildings, vehicles and passages to acquire water from pools, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, brooks or other water supplies whenever necessary in the performance of its duties. Authorized purposes for such entry shall include firefighting, inspection of public buildings, testing of fire alarms and firefighting equipment and investigations of suspected arson.
Arson. The Fire Director, Municipal Deputy Chief's, Fire Marshal, Chief of the Volunteer Fire Company and such other law enforcement officers as may be required shall investigate all cases of suspected arson. In coordination with the others named within this subsection, the Municipal Chief shall cause all premises in which arson is suspected to have occurred to be secured and shall promptly report every case of suspicion of arson to the police, the County Prosecutor and the Fire Marshal.
[Added 4-20-2010 by Ord. No. 4-2010]
Establishment. There is hereby established by the Township Committee of the Township of Logan, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey, a Junior Fireman's Auxiliary pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-95.
Rules and regulations. The rules and regulations for the Junior Fireman's Auxiliary shall provide for the training of the Auxiliary for eventual membership in the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:14-98.
Age limit. No person shall be eligible for membership in the Junior Fireman's Auxiliary who is less than 14 years of age and no more than 21 years of age. Persons between the ages of 14 and 21 shall be required to obtain permission to join the auxiliary from their parents or guardians. Such permission shall be in writing and acknowledged before a notary public.
Activities of junior fireman. No junior fireman shall be required to perform duties or activities which would expose him to the same degree of hazard as a regular member of the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company, and the rules and regulations for the Junior Fireman's Auxiliary shall specifically incorporate that regulation. Activities of a junior fireman under 16 years of age shall be limited to:
Attending meetings of the Junior Fireman's Auxiliary;
Receiving instructions;
Participating in training that does not involve fire, smoke, toxic or noxious gas, or hazardous materials or substances; and
Observing fire-fighting activities, while under supervision.
[Amended 4-2-2002 by Ord. No. 6-2002; 8-20-2002 by Ord. No. 18-2002; 8-15-2006 by Ord. No. 13-2006; 12-5-2006 by Ord. No. 18-2006; 11-16-2009 by Ord. No. 18-2009; 8-21-2018 by Ord. No. 6-2018; 2-21-2023 by Ord. No. 3-2023]
Local enforcement. Pursuant to Section 11 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act (P.L. 1983 c. 383),[1] The New Jersey Uniform Fire Code (N.J.A.C. 5:70-1 et seq.) shall be locally enforced in the Township of Logan.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-202.
Enforcing agency. The Logan Township Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be designated as the local enforcing agency.
The local enforcing agency shall enforce the Uniform Fire Code in all buildings, structures, and premises within the established boundaries of the Township of Logan other than one- and two-unit owner-occupied dwellings used exclusively for dwelling purposes and buildings, structures, and premises owned or operated by the federal government, interstate agencies or the state.
The local enforcing agency shall faithfully comply with all the pertinent requirements of the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the Uniform Fire Code.
The local enforcing agency established by Subsection B of this section shall be under the direct supervision and control of a Fire Official who shall report to the Township Administrator.
The Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have at least one paid Fire Official and at least one paid fire inspector.
Appointment, qualifications, term of office, removal of employees.
Appointment and qualifications of the Fire Official. The Fire Official shall be certified by the state and appointed by the governing body.
Appointment and qualifications and other employees. Inspectors and other employees of the enforcing agency shall be appointed by the governing body upon recommendation of the Fire Official. All life-hazard use inspectors shall be certified by the state.
Appointment of legal counsel. The governing body shall specifically appoint legal counsel to assist the agency in enforcing the Uniform Fire Code.
Term of office. The Fire Official shall serve a term of three years. Any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired term.
Removal from office. The Fire Official, inspectors and other employees of the agency shall be subject to removal by the governing body for just cause. Before removal from office, all persons shall be afforded an opportunity to be heard by the governing body or a hearing officer designated by the same.
Life-hazard uses. The local enforcing agency established by Subsection B of this section shall carry out the periodic inspections of life-hazard uses required by the Uniform Fire Code on behalf of the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
Non-life-hazard uses.
In addition to the registrations required by the Uniform Fire Code, the following non-life-hazard uses shall register with the Bureau of Fire Prevention. These shall be inspected once per year and pay an annual fee.
