[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Ogdensburg as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-15-1975 as Ch. 17 of the 1975 Ogdensburg Municipal Code]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
Include, except as hereinafter expressly provided, any person, either principal or agent, who from any public street or public place or by going from house to house or place of business to place of business, on foot or on from vehicle, sells or barters, offers for sale or barters or carries or exposes for sale or barter any goods, wares or merchandise, books, magazines, periodicals or any other item or items of value, except milk, newspapers and food distributed on regular customer routes.
Includes any person who goes from place to place or house to house or by telephone or stands in any street or public place taking or offering to take orders for goods, wares or merchandise, books, magazines, periodicals or any other item or items of value (except newspapers or milk), or for services to be performed in the future, or for making, manufacturing or repairing any article or thing whatsoever for future delivery. The term "solicitor" shall, however also mean and include any person taking or offering to take orders for goods, wares or merchandise, books, magazines, periodicals or any other item or items of value (except newspapers or milk), or for services to be performed in the future or for making, manufacturing or repairing any article or thing whatsoever for future delivery at the home or residence of any person who has been solicited prior thereto by telephone or has responded to any type of advertising media requiring an appointment or consultation or sales presentation in the home or place of residence of such person.
Nothing in this Article shall be held to apply to:
Any sales conducted pursuant to statute or by order of any court.
Any person selling personal property at wholesale to dealers in such articles.
Persons under the age of 18 years.
Peddling of meats, fish, fruit and farm produce by farmers and persons who produce such commodities.[1]
Editor's Note: Original Subsection A5, which immediately followed this subsection and dealt with persons licensed under § 32 of the General Business Law, was deleted 5-14-1990. In addition, original Subsection B, which dealt with nonprofit organizations and also followed this subsection, was deleted 12-7-1992 by L.L. No. 3-1992.
This Article shall also not apply so as unlawfully to interfere with interstate commerce.
It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the city to act as a hawker, peddler or solicitor as herein defined or assist the same without first having obtained and paid for and having in force and effect a license therefor.
Any person desiring to procure a license as herein provided shall file with the City Clerk a written application upon a form furnished by the City Clerk and shall file at the same time satisfactory proof of good character. Such application shall give:
The number and kind of vehicle to be used by the applicant in carrying on the business for which the license is desired.
The kind of goods, wares and merchandise he desires to sell or the kind of service he desires to perform.
The method of distribution.
The name, address and age of the applicant.
Whether or not the applicant has been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, and if so, give date of conviction, nature of offense, penalty imposed and the name and address of the court.
The name and address of the person, firm or corporation he represents.
The length of time the applicant desires the license.
An endorsement in writing by two reputable citizens of the State of New York certifying to the good reputation of the applicant.
If applicable, such application shall be accompanied by a certificate from the Sealer of Weights and Measures certifying that all weighing and measuring devices to be used by the applicant have been examined and approved.
An application for a license as a solicitor who demands, accepts or receives payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery shall also be accompanied by a cash deposit of $5,000 or a surety company bond of $5,000 or other bond secured by sufficient collateral, said bond to be approved by the City Attorney as to form and surety conditioned for making a final delivery of the goods, wares or merchandise ordered or services to be performed in accordance with the terms of such order or failing therein that the advance payment on such order be refunded. Any person aggrieved by the action of any licensed solicitor shall have the right by action on the bond for the recovery of money or damages, or both. Such bond shall remain in full force and effect, and in case of a cash deposit, such deposit shall be retained by the city for a period of 90 days after the expiration of any such license, unless sooner released by the City Council.
Upon the filing of the application, bond and certificate as provided in the preceding section, the City Clerk shall, upon approval of such application, issue to the applicant a license as provided in § 157-3. A license may be refused if the applicant shall have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony, which in the judgment of the City Clerk renders the applicant unfit or undesirable to carry on the trade or occupation for which the license is sought. The City Clerk may also refuse a license to any person who in his judgment shall be an undesirable person or incapable of properly conducting the trade or business for which a license is sought.
