The intent of this article is to guide the future development of a business park that meets the goals, objectives, and policies of the Town's Comprehensive Plan and Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan by:
Creating a signature entrance into the Town of Ledgeview and the Green Bay region.
Providing a variety of high-quality office, highway-oriented commercial, pedestrian-oriented commercial, and light industrial uses positioned to address major roads and open spaces.
Preserving natural areas such as ravines and streams and providing access to them with public open spaces.
Organizing an interconnected network of trails to improve pedestrian and bike access within the business park.
Providing natural landscaping, quality on-site signage, sufficient parking, and adequate stormwater management.
Encouraging growth in generated property taxes for the Town.
The PDD-BP District may apply to areas designated as Future Business Park in the Town of Ledgeview's Comprehensive Plan. This includes, at a minimum, the area around the Interstate 43/CTH MM interchange.
As a basis for determining the acceptability of a PDD-BP development proposal, the following criteria shall be applied to the development plan with specific consideration as to whether or not it is consistent with the spirit and intent of the Comprehensive Plan, the Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan, and this chapter, has been prepared with competent professional advice and guidance, and produces significant benefits in terms of environmental design.
The criteria for approval within this chapter establish standards for each character area as identified in Figure 3 of the Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan. The criteria for approval contain the design parameters for buildings and streetscape, specifications for location and appearance of open spaces, requirements for landscape, and mix of uses and densities allowed per land use.
Specific criteria:
Structures shall be designed with a theme similar to that depicted in the Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan in terms of use of materials, architectural elements, building massing, and landscaping in and around the site. In all character areas throughout the PDD-BP, the PDD-BP development design shall achieve the following standards in addition to requirements contained within § 135-11 of the Code of the Town of Ledgeview:
Building types.
Architectural standards.
Building facades facing major roads, such as Interstate 43 and county arterials, shall be designed with materials and details similar to that found on the front facade of the building. At a minimum, the facades shall be subdivided and proportioned using features such as windows, frames, sills and lintels, shading devices, and modulations of walls.
All architectural elevations of buildings shall consist of a base, body, and cap. The base and the cap shall be clearly distinguishable from the body through changes in color, material, profile, or texture.
Changes in massing shall relate to entrances, the integral structure and/or the organization or architecture of interior spaces and not exist solely for cosmetic effect.
Every public structure shall have clearly defined, highly visible public entrances featuring architectural elements such as canopies or porticos, overhangs, arcades, raised parapets, arches or roof forms.
Materials, colors, and textures. In addition to the requirements of § 135-11M(6)(c), all structures shall meet the following standards:
Appropriate combinations of materials, colors, and textures shall be used in a theme consistent with the design of the overall PDD-BP and reflect the Ledgeview Business Park Design Guidelines.
Materials, such as stone, brick, painted metal, and wood, or imitations thereof substantially imitating the appearance and quality of such materials, shall be used.
Flat-faced concrete or cinder block is prohibited.
EIFS is limited to dormers, gables, and soffits only.
Vinyl and or aluminum siding is permitted by conditional use permit only.
Themed color combinations for the site are required. The predominant colors on facades shall be subtle, neutral, or earth tone colors, and the material shall be low-reflectance.
Building design character shall not signify a particular brand or product, but rather be easily utilized for a wide variety of businesses.
Horizontal massing shall not exceed a height: width ratio of 1:3 without substantial variation in massing that includes a change in the height and building setback.
Facades of buildings occupying more than 25,000 square feet and/or 60 feet or more of street frontage shall:
Be designed with recess and projections, material changes, and other articulations every 30 to 60 feet, in order to break up large building masses and create the appearance of smaller buildings.
Avoid monolithic appearance on building frontages and rooflines. The larger box-type massing of such structures must be offset by breaking up building sections, or by the use of elements such as variable planes, projections, setbacks, and changes in rooflines.
Be subdivided and proportioned using features such as windows, frames, sills and lintels, shading devices, and modulations of the wall.
Have roofs that are visually interesting, with variations in the roofline and treatments such as extended eaves and parapet walls with cornice treatments.