Use Group
Use Group (A) Assembly
Eating establishment under 50 (no alcoholic beverages)
Take-out food service (no seating)
Use Group (B) Business/Professional
Professional use under 999 square feet
Professional use 1,000 square feet to 4,999 square feet or less
Professional use 5,000 square feet or more
Use Group Fee
Use Group (M) Mercantile
Retail business less than 5,999 square feet
Retail business over 6,000 square feet
Use Group (R) Residential
R-2 3 to 6 units
Use Group (S) Storage
S-1 Moderate hazard up to 999 square feet
S-1 Moderate hazard 1,000 square feet to 5,999 square feet
S-1 Moderate hazard over 6,000 square feet
S-2 Low hazard under 999 square feet
S-2 Low hazard 1,000 square feet to 5,999 square feet
S-2 Low hazard over 6,000 square feet
Use Group (F) Factory
F-1 Moderate hazard up to 4,999 square feet
F-1 Moderate hazard over 5,000 square feet
F-2 Low hazard under 999 square feet
F-2 Low hazard 1,000 square feet 9,999 square feet
F-2 Low hazard over 10,000 square feet
F-2 Low hazard over 50,000 square feet
Use Group (U) Miscellaneous
U-1 Farms
U-2 Utility
U-3 Miscellaneous
The application fees for permits required by this enactment shall be as listed in N.J.A.C. 5:70-2.7(a)1 through 7, and shall be herein required as regulated by state regulations and shall be in accordance with said statute in effect at the time of the applicant pulling a Uniform Fire Code application.
Board of Appeals. Pursuant to Sections 15 and 17 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act,[2] any person aggrieved by any action of the local enforcing agency shall have the right to appeal to the Construction Board of Appeals of the County of Gloucester.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 52:27D-206 and 52:27D-208.
Enforcement, violations and penalties. Enforcement, violations and penalties shall be managed in conformity with the Uniform Fire Safety Act, the Uniform Fire Code and all other laws of the State of New Jersey.
Repealer. The following ordinances or portions thereof are hereby repealed: 06-85 and 06-A85.3.[3]
Editor's Note: Ordinance Nos. 6-1985 and 6A-1985 were previously included in Ch. 93, Art. II, which was superseded 8-19-1997 by Ord. No. 8-1997.
[Added 5-4-2010 by Ord. No. 5-2010]
Purpose. The purpose of this section is to establish fees for fire-rescue-related services and/or supplies to offset the considerable tax burden relating to the provision of adequate and continuing emergency services and to preserve, protect and promote the public health, safety and general welfare. The Township of Logan, in order to continue financial support of the volunteer emergency squads and the Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company, Inc., shall enable said squads and Company to establish mechanisms and procedures for billing emergency rescue services pursuant to the fees established and defined herein. All funds received by the volunteer squads and Company shall be transferred to the Township of Logan to offset the Township's costs of replacement and/or repair of equipment and supplies used in connection with the provision of emergency rescue and fire suppression services.
Establishment of billing procedures by volunteer squads and Company. The volunteer emergency service squad and/or Logan Township Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. shall establish procedures and a reimbursement mechanism for the benefit of Logan Township for the provision of emergency rescue supplies and equipment. Said procedures may include the use of a third-party billing company to invoice and collect the fees.
Billing. The fees and costs relating to the provision of emergency rescue services and supplies shall be billed to the recipient of such services and supplies, and/or their insurance company, if applicable. The invoice for such services shall be forwarded to the recipient within 30 days of the incident. The fees authorized by this section shall also include reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred relating to the collection of the fees for fire-rescue services. Participating volunteer emergency squads and the Fire Company shall submit a quarterly report and the fees collected to the Township Chief Financial Officer. The fees set forth herein shall be reviewed annually by the Township Chief Financial Officer and the Chiefs of the volunteer emergency squads and Fire Company. The Township Chief Financial Officer, with recommendations from the Chiefs, may thereafter recommend to Council that the fee schedule be altered to reflect appropriate increases or decreases.
Fees for certain fire-rescue services. The following rates and fees shall be charged for fire-rescue-related services and/or supplies provided by each volunteer emergency squad or fire company:
[Amended 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2022]
Motor vehicle incidents.
Level 1: $546/hr. Provide hazardous materials assessment and scene stabilization. This will be the most common billing level. This occurs almost every time the Fire Department responds to an accident/incident.
Level 2 - $623/hr. Includes Level 1 services as well as clean up and material used (sorbents) for hazardous fluid clean up and disposal. We will bill at this level if the Fire Department has to clean up any gasoline or other automotive fluids that are spilled as a result of the accident/incident.