A license shall not be assignable. Any holder of any license who permits it to be used by any other person and any person who uses such license granted to any other person shall each be guilty of a violation.
Whenever a license shall be lost or destroyed on the part of the holder or his agent or employee, a duplicate in lieu thereof, under the original application and bond, may be issued by the City Clerk upon the filing with him by the licensee of an affidavit setting forth the circumstances of the loss, and what, if any, search has been made for its recovery.
All licenses shall be issued from a properly bound book with proper reference stubs kept for that purpose, numbered in that order in which they are issued and shall state clearly the kind of vehicle to be used, the kind of goods, wares and merchandise to be sold or service to be rendered, the number of his license, the date of issuance and expiration of the license, fee paid and the name and address of the licensee.
[Amended 9-28-2009 by Ord. No. 12-2009]
Such license shall be for such term as requested by the applicant but shall expire not later than the 31st day of December following the date of issuance of such license.
Every licensee, while exercising his license, shall carry the license with him and shall exhibit the same upon demand.
[Amended 12-7-1992 by L.L. No. 3-1992; 9-28-2009 by Ord. No. 12-2009]
The license fee for each person licensed as a hawker, peddler or solicitor for a period of up to one year shall be $75.
The license fee for each person licensed to assist a hawker or peddler or solicitor shall be $25 for a period of up to one year. For the purpose of this Article, a "person who assists a hawker, peddler or solicitor" shall be deemed to be any person who participates in delivering merchandise or any other items sold, performs any services in or about the customer's premises or otherwise generally renders aid or assistance, except participation in selling or soliciting orders.
The City Manager may, at any time for a violation of this Article or any other law, revoke any license. When a license shall be revoked, no refund of any unearned portion of the license fee shall be made. Notice of such revocation and the reason or reasons therefor in writing shall be served upon the person named in the application or by mailing the same to the address given in the application, and upon filing a copy of such notice with the City Clerk.
It shall be unlawful for any person to enter upon private property for the purpose of peddling or soliciting before the hour of 9:00 a.m. of any day or after the hour of 7:00 p.m. of any day except upon the invitation of the householder or occupant.
It shall be unlawful for any peddler or solicitor in plying his trade to ring the bell or knock upon or enter any building whereon there is painted or otherwise affixed or displayed to public view any sign containing any or all of the following words: "No Peddlers," "No Solicitors," "No Agents" or other wording, the purpose of which purports to prohibit peddling or soliciting on the premises.
No peddler or solicitor shall peddle, vend or sell his goods or wares within 200 feet of any place occupied exclusively as a public or private school or for school purposes, nor shall be permit his cart, wagon or vehicle to stand on any public highway within said distance of such school property.
No peddler or solicitor shall falsely or fraudulently misrepresent the quantity, character or quality of any article offered for sale. No person shall by any trick or device or by any false representation obtain or attempt to obtain admission to the house or garage of any person or corporation in the city.
No peddler or solicitor shall blow a horn, ring a bell or use any other noisy device to attract public attention to his wares or shout or cry out his wares.
It shall be unlawful to create or maintain any booth or stand or place any barrels, boxes, crates or other obstruction upon any street or public place for the purpose of selling or exposing for sale any goods, wares or merchandise.
No peddler or solicitor shall represent or state or otherwise indicate that he is not intending to sell or otherwise enter into a contract with any person in the household.
No peddler or solicitor shall, in order to effectuate or assist in any sale or solicitation, represent that he is engaged in any contest or in any way attempt to induce a sale or solicitation by appealing to the sympathies of the person so solicited.
Any contract or sale made in violation of Subsections D, G or H shall be null and void and of no effect as to the person solicited, and the merchandise delivered shall be forfeited and any sums paid by the person so solicited shall become immediately due and payable jointly and severally by the peddler or solicitor and his principal.