Exterior building lighting.
Exterior architectural lighting for buildings and landscaping shall be ground-mounted.
Lighting shall be directed away from residential properties. Exterior lighting shall not exceed 0.50 footcandle measured at noncommercial lot lines.
All exterior lighting shall be a part of the architectural and landscape design concept in color, location, and type of lighting.
Lighting fixtures shall complement the character of the public streetlighting, as depicted in the Ledgeview Business Park Design Guidelines.
Signage. All signs shall meet the requirements of Chapter 79, Signs. All signage shall complement the theme of the business park, as depicted in the Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan.
Lot layout.
Where buildings are within 200 feet of public streets, buildings shall be parallel to the street.
The site design for projects located at street corners shall provide special landscape treatment at street intersections to emphasize the corner.
Where appropriate, the site design shall address and/or incorporate existing natural features, such as forested areas, streams, and topography.
The clustering of smaller, visually compatible structures is desired over singular large structures.
Parking areas shall be located behind principal buildings wherever possible. Where it is necessary to locate parking at the side of building, there shall be a landscape buffer not to exceed four feet in height between the parking area and all public streets. Off-street parking in front of buildings shall only be considered when no other design option is possible.
On sites with multiple structures, all building entrances shall be connected through sidewalks and/or paths.
Buffers, fences, and walls.
Landscape buffers and screens shall have diverse elements, including, but not limited to, a combination of trees, shrubs, fences, ornamental masonry, and landscape berms.
A shrub, border, hedge, wall, fence, earthen berm or other durable landscape barrier, or combination thereof, shall be at least four feet high, but not exceeding eight feet high, and shall be 90% impervious to sight placed along the perimeter of such landscaped strip except in the front yard setback. When a berm or plantings, or a combination thereof, is used as a buffer, it may exceed eight feet in height only upon approval of the Site Review/Zoning and Planning Committee.
Loading and service areas.
Service areas and refuse containers shall be located at the rear end of the site and screened from public view.
Ground-mounted or wall-mounted equipment shall be screened and architecturally integrated into the building design.
Plant materials used for screening must be of a suitable size and density to accomplish screening within five growing seasons.
Landscape and open space.
Street trees.
Street trees shall be located at a maximum distance of 50 feet from one another along interior roads.
Landscaped buffers shall be provided between all public streets and buildings/structures or parking.
All public streets shall incorporate streetscape elements, such as trees, streetlighting, plantings, and signage.
All streets shall incorporate street tree plantings, at minimum.
Amount required.
The landscape plan shall show plants that provide interest in structure, texture, and color located along all public streets and in larger open spaces.
Where appropriate, private site design shall integrate landscaping and open space with the adjacent landscaping, open space, natural feature such as wetlands and forested areas.
In cases where buildings are set back from the street edge, dense landscaping shall be located along the street edge to assist in defining the edge.
Pedestrian trails shall be created along the ravine edge for recreational purposes.
At the request of the applicant, the Town Board may reduce the minimum area devoted to open space. In acting on a request, the Board shall consider these factors: the relationship of the site to adjoining or nearby properties containing publicly owned open space; the known future uses of the adjoining properties; and whether or not a reduction would better achieve the goals of the Comprehensive Plan and the Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan.
Stormwater. In addition to the requirements of Chapter 90, Stormwater Management, the proposed development shall meet the following criteria:
Stormwater management treatment systems shall preserve natural topography, protect natural features, and provide natural landscaping to increase infiltration and reduce runoff.
Shared stormwater systems are encouraged.
Detention basins shall be incorporated into the site design in the form of a landscape element.
Stormwater shall be conveyed to on-site infiltration areas, and these areas shall be designed as site amenities.
Landscaped elements shall be replaced and maintained in a timely manner.
The property owner or lessee of the building shall be responsible for maintenance of the parking area, accessways, striping, landscaping, screening, and required fences.
Site plans shall include pedestrian/bike trails through open space areas and along the wetland and ravine edges, with allowances for future connections to trails in adjacent areas.
