[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Neversink 12-13-2006 by L.L. No. 2-2006.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 39.
Subdivision of land — See Ch. 41.
Editor's Note: This local law also repealed former Ch. A51, Street Specifications, adopted 5-9-1984 by L.L. No. 6-1984.
All proposed Town roads forming part of a subdivision which receives final approval, pursuant to Town Law § 277, following the date of this statute, or otherwise, shall comply with these regulations.
A right-of-way width of not less than 50 feet shall be deeded to the Town of Neversink on all new roads. The graded roadbed shall be 30 feet wide, consisting of a pavement at least 20 feet in width and shoulders, exclusive of ditches, of at least five feet in width. A crown slope of 1/4 inch per foot from center line of roadway to edge shall be provided. Shoulder slopes shall be 1/2 inch per foot. The roadway shall be cleared of all trees, brush and debris for a width of at least 50 feet. Greater right-of-way widths may be required to include the top of cut slopes, bottom of fills and culvert drainage. This extra width may be acquired by easement.
The line and grade of all roadways shall be constructed or reconstructed to maintain a minimum sight distance in either direction of 300 feet. Grades shall be no less than 0.5% nor more than 10.0%. Grades of up to 12.0% may be acceptable for distances of 200 feet, separated by distances of no less than 300 feet, which comply with the 10% maximum grade requirement. Horizontal curves shall have a maximum curvature appropriate to the terrain and be banked 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch per foot.
The road shall be constructed with adequate ditches, culverts and other structures to provide suitable drainage under all conditions. Drainage piping, structures and watercourses shall be properly sized based upon the contributing watershed hydrologic conditions for a fifty-year storm. Minimum culvert diameter is 15 inches. All drainage ditches exceeding a 10% slope shall be lined with a light rip-rap stone acceptable to the highway superintendent.
Cut- and fill-slopes in earth shall be not less than one on two and, in rock, three on one. The base of the road, at least 30 feet in width, shall consist of a bottom course of at least 12 inches of run-of-bank gravel or gray shale; and a top course of at least four inches of well-graded run-of-bank gravel or screened gravel, with no particles larger than two inches in diameter. Prior to placing road base material, a geotextile or equivalent construction fabric acceptable to the Town Highway Superintendent shall be placed over the original soil grade for full road width. The subbase courses shall be crowned, shaped to a smooth grade, well-compacted with at least a ten-ton roller or equivalent and treated with 1/2 gallon of calcium chloride per square yard. All underground utilities and drainage structures shall be completed before the surfacing is applied.
Pavement shall consist of placing a minimum three-inch-thick course of Type 3 asphaltic binder, which shall be rolled with a ten-ton roller or equivalent; followed by placing a one-and-one-half-inch-thick top course of Type 7 asphalt, which shall be rolled with a ten-ton roller or equivalent. The pavement is to be 20 feet in width.
Dead-end streets shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right-of-way radius of 70 feet and a pavement radius of 60 feet.
All guide rails and street signs, where needed, shall meet New York State Department of Transportation standards and be furnished and installed by the developer.
All bridges will be approved by the Sullivan County Commissioner of Public Works.
Roadway intersections shall be as close to 90° as possible, but in no case less than 75°. A minimum fifty-foot-long section of road that is level or having a maximum grade of 5% shall be provided at intersecting roadways. A minimum twenty-five-foot flare radius shall be provided at intersections. No trees, shrubs or other obstructions which interfere with visibility for traffic safety will be allowed at intersections.
Driveways shall not exceed a slope of 15%. Driveway culverts will be sized to handle expected ditch runoff flows and be no less than 15 inches in diameter and at least 30 feet long. All driveways shall be constructed to slope away from the edge of roadway at minimum 1/2 inch per foot to the center line of ditch or 15 feet, whichever is less.
All construction shall comply with requirements for NYSDEC "SPDES General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activities."
Any proposed Town highway shall be built and accepted or a letter of credit or certified check equal to 100% of the total estimated cost, as established by the Town of Neversink Planning Board, the Town of Neversink Highway Superintendent and Town Engineer, prior to the sale of any lots. The letter of credit or certified check will be held by the Town Board until notified that all construction costs for the road have been satisfied. A ten-percent retainage will be held for a one-year period for maintenance for road repairs, if necessary.
All property deeded to the Town of Neversink must be accompanied by title insurance in an amount equal to the cost of construction of the road plus 15%, together with a certified survey by a New York State licensed land surveyor or a practicing engineer certified to the title insurance company and the Town of Neversink. The deed and all papers, forms and instruments necessary for recording the deed shall be provided by the grantor, who shall pay for all costs required to record the deed.
The proposed design, methods of construction and type of material to be used shall be subject to the approval of the Town Superintendent of Highways. The Town of Neversink Highway Superintendent, the Town Board and the Town Engineer shall determine whether the proposed Town road has been constructed or completed in accordance with these regulations. Their discretion shall be complete and unfettered.
Any adjudication by any court of competent jurisdiction that any part of this law is invalid shall not affect the balance or remainder or any part of the balance or remainder of this law.