Rate of pay. An employee's rate of pay will be established by the Town Board.
Merit increases. An employee may receive a pay increase based upon the employee's past performance. The merit increase will be granted at the discretion of the Town Board.
Authorization. A nonexempt employee must receive prior approval from the employee's department head before working beyond the employee's normal workday or workweek.
FLSA exempt employees. In accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act, a FLSA exempt employee will not be paid for overtime nor receive compensatory time for any hours worked in excess of the employee's normal workday or workweek.
FLSA nonexempt employees. A full-time FLSA nonexempt employee will be paid 1 1/2 times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all authorized time worked over eight hours in a given workday. An intermediate, part-time, temporary or seasonal employee will be paid 1 1/2 times the employee's regular hourly rate of pay for all authorized time worked over 40 hours in a given workweek.
Compensatory time. A nonexempt employee will have the option of receiving compensatory time in lieu of paid overtime. When a nonexempt employee chooses to receive compensatory time, the employee will be credited with the equivalent of 1 1/2 hours for all authorized overtime worked in a given workday. An employee may accumulate up to 40 hours in compensatory time credits (80 hours if employed in the Highway Department). In the event an employee accrues more than the cap allowed, the employee must either use the excess compensatory leave credits within the pay period in which it is earned or take paid overtime. An employee must use all compensatory leave credits within the calendar year in which they are earned.
Credit for paid leave. Sick leave, personal leave, vacation leave, jury duty leave and holidays will be included as time worked for the purpose of computing overtime. Bereavement leave and military leave will not be included as time worked for the purpose of computing overtime.
Termination from employment. An employee whose employment with the Town is terminated will receive cash payment for unused compensatory credits to which the employee is properly entitled at the employee's then current rate of pay.
Payroll period. The payroll period will begin Saturday and end six calendar days later on Friday.
Pay date. Paychecks will be issued on Friday. In the event that the pay date is a designated holiday, paychecks will be distributed on the previous workday.
Distribution. The bookkeeper will deliver paychecks to the department heads for further distribution to employees.
Direct deposit. The Town provides a direct deposit option for employees. If elected, the designated amount will be deposited directly into the employee's account at the Ulster County Federal Credit Union. The employee must submit a signed, written authorization for direct deposit to the bookkeeper.
Authorized check release. The department head will not release a paycheck to anyone other than the employee unless the employee has submitted a signed, written authorization with the bookkeeper.
Statutory deductions. The required portion of an employee's pay for federal and state taxes and any other deduction required by law will be deducted from the employee's paycheck. Such deductions will be noted on the paycheck.
Voluntary deductions. Payroll deductions provided through the Town's payroll system will be made from an employee's paycheck when authorized by the employee. Such deductions will be noted on the paycheck.