Off-street parking.
Off-street parking spaces shall not be used for open storage, sale, or rental of goods, or storage of inoperable vehicles without specific approval by the Planning Commission and Town Board within the PDD-BP approval.
Parking access.
The number of entrances and curb cuts shall be minimized. Wherever possible, vehicular access to internal circulation routes and off-street parking shall be through an internal drive.
Adjacent parking lots shall be linked to provide internal traffic circulation.
Pedestrian access shall be provided both within the site and between adjacent sites.
Within the site, clear and safe pedestrian access shall be provided from the parking lot to primary building entrances through raised sidewalks, colored walkways, or a similar treatment.
Pedestrian circulation shall be coordinated and promoted between adjacent lots.
Landscaping. Landscape berms, walls, fences, and other landscape forms in parking areas shall be designed to allow pedestrian passage.
Lighting. All off-street parking lighting shall feature total cut-off luminaries with angles of less than 90°.
Street design.
Right-of-way standards. Street right-of-way and design shall follow the approximate location of streets as designated in the Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan and shall conform to the following standards:
Street Type
Right-of-Way1 Width
Curb to Curb Width
Landscape Median
Driving Lane Width
Bike Lane
On-Street Parking
Terrace Width
Sidewalk Width
Eastern arterial
Regional arterial-two-lane
Regional arterial-four-lane
Light industrial/ big box commercial
Corporate campus
Village Center Type 1
Village Center Type 2
Right-of-way includes the widths of the driving area, parking area, curbs, terraces (between sidewalk and street), and sidewalks.
Public space of street.
Pathways shall connect all public building entrances and adjacent sidewalks.
Street and sidewalk lighting shall be of a complementary style and color scheme, complementing the theme of the business park, as depicted in the Ledgeview Business Park Design Guidelines.
Within the Highway Commercial District, the PDD-BP development design shall achieve the following additional standards:
Wherever possible, fueling pumps shall be located behind or to the side the principal structure, with the intent of locating the principal building close to public streets.
The design of fueling pump islands shall be architecturally integrated with other on-site structures using similar colors, materials, and details.
Drive-through elements shall be architecturally integrated into the building rather than appearing to be applied or stuck on to the building.
The minimum area devoted to open space shall be 15% of the district.
Within the Light Industrial District, the PDD-BP development design shall achieve the following additional standards:
Whenever practicable, industrial buildings shall have an office component fronting county arterials. This office facade shall be subdivided and proportioned using architectural features such as windows, entrance features, arcades, porches, or treillage with vines along no less than 50% of the facade.
No single establishment shall exceed a building footprint of 150,000 square feet as defined by the exterior walls. Any office component shall not count towards the 150,000 square feet.
The minimum area devoted to open space shall be 25% of the district.
Within the Corporate/Support District, the PDD-BP development design shall achieve the following additional standards:
Structures shall include high-quality architecture, establishing an attractive impression for the gateway viewshed into the Town of Ledgeview. The structures shall exhibit high-quality style, construction, materials, and landscaping. High-quality building materials, such as brick, native stone or similar materials shall be used.
The minimum area devoted to open space shall be 40% of the district.
Within the Big Box District, the PDD-BP development design shall achieve the following additional standards:
Parking areas.
All parking areas shall be shared spaces for the entire Big Box District.
All parking areas shall include parking accommodations for bicycles at a point conveniently close to the pedestrian/sidewalk areas and main entry of buildings. At least one bicycle stall per 10 automobile parking stalls shall be required.
Off-street parking areas shall be on the side and rear of buildings, partially or completely screened from public rights-of-way. Off-street parking in front of buildings shall only be considered when no other design option is available or possible due to topography, natural features, or other such features.
The primary entry to buildings shall have limited adjacent parking to encourage pedestrian activity.
Developments shall have a designated maximum number of parking spaces.
The maximum number of parking spaces for each use shall be no greater than the minimum number of spaces for each use identified in § 135-204 of the Code of the Town of Ledgeview. The exact number of spaces shall be determined by the Town Board.
