[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Wallkill 7-28-1988 by L.L. No. 14-1988. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Fire prevention — See Ch. 122.
Zoning — See Ch. 249.
The burning of any type of material in the open, on the ground, outside, in any type of receptacle, in the Town of Wallkill by any individual or business entity is hereafter prohibited except in an RA (Rural Agricultural) Zone as designated in the Zoning Law and as shown upon the Town Zoning Map.[1] Said burning shall only be allowed in an RA (Rural Agricultural) Zone upon the granting of a permit by the Town Clerk.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 249, Zoning.
Any individual or business entity who violates this chapter by causing, allowing or permitting said open burning shall be subject to a fine of up to $250 or up to six months in jail, or both.