[Approved 10-17-1967 by Ch. No. 1135 as Secs. 28-22 and 28-24 of the 1966 Code]
Whenever from accident or casualty any liquid or other substance, which may injure by contact therewith any man or beast, or any glass or solid substance which may render travel unsafe to man or beast shall be thrown or deposited in any street or sidewalk, the person in whose charge and control such liquid or substance was, at the time of such accident, shall as soon as reasonably may be, by removal of the same or otherwise, restore the street or sidewalk to a condition safe and convenient for travel of man or beast.
[Amended 7-25-1996 by Ch. No. 2420]
No person shall wet down the sidewalks of nor use water upon the outside of any structure abutting upon or near to any public street in this City in any manner that may cause annoyance or inconvenience to any person having the right to use such street or sidewalk during the above-mentioned time. No person shall wet down any such sidewalk, nor use water in any manner that may cause such water to come upon such sidewalk or street, at any time when such water may be likely to freeze upon such sidewalk or street.