Parking lots may be allowed to include reserve parking areas that allow for future expansion if additional parking is necessary. A reserve parking area shall have future drive lanes and interconnectivity identified.
A reserve parking area shall be held as open green space. The green space may exceed 25% until such time that the parking lot is needed and developed or determined unnecessary and developed for another use that is approved by the Town of Ledgeview.
Parking areas shall have at least 10% landscaped green space within the parking area to include a variety of grass, plants, vegetation, and the required one tree for every 250 square feet of landscaped surface. Parking lot landscape islands shall be a minimum of eight feet wide (inside dimension) and each shall contain one tree.
Parking lots adjacent to other developments or streets shall be screened by wall, fence, and/or mounding. Landscaped berms, fences, walls, or the combination thereof shall not exceed 42 inches in height and shall be designed to allow pedestrian passage.
The minimum area devoted to open space shall be 15% of the district.
In case of multiphase development, each phase of the development, whether standing independently or in conjunction with existing developed or proposed future contiguous phases, shall meet all the requirements of this article.
[Amended 5-6-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-008]
Permitted uses shall be as defined in Table 5: Land Use Regulations and Matrix of Land Uses.[1]
Editor's Note: Said table is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The procedure for approval of a PDD-BP development project shall consist of two phases:
Preapplication conference. Prior to filing an application for PDD-BP, the applicant of the proposed PDD-BP shall arrange a conference with Town staff. The primary purpose of the conference shall be to provide the applicant with an opportunity to gather information and obtain guidance as to the general suitability of the proposal for the area for which it is proposed and its conformity the provisions of this chapter before incurring substantial expense in the preparation of plans, surveys, and other data.
Preapplication submittal. The applicant shall submit the information described in § 135-260, Preapplication conference submittals.
Public information meeting. At the conclusion of the preapplication conference(s) with Town staff, the Zoning and Planning Committee may hold a public information meeting on the proposed PDDBP development and, if the meeting occurs, notice shall be provided as required by law for all zoning code amendments.
Application for approval.
Application submittal. The applicant shall submit an application, as described in § 135-261, Application for approval submittal, within 12 months of the date of the preapplication conference. The Zoning Administrator or designee shall inform the Zoning and Planning Committee of the application and establish a date for a meeting for the applicant and the Zoning and Planning Committee.
Public hearing. The Zoning and Planning Committee shall hold a public hearing on the PDD-BP application, and notice shall be provided as required by law for all zoning code amendments.
Committee recommendations. The Zoning and Planning Committee, after such discussions as may be required with the applicant and input from the public hearing, shall report, in writing, such proposed development to the Town Board, together with its recommendation for either approval or disapproval of the same. Such report and recommendation of the committee shall be made to the Town Board no later than four months from the date of the filing of the application with the Zoning Administrator or designee and receipt of any required supportive information. A recommendation of approval by the committee shall in no way be binding on the Town Board.
Public hearing. The Town Board then shall have 60 days after receipt of the Zoning and Planning Committee recommendation to hold a public hearing. Notice shall be provided as required by law for all zoning code amendments.
Town Board approval. The Town Board shall have 60 days post-hearing in which to make a decision regarding approval.
Validity of PDD-BP. A PDD-BP project approved by the Town Board shall be valid for a period of six months. If a developer does not begin a project proposed within a PDD-BP within the approved time frame, the Town of Ledgeview shall exercise the following options:
Extend the existing PDD-BP approval for another six months;
Extend the existing PDD-BP approval for another six months with amendments; or
Terminate any granted approvals and conditions.
The Zoning and Planning Committee may authorize minor changes in the location, setting, and heights of buildings and structures without additional hearing if required by engineering or other circumstances not foreseen at the time the final plan was approved. No minor change authorized by this subsection may cause any of the following:
A change in the use or character of the development.
An increase in overall coverage of structures.
An increase in the intensity of use.
An increase in the problems of traffic circulation and public utilities.
A reduction in approved open space.
