[Approved 10-17-1967 by Ch. No. 1135 as Sec. 28-23 of the 1966 Code; amended in its entirety 6-12-2008 by Ch. No. 2894]
No snow shall be permitted to remain upon any sidewalk, which shall be defined as that portion of a street between the curblines, or the lateral lines of a roadway, and the adjacent property lines, intended for the use of pedestrians, for a period exceeding the first 12 hours of daylight after the cessation of any snowstorm or after such snow shall have fallen from any building. No ice shall be permitted to remain upon any such sidewalk more than two hours in the daytime, unless covered with sand or other suitable substance.
The owner, occupant or other person having the care of any building or lot bordering upon any such sidewalk shall cause the same to be made safe and convenient by removing the snow and ice therefrom, or by causing the ice to be suitably covered.
Snow and ice removed from a sidewalk shall not be thrown or deposited on any street or on any property of another property owner.
The Director of Zoning and Code Enforcement or his designee shall be responsible for the enforcement of the provisions of this article. The Director of Zoning and Code Enforcement shall establish a policy for determining what constitutes a sufficient path.
A notice shall be printed in all local newspapers, including non-English newspapers, in late October apprising residents of the requirement to remove snow and ice from sidewalks as per this article.
All violations of this article shall be subject to a fine of $25 for a first offense, a fine of $50 for a second offense, and a fine of $100 for a third and subsequent offenses. Fines may be paid by mail. Mailed-in fines must be received by the Office of Zoning and Code Enforcement within 14 days of the date of the summons. Anyone who does not pay the fine by mail in a timely manner must appear in Pawtucket Municipal Court.