Level 3: Car fire: $760/hr. Provide scene safety, fire suppression, breathing air, rescue tools, hand tools, hose, tip use, foam, structure protection, and clean up gasoline or other automotive fluids that are spilled as a result of the accident/incident.
Additional services:
Extrication: $1,641/hr. Includes heavy rescue tools, ropes, airbags, cribbing, etc. This charge will be added if the Fire Department has to free/remove anyone from the vehicle(s) using any equipment. We will not bill at this level if the patient is simply unconscious and Fire Department is able to open the door to access the patient. This level is to be billed only if equipment is deployed.
Creating a landing zone: $502/hr. Includes air care (multi-engine company response, mutual aid, helicopter). We will bill at this level any time a helicopter landing zone is created and/or is utilized to transport the patient(s).
Itemized response. You have the option to bill each incident as an independent event with custom mitigation rates for each incident using itemized rates deemed usual, customary and reasonable (UCR). These incidents will be billed itemized per apparatus, per personnel, plus products and equipment used.
Level 1: $881/hr. Basic response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, setup and command.
Level 2: $3,146/hr. Intermediate response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignment, Haz-Mat-certified team and appropriate equipment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, setup and command, Level A or B suit donning, breathing air and detection equipment. Setup and removal of decon center.
Level 3: $7,426/hr. Advanced response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignment, Haz-Mat-certified team and appropriate equipment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, first responder setup and command, Level A or B suit donning, breathing air and detection equipment and robot deployment. Setup and removal of decon center, detection equipment, recovery and identification of material. Disposal and environment clean up labor. Does not include any disposal rates of material and contaminated equipment and material used at scene. Includes three hours Haz-Mat of on-scene time. Each additional hour, $356 for Haz-Mat team.
Fire investigation.
Fire investigation team: $346 per hour. Includes:
Scene safety.
Source identification.
K-9/arson dog unit.
Identification equipment.
Mobile detection unit.
Fire report.
The claim begins when the Fire Investigator responds to the incident and is billed for logged time only.
Assignment: $503 per hour, per engine/$629 per hour, per truck. Includes:
Scene safety.
Fire/hazard control.
Optional: A fire department has the option to bill each fire as an independent event with custom mitigation rates, itemized, per person, at various pay levels and for itemized products use.
Illegal fires. Assignment: $503 per hour, per engine/$629 per hour, per truck. When a fire is started by any person or persons that requires a Fire Department response during a time or season when fires are regulated or controlled by local or state rules, provisions or ordinances because of pollution or fire danger concerns, such person or persons will be liable for the Fire Department response at a cost not to exceed the actual expenses incurred by the Fire Department to respond and contain the fire. Similarly, if a fire is started where permits are required for such a fire and the permit was not obtained and the Fire Department is required to respond to contain the fire, the responsible party will be liable for the response at a cost not to exceed the actual expenses incurred by the Fire Department. The actual expenses will include direct labor, equipment costs and any other costs that can be reasonably allocated to the cost of the response.
Water incidents.
Level 1: Basic response: Claim will include engine response, first responder assignment, perimeter establishment, evacuations, first responder setup and command, scene safety and investigation (including possible patient contact, hazard control). This will be the most common billing level. This occurs almost every time the Fire Department responds to a water incident. Billed at $503, plus $62 per hour, per rescue person.
Level 2: Intermediate response: Includes Level 1 services as well as clean up and material used (sorbents), minor hazardous clean up and disposal. We will bill at this level if the Fire Department has to clean up small amounts of gasoline or other fluids that are spilled as a result of the incident. Billed at $1,006, plus $62 per hour, per rescue person.
Level 3: Advanced response: Includes Level 1 and Level 2 services as well as D.A.R.T. activation, donning breathing apparatus and detection equipment. Set up and removal of decon center, detection equipment, recovery and identification of material. Disposal and environment clean up. Includes above in addition to any disposal rates of material and contaminated equipment and material used at scene. Billed at $2,489, plus $62 per hour, per rescue person, plus $126 per hour, per Haz-Mat team member.
Level 4: Itemized response: Each incident is billed as an independent event with specific mitigation rates for each incident using itemized rates deemed usual, customary and reasonable (UCR). These incidents will be billed, itemized, per trained rescue person, plus rescue products used.