A reduction of off-street parking and loading spaces.
A reduction in required pavement widths.
All other changes in use, rearrangement of lots, blocks, and building's tracts, every change in the provision of open space, and changes other than listed above must be reviewed and approved by the Zoning and Planning Committee and Town Board.
Amendments may be made if they are shown to be required by changes in Town policy.
Information and fee. Proposed project information and development plans shall be submitted to the Zoning Administrator or designee with a written request for Town staff conference and review. The project information shall contain names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of all owners and developers and a description of the development site. The fee prescribed in the Town of Ledgeview fee schedule shall accompany the preapplication.
Information required. The following documents and information shall be provided by the applicant in adequate detail to satisfy Town staff. Where certain factors such as the size of the proposed district, its relationship to an adjacent neighborhood, land use, or other similar factors may render certain components irrelevant and to that extent such components need not be addressed.
A statement describing how the proposed PDD-BP satisfies the intent of the Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the applicable goals and objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan, and the Code of the Town of Ledgeview. If one or more characteristics of the PDD-BP delineated in § 135-257, Criteria for approval, are missing, the applicant shall justify why all of the characteristics cannot or should not be provided.
An accurate map of the project area drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equals 200 feet, showing the nature, use, and character of abutting properties, prepared by a registered surveyor.
Proposed project information drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equals 200 feet, showing the following information in sufficient detail to make possible the evaluation of the criteria as set forth in § 135-257, Criteria for approval:
Tract boundaries and a statement of the total acreage of the tract.
Significant physical features within the tract, including existing two-foot contours, watercourses, drainage, ponds, lakes, wetlands, floodplains, floodways, environmentally sensitive areas, and proposed major changes in those features.
Zoning district(s) on and within 400 feet adjacent to the proposed project.
Property lines, if any, within the proposed project.
The general allocation of uses to each parcel in terms of office, retail, light industrial, open spaces, parks, recreation, and any other use category proposed by the applicant.
Location, lot coverage, square footage, and height of existing buildings.
Proposed location, lot coverage, square footage, and height of all structures and associated parking areas.
Existing rights-of-way and easements that may affect development patterns.
Proposed circulation systems (pedestrian, bicycle, auto, mass transit), designated by Streetscape Classification of the Ledgeview Business Park Design Guidelines and how they relate to the existing network outside this site.
Location of on-street and off-street parking, driveways, driveway access roads, loading facilities, waste collection areas, aboveground utilities, screening, and fencing.
The location of existing and proposed sanitary sewer and storm lines, water mains, fire hydrants, and lighting.
Location of signage.
The location of recreational and open space areas and areas reserved or dedicated for public uses, such as gateways, public plazas, water features, parks, etc.
A description of the proposed system for drainage.
General landscape treatment.
Appropriate statistical data on the size of the development, ratio of various land uses, economic analysis of the development and any other data pertinent to the evaluation under the criteria of § 135-257, Criteria for approval.
A statement describing the types and contemplated intensity of use, i.e., number of prospective tenants in office, commercial, and industrial development. The preapplication shall show how each proposed land use satisfies the intents of the districts in which each is located and how each complies with the requirements of § 135-258, Conditional uses.
Architectural drawings and sketches illustrating the design and character of proposed structures.
General outline of intended organization structure related to the property owner's association, deed restrictions, and private provision of common services, if any.
In the case of plans that call for development in stages, a map at an appropriate scale showing the successive stages.
An economic feasibility and impact report may be required by the Town Board to provide satisfactory evidence of the project's economic feasibility, of available adequate financing and of its not adversely affecting the economic prosperity of the Town or the values of surrounding properties.
Petition for approval. The applicant shall file with the Zoning Administrator a petition executed by the owner of the property to be developed, or his/her agent, for approval, stating that he seeks to develop such property under the provisions of this article. Appropriate supporting documents and maps, as required in Subsection B, Information required, herein, shall be filed with the petition.
The fee prescribed in the Town of Ledgeview fee schedule shall accompany the petition for approval.
