[Adopted 8-2-1993 by Ord. No. 777]
For the purpose of this article, the following definition shall apply:
The Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace.
The Director of Finance of the Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace.
Due and unpaid as of the first day of October next proceeding the day upon which ordinary City real estate taxes first became due.
Real property located in the City of Havre de Grace, Maryland, improved or unimproved held in fee or by lease.
Real estate taxes assessed by the Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace against real property located within the City of Havre de Grace, Maryland.
In addition to interest imposed pursuant to Article 81, § 48 of the Maryland Annotated Code, a penalty shall be applied to all taxes overdue, in arrears and payable to the City of Havre de Grace, Maryland, on October 1 of each year. The aforesaid penalty shall be equal to 1 1/2% of the unpaid base amount for each month or fraction of a month taxes remain overdue, in arrears and payable after October 1 in each taxable year.
An additional penalty in the amount of $80 shall be applied to all taxes overdue, in arrears and payable to the City of Havre de Grace on April 1 in each taxable year.
During the month of June in each tax year, the Collector shall have the power to sell all property upon which taxes remain overdue, in arrears and payable. The time and place of the sale shall be established by the Collector. The sale shall be in accordance with the provisions of the public general laws of the State of Maryland as they may regulate tax sales from time to time.
The rate of redemption shall be as fixed by resolution of the Harford County Council from time to time.
Pursuant to the authority conferred upon the Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace, by the general assembly of Maryland, the City of Havre de Grace hereby creates within the corporate limits of the City of Havre de Grace a special taxing district for the purpose of financing the design, construction, establishment, extension, alteration, acquisition and maintenance of adequate storm drainage systems. A special taxing district is hereby created to be known as the "Critical Area Taxing District." An ad valorem tax shall be levied on all real property located within this special taxing district at a rate not exceeding $1 per $100 of assessed value sufficient to provide adequate annual revenues to pay the principal and interest on any bonds or other obligations of the Mayor and City Council of Havre de Grace issued for the purposes provided herein as the principal and interest thereon may become due and to pay the cost of operating and maintaining such facilities and activities from time to time. The tax levied pursuant hereto shall be levied in the same manner, upon the same assessments, for the same period or periods, and as of the same date or dates of finality as are now or may hereafter be prescribed for ad valorem taxes within the City of Havre de Grace.
The critical area taxing district shall have the following boundary that is to say:
Beginning at the point where the center line of the right-of-way of United States Route 40, otherwise known as Pulaski Highway, crosses the shoreline of the Susquehanna River within the City of Havre de Grace and continuing southerly along the shoreline of the Susquehanna River to the point where a southerly projection of the center line of Concord Street crosses the shore line of the Susquehanna River, then north along the center line of Concord Street to its intersection with Revolution Street, west along the center line of Revolution Street to its intersection with Market Street, north along the center line of Market Street to its intersection with St. John Street, then in a generally northwesterly direction along the center line of St. John Street to its intersection with Union Avenue, then north along the center line of Union Avenue to its intersection with Water Street, then north along the center line of Water Street to its intersection with Erie Street, then west along the center line of Erie Street to its intersection with Conesteo Street, then north along the center line of Conesteo Street to its intersection with a projection of Superior Street, then west along the center line of a projection of Superior Street to its intersection with United States Route 40, then northeasterly along the center line of United States Route 40 to the point at beginning at the shore of the Susquehanna River.
Revenues generated by the special tax authorized herein shall be used for the purpose of achieving the water quality objectives and policies set forth in the Chesapeake Bay Critical Area Law[1] as amended from time to time and more specifically for the purpose of designing, constructing or modifying one or more stormwater management facilities having the capacity to treat or otherwise reduce stormwater pollutant discharges to a degree such that, when fully developed, such pollutant discharge shall be at least 10% less than that from the Critical Area Taxing District as of July 1, 1988. Reductions in stormwater pollutant loadings may be achieved by the treatment of stormwater originating either inside or outside the district so long as such facilities are reasonably designed to contribute to meeting the goals stated herein.
Editor's Note: See Natural Resources Article, § 8-1801 et seq., of the Annotated Code of Maryland.