Back country or special rescue: Itemized response: Each incident will be billed with custom mitigation rates deemed usual, customary and reasonable (UCR). These incidents will be billed, itemized, per apparatus, per hour, per trained rescue person, per hour, plus rescue products used. Minimum billed $503 for the first response vehicle plus $62 per rescue person. Additional rates of $503 per hour per response vehicle and $62 per hour, per rescue person.
Chief response. This includes the setup of command and providing direction of the incident. This could include operations, safety, and administration of the incident. Billed at $315 per hour.
Miscellaneous/additional time on scene. Additional time on-scene (for all levels of service):
Engine billed at $503 per hour.
Truck billed at $629 per hour.
Miscellaneous equipment billed at $378.
The hourly rates in Subsection D(1) through (8) above are based on actual costs using amortized schedules for apparatus (including useful life, equipment, repairs, and maintenance). Labor rates include an average department's actual burdened labor costs and not just a firefighter's wage. These include wages, retirement, benefits, workers comp, etc.
[Added 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2022]
The mitigation rates set forth above will increase by 5.9% annually or based on the annual percentage increase in the Consumer Fraud Price Index (CPI), as developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the U.S. Department of Labor, whichever rate is less. Rate adjustments will occur on the anniversary date of this subsection/amendment to keep the fire department's cost recovery program in conformity with increasing operating expenses.
[Added 12-20-2022 by Ord. No. 22-2022]
Within the Department of Emergency Services there shall be an Emergency Management Division supervised by an Emergency Management Coordinator who shall have such powers and duties as heretofore established by general law (N.J.S.A. App. A:9-41).
There shall exist within the Township of Logan a volunteer ambulance squad known as the "Logan Township Ambulance Association" and such other squads as may be organized under the authority and jurisdiction of the Council.
Constitution and bylaws. Each volunteer ambulance squad shall be governed in accordance with its presently existing constitution and bylaws and any amendments thereto which shall be adopted by the membership of each individual squad. The constitutions, bylaws and any amendments thereto adopted by the membership of each volunteer squad shall be filed with the Municipal Clerk.
A designated Council member shall be liaison between the volunteer ambulance squad(s) and the Township Council.
Ambulance apparatus may be removed outside the limits of the Township with the express permission of the Captain of each volunteer ambulance squad. When responding to an emergency call in a mutual aid district or transporting a patient to a hospital or other medical facility, this permission is implied. Each volunteer ambulance squad shall have full control over the operation of its own squad and equipment and apparatus. Each volunteer ambulance squad shall be solely responsible for the maintenance, care and proper condition of all of its equipment and apparatus. The Captain of each volunteer ambulance squad shall keep the Director of Emergency Services informed as to the condition of apparatus and equipment and of such other matters as may affect the fire protection and fire safety of the Township.
Membership. Members of the squad(s) shall be chosen and admitted to membership or removed or expelled from membership in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of the squad. Categories of membership shall be established by the constitution and bylaws. Current membership lists shall be filed with the Director.
Ambulance squad officers.
Within each volunteer ambulance squad there shall be a Captain of the ambulance squad and such other line officers as shall be established in accordance with the constitution and bylaws of each individual volunteer ambulance squad. The line officers shall be selected in accordance with the individual constitutions and bylaws.
All emergency medical technicians shall be qualified to act as such under the laws of the State of New Jersey and the regulations set forth thereunder.
The Township shall provide liability insurance and workmen's compensation insurance covering any member of the ambulance squad killed or injured in the performance of his duties as a member of the ambulance squad.
Succession. In the event of the death, disability or resignation of any ambulance squad officer, such vacancies will be filled in accordance with the bylaws of each volunteer ambulance squad.
Authority at emergency sites. In the absence of a captain at an emergency site, the first line officer to arrive at the scene shall assume command until the arrival of a captain. In the absence of a line officer, the first executive officer present shall assume command until the arrival of a line officer. In the absence of an officer, the first senior man to arrive at the scene other than the driver shall assume command until the arrival of an officer. The person in command at a fire or other emergency shall have full police authority and is authorized and directed to require and secure the removal of any and all obstructions in and around the danger zone and is authorized to request assistance from other municipal departments as may be required in the performance of the duties of the ambulance squad.
Entry to premises. The ambulance squad(s) shall be authorized to enter upon, without hindrance or fee, all premises, grounds, structures, buildings, vehicles and passages to render emergency medical services or to investigate the request for the same.
[Added 5-2-2000 by Ord. No. 4-2000]
Establishment; composition.
