[Adopted 11-30-1994 by L.L. No. 7-1994]
The purpose of this article shall be to preserve the public peace and good order in the town, to contribute to the public welfare, safety and good order of its people and to contribute to the safe conveyance of its people over the streets and sidewalks of the town by establishing certain regulations for the removal of snow and ice from the streets and sidewalks of the town that are consistent with the rights and privileges of other residents of the Town.
No person, firm or corporation shall deposit, throw, place or strew nor shall any person, firm or corporation cause to be deposited, thrown, placed or strewn any snow or ice upon any town street, avenue, roadway or highway.
No person, firm or corporation shall pile, gather up, plow up or in any way force any snow or ice upon any town street, avenue, roadway or highway.
No person, firm or corporation shall pile, gather up, plow up or in any force any snow or ice upon any terrace or parcel of land within six feet of any Town street, avenue, roadway or highway in such a manner as to cause the height of the snow and ice so piled, gathered, plowed or forced to exceed three feet six inches in height above the existing natural grade of said terrace or parcel of land within six feet of said town street.
No person, firm, corporation, property owner or occupant shall remove snow or ice from any parcel of real estate and place it upon another parcel of real estate without the express permission of the owner of the parcel of real estate upon which the snow or ice is to be placed.
Any person, firm or corporation piling, gathering or plowing up snow or ice on any Town street, avenue, roadway or highway or to an excess height, as indicated in § 116-5B, shall forthwith remove the same at its expense, upon the request of the Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Hamptonburgh.
Whenever any person, firm or corporation neglects or refuses to remove any snow or ice piled, gathered or plowed up in violation of this article within two hours after a request to do so by the Superintendent of Highways, the Town may remove or cause to be removed such accumulation at the expense of the owner or occupant of said property, and, upon the failure to pay the charge, the Town shall cause the expense thereof to be assessed against the property and become a lien thereon, collectible in the same manner as town real property taxes.
Whenever the Town Highway Superintendent finds that an emergency condition in violation of this article exists, which condition requires immediate attention in order to protect the public health or safety, he may issue an order reciting the existence of such emergency condition and requiring that such action be taken by the violator as soon as it is reasonably necessary to meet the emergency. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, such order shall be effective immediately. Any person to whom such order is directed shall comply therewith immediately, but, upon objection in writing, shall be afforded a hearing before the Town Board as soon as is reasonably possible. After such hearing and decision by the Town Board, the order may be confirmed, modified or withdrawn. In emergency circumstances, the hearing may take place after removal or abatement action by the Highway Department.
[Added 4-13-1999 by L.L. No. 1-1999]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article shall, upon conviction, be punishable by a fine of not more than $250 or imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both. Each day of continuance of an offense shall be considered a separate offense.