Information required:
A statement describing how the proposed PDD-BP satisfies the intent of the Zoning Ordinance and is consistent with the applicable goals and objectives of the Town's Comprehensive Plan, Ledgeview Business Park Master Plan, and the Code of the Town of Ledgeview. If one or more characteristics of the PDD-BP delineated in § 135-257, Criteria for approval, are missing from an application, the applicant shall justify why all of the characteristics cannot or should not be provided.
A statement showing the starting and completion dates of the project.
The names, mailing addresses, and telephone numbers of all owners and developers of the development site. In the event of a change in owners or developers during the consideration of the application or during the project construction period, notice shall be provided to the Town as soon as practicable of the information required herein for the new owner or developer.
An accurate map of the project area drawn at a scale no less than one inch equals 100 feet and showing the nature, use, and character of abutting properties, prepared by a registered surveyor.
An accurate topographical map showing topographical data at two-foot intervals and extending within 100 feet beyond the exterior boundaries of such site. Such map shall contain all available utilities, including drainage and the capacities thereof, and high-water elevations along rivers and waterways.
A statement describing the types and contemplated intensity of use, i.e., number of prospective tenants in office, commercial, and industrial development. The application for approval shall show how each proposed land use satisfies the intents of the districts in which each is located and how each complies with the requirements of § 135-258, Conditional uses.
A statistical table showing the size of the site in square feet, size of proposed development in square feet, ratio of various land uses, the acreage (exclusive of public streets) of all proposed land uses and open areas (both in square feet and as a percentage of the project area), total amount of paved area in square feet, and proposed development intensities.
A statement describing the development intensity and operation, including the following information:
Development intensity, e.g., number of prospective tenants in office, commercial and industrial development.
Square footage of buildings.
Square footage of offices, production areas, and the proposed number of employees in each such area.
Details of proposed use or uses and manner of operation.
Approximate costs of structures.
Such other design data as may be needed to evaluate the project.
A statement describing the open space intensity and operation, including the following information:
Amount of required and provided landscaped open space in square feet and as a percentage of the site.
Total trees required and provided, indicating on-site and off-site contribution.
General outline of intended organization structure related to the property owner's association, deed restrictions, and private provision on common services, if any.
Municipal services that may be required to serve the site.
A parking and loading needs study that demonstrates parking needs and requirements and includes strategies for dealing with these needs and requirements, including phasing plans, parking requirements and alternatives as provided in Article XXI, Off-Street Parking Requirements, as well as transportation demand management strategies.
Strategies for establishing shared stormwater management facilities, off-site stormwater management facilities, and the proposed phasing of the establishment of stormwater management facilities.
In the case of plans that call for development in stages, a map at an appropriate scale showing the successive stages.
A development plan of the proposed project drawn at a scale of no less than one inch equals 100 feet and showing the following information in sufficient detail to make possible the evaluation of the criteria as identified in § 135-257, Criteria for approval.
Tract boundaries and a statement of the total acreage of the tract.
Significant physical features within the tract, including existing two-foot contours, watercourses, drainage, ponds, lakes, wetlands, floodplains, floodways, environmentally sensitive areas, and proposed major changes in those features.
Zoning district(s) on and within 400 feet adjacent to the proposed project.
Property lines, if any, within the proposed project.
All contemplated land uses within the tract.
Location, lot coverage, square footage, and height of existing buildings.
Proposed location, lot coverage, square footage, and height of all structures and associated parking areas. For commercial and light industrial structures, square footage of offices, production areas, and the proposed number of employees in each such area.
Existing rights-of-way and easements that may affect development patterns.
Proposed circulation systems (pedestrian, bicycle, auto, mass transit), designated by Streetscape Classification of the Ledgeview Business Park Design Guidelines and how they relate to the existing network outside this site.
Location of on-street and off-street parking, driveways, driveway access roads, loading facilities, waste collection areas, aboveground utilities, screening, and fencing.
The location of existing and proposed sanitary sewer and storm lines, water mains, fire hydrants, and lighting.
Location of signage.