[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 4-2005]
A compensated Emergency Medical Services Department has previously been established within the Township of Logan, County of Gloucester, State of New Jersey. The name of this Department shall be Logan Emergency Medical Service. The administrative and operational director of this Department, formerly known as the Emergency Services Coordinator, shall now be the Emergency Medical Service Chief. The Emergency Medical Service Chief shall be assisted by the Emergency Medical Service Deputy Chief, formerly known as the Supervisor. A designated Council member shall act as a liaison for the Department.
The Emergency Medical Service Department shall be comprised of the following personnel:
The Emergency Medical Service Chief.
The Emergency Medical Service Deputy Chief.
Full-time Emergency Medical Technician employees.
Additional part-time, per diem, Emergency Medical Technicians, as needed, to assure EMS coverage to the Township of Logan 24 hours per day, seven days per week.
Jurisdiction and functions of the Emergency Medical Service Department. The Emergency Medical Service (EMS) Department shall have primary jurisdiction over the control and response to any emergency medical service call made within the Township limits. The EMS Department shall:
[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 4-2005]
Provide emergency medical service, ambulance response and transportation for the residences and businesses located within the Township of Logan.
Be authorized to enter upon, without fee or interference, all premises, grounds, structures, buildings, vessels and passages whenever necessary in the performance of its duties.
Operate a training program to provide EMS training to members of the Logan Township community.
Standard operating procedures, employee guidelines and Department Policies. Standard operating procedures have previously been developed by the EMS Chief and approved by the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services' Office of Emergency Medical Services and the Logan Township Council. Department policies shall be developed by the EMS Chief as necessary.
[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 4-2005]
Emergency Medical Service Chief; powers, duties.
[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 4-2005]
The EMS Department of the Township of Logan shall be directed by the EMS Chief, appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council. The EMS Chief shall serve for the term of office of the Mayor appointing him or her and shall be subject to removal by the Mayor as provided by law. Once the term of the EMS Chief is over, he or she shall revert to a regular full-time position within the Department, with seniority for service time provided in relation to other positions, unless removed for cause.
The EMS Chief shall be technically qualified by certification, training and experience.
The EMS Chief shall have general administrative and operational authority over the EMS Department.
The EMS Chief shall report to the Mayor and Council monthly with regard to the operation of the Department.
The EMS Chief shall make recommendations to the Mayor with regard to the necessity of hiring additional personnel, termination of personnel and shall make recommendations with regard to filling vacant positions within the EMS Department.
The EMS Chief shall be paid in accordance with the annual Salary Ordinance.[1]
Editor's Note: The currently effective Salary Ordinance is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
Emergency Medical Service Deputy Chief; powers, duties. The duties of the EMS Deputy Chief shall be determined by the EMS Chief. The Deputy Chief shall have full operational authority over the EMS Department in the absence of the EMS Chief.
[Added 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 4-2005]
The appointment of the EMS Deputy Chief will be made by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the Council, based upon the recommendation of the EMS Chief. The EMS Deputy Chief shall serve for the term of office of the Mayor appointing him or her and shall be subject to removal by the Mayor as provided by law. Once the term of the EMS Deputy Chief is over, he or she shall revert to a regular full-time position within the Department, unless removed for cause.
The EMS Deputy Chief shall be paid in accordance with the annual Salary Ordinance.
Employees, Emergency Medical Technicians.
[Amended 2-15-2005 by Ord. No. 4-2005[2]]
All Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) personnel must have the required certification from the New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services' Office of Emergency Medical Services prior to becoming an employee within the Department.
Revocation, expiration or suspension of such certification is cause for immediate suspension or dismissal. On written request, such employee may request a public hearing on the matter.
All employees appointed with this section shall be paid in accordance with the annual Salary Ordinance.[3]
Editor's Note: The currently effective Salary Ordinance is on file in the office of the Municipal Clerk.
Editor's Note: Former Subsection F, Fees, has been renumbered as Subsection G to accommodate the changes made by this ordinance.
Fees. The fee schedule for the Logan Township Emergency Medical Services Unit shall be as follows:
[Added 7-25-2001 by Ord. No. 11-2000; amended 8-20-2002 by Ord. No. 20-2002; 2-1-2005 by Ord. No. 2-2005; 9-20-2005 by Ord. No. 20-2005; 2-7-2006 by Ord. No. 4-2006]
Base rate
Loaded mileage
$12.50 per mile (that patient is actually transported)
Oxygen therapy
Cervical collar