[Adopted 3-7-1985 by Ord. No. 85-5]
No person, between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and dawn, shall throw or cast the rays of any illuminating device on any field, woods or marsh in Mannington Township where deer or other animals may reasonably be expected to be found, with the following exceptions:
A light may be used at any time by a person legally hunting with a dog for raccoons or opossums.
Lights may be used at any time by the the owner or tenant of land, or those having the consent of the owner or tenant on such land, for purposes other than "spotlighting" or illuminating deer or other undomesticated animals.
Lights may be used at any time by public officials and other authorized persons for law enforcement, disaster control, rescue work, fire fighting, recovery of disabled vehicles or protection of property.
[Amended 7-6-2006 by 06-10]
Violations of this article shall be punishable as provided in § 1-15 of this Code.