The location of recreational and open space areas and areas reserved or dedicated for public uses, such as gateways, public plazas, water features, parks, etc.
A description of the proposed system for drainage.
General landscape treatment, including a statement regarding snow removal methods that will not harm or kill landscaping.
Indication of any site or building design methods used to conserve energy.
A picture book of the development laid out in a format similar to the Ledgeview Business Park Design Guidelines. At a minimum, the picture book shall include the following information:
Development concept. Provide a brief summary and graphic renditions identifying how the project addresses a unified character, preserved open spaces, gateway features, attractive appearance from Interstate 43 and county arterials, utilities, interconnected streets and transportation and path networks, a mixture of uses and use types, redevelopment, site planning that respects terrain, and clear boundaries with rural areas.
Architectural styles section.
Architectural drawings of all buildings and structures and sketches showing typical floor plans of proposed structures.
A scaled, colored elevation of the front, side, and rear facade of each structure. Identify specifically the elevations that face Interstate 43 and county arterials, as appropriate.
Identify all roof-, wall-, and ground-mounted equipment and landscaping/screening.
Materials, colors, and textures section.
Identify building materials and colors on all sides and roof of structure.
Provide color details and description for each material and material combination.
Provide samples for complex or new materials.
Roof form and pitch section.
Identify roof pitch.
Identify roof materials and colors.
Provide samples for complex or new materials.
Architectural ornamentation section.
Identify location of individual architectural ornamentations, including size, colors, and types.
Provide scaled color rendition of architectural ornamentation.
Identify signage locations and size in relationship to ornamentation.
Facade treatments section.
Identify materials used for specific facade treatments.
Provide a sketch, rendition, or photo of each specific treatment.
Blocks and lots section.
Provide a site plan identifying block and lot layout in relationship to existing and proposed buildings.
Identify the uses on each lot and placement of buildings.
A rendition of the layout is recommended.
Sidewalks and pedestrian paths section:
Identify the interconnected layout of all sidewalks and pedestrian paths on a site plan.
Provide rendition-identifying relationship between sidewalks, parking areas, streets, buildings, and existing developments.
Provide a scaled drawing identifying dimensions of sidewalks.
Identify materials, textures, and colors used in surface.
Streets section.
Identify the interconnected layout of all streets on a site plan.
Provide rendition-identifying relationship between sidewalks, parking areas, streets, buildings, and existing developments.
Provide a scaled drawing identifying dimensions of sidewalks.
Identify materials, textures, and colors used in surface.
Landscape section.
Provide landscape plan(s) including specification of plant material, location, and size.
Identify the interconnection of private open space and landscaping, public open space and landscaping, and site and regional environmental features.
Signage section.
Provide scaled details of all signage.
Identify color, type, lighting source, materials, and size.
Identify how signage color, size, and style are compatible with building, sidewalk, street, and adjacent signage and buildings.
Identify if signage is temporary or permanent.
Lighting section.
Identify lighting source.
Identify pole and light style, color, and material.
Provide graphic detail of lighting style and its relationship with the buildings, street, and sidewalk.
Open space section.
Identify location.
Identify the interconnectivity and access to sidewalks, streets, and building in a site plan and color renditions.
Parking areas section.
Identify if development includes areas for shared parking.
Provide a scaled site plan identifying drive lanes, parking stalls, and connections to streets and sidewalks.
Provide dimensions for parking stalls and drive lanes.
Identify reserve-parking areas.
Identify required landscaping.
The site plan must include a chart identifying the maximum allowed number of parking spaces and the existing number of parking spaces and proposed number of parking spaces if reserve-parking areas are built.
Label landscaping areas and identify landscaping materials used (tree types and grass flower species).
An economic feasibility and impact report may be required by the Town Board to provide satisfactory evidence of the project's economic feasibility, of available adequate financing, and of its not adversely affecting the economic prosperity of the Town or the values of surrounding properties.
Any additional pertinent data, statements, drawings, or plans that may be required by the Zoning and Planning Committee or the Town Board.