No person shall enter any private residential property in the Village of East Hampton, Suffolk County, New York, for the purpose of vending, peddling or soliciting orders for any merchandise, device, book, periodical or printed matter whatsoever, nor for the purpose of soliciting alms or a subscription or a contribution to any church or charitable or public institution whatsoever, nor for the purpose of distributing any handbill, pamphlet, tract, notice or advertising matter, nor for the purpose of selling or distributing any ticket or chance whatsoever, without the previously expressed invitation of the owner or occupant of the premises.
It shall be unlawful for any peddler or solicitor to enter or attempt to gain entry or admission to any premises posted with any sign, the purpose of which sign is to prevent, prohibit or avoid peddling or soliciting thereat.
This chapter shall not apply to charitable or other organizations or persons exempted from compliance with the provisions of Article 7-A of the Executive Law, nor to any political organization or any division, branch, part or representative thereof.
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter upon private property for the purpose of soliciting before the hour of 9:00 a.m. prevailing time or after 1/2 hour after sunset or 7:00 p.m. prevailing time, whichever is later, on any day except upon the expressed invitation of the owner or occupant of the premises.
It shall be unlawful for any person soliciting pursuant to § 214-5 above to solicit, either directly or indirectly or by or through another person or employee, without having first given notice of such solicitation, information about the proposed solicitor and the purpose of the proposed solicitation to the East Hampton Village Police Department Said notice shall advise the Police Department of:
The day on which the proposed solicitation will occur;
The full name, address and social security number of the proposed solicitor;
The full name and address of the organization, if any, with which the solicitor is associated; and
A general description of the purpose of the proposed solicitation.
No peddler or solicitor shall have any exclusive right to any location in any street or on any public property, nor shall any peddler or solicitor be permitted to occupy any stationary location in any street or on any public property. No person may peddle or solicit in any congested place or area when or where such activity may impede or inconvenience the public or add to the congestion of such place or area. For the purpose of this section, the judgment of any peace officer or police officer, exercised in good faith, shall be deemed conclusive as to the existence of congestion and as to whether the public is impeded or inconvenienced.