A peddler or hawker shall keep the vehicle and any receptacles used by him in a clean and sanitary condition and any foodstuffs and edibles offered for sale well covered and protected from dirt, dust and insects.
A peddler or hawker shall not stand or permit the vehicle used by him to stand in any public place or street for more than 10 minutes, or in front of any premises for any time if the owner or lessee of the ground floor thereof objects.
All orders taken by licensed solicitors who demand, accept or receive payment or deposit of money in advance of final delivery shall be in writing made in duplicate, stating the terms thereof and the amount paid in advance, and one copy shall be given to the purchaser at the time the deposit is paid to the solicitor.
It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to keep a record of all applications and of all licenses granted under the provisions of this Article giving the number and date of each license, the fee paid and the date of revocation of all licenses revoked.
A violation of any provision of this Article is hereby declared to be a violation and shall be punishable by a fine not exceeding $250 or imprisonment of not more than 15 days, or both.
[Adopted 4-27-1992]
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The City of Ogdensburg, New York.
The City Council of the City of Ogdensburg.
A series of related events or performances conducted on City property, sidewalks, streets and other public rights-of-way, including but not limited to festive activities, cultural events, exhibitions, farmer's market, green market, craft market, competitions, collections of shows, live entertainment and other amusement enterprises and/or the dispensation of food, which is open to the public at large.
[Amended 7-9-2007 by Ord. No. 6-2007]
The permission in writing of the City Clerk of the City of Ogdensburg, issued in accordance with the provisions of this Article or other applicable law, to carry on a festival.
Every natural person, copartnership, association or corporation, whether profit or nonprofit.
The person or entity who executes the application of a license to conduct a festival.
A person who operates, during the life of the license, a booth or stand, or otherwise occupies space in which he conducts games of skill or chance or dispenses food and beverage, merchandise or the like.
The purpose of this Article is the regulation through licensing and inspection of festivals and affairs of like nature to be conducted in the City of Ogdensburg on public streets, sidewalks, rights-of-way and/or other city property, for the protection of the health, welfare and safety of the public in general.
This Article supersedes the requirements of Article I of this chapter as it relates to peddlers, solicitors and vendors on public property, but only for those peddlers, solicitors and vendors whose sales are restricted to a licensed street festival site.
No license for a festival or other activity of a similar nature shall be considered or issued unless and until the sponsor desiring to conduct the affair shall have made and signed a written application to the City Clerk for an operator's license, in the form provided by the city, and paid the proper fee therefor when required, not less than two weeks prior to the first day of operation of the proposed festival.
The issuance of the festival operator's license shall be further conditioned upon the following:
The sponsor's requesting and obtaining from the City Council of the City of Ogdensburg permission to close the street or streets necessary to conduct the festival.
The sponsor's requesting and obtaining from the City Council of the City of Ogdensburg permission to use property owned by the city as well as sidewalks and other rights-of-way.
The sponsor's and/or vendor's executing an indemnification agreement on behalf of the City, substantially as follows:
The sponsor and/or vendor hereby represent, stipulate, contract and agree that they do jointly and severally indemnify and hold harmless the City of Ogdensburg against liability for any and all claims for damages to property or injury to or death of persons arising out of or resulting from the issuance of the license or conduct of the public at and during the life of the festival.
Approval by the Fire Department, upon a satisfactory examination of the premises, with respect to compliance with regulations as hereinafter set forth in the fire prevention section of this Article.
The sponsor's depositing with the City Clerk at the time of the filing of the application, in cash or by certified check made payable to the City of Ogdensburg, the sum of $500 to guarantee that, upon the termination of the festival, the general area where the affair has been conducted will be left in good condition, cleaned up and cleared of all paper, waste material and debris within two days from the termination of the festival. If the sponsor fails to meet this requirement, the city, in its discretion, shall clean and restore the area to pre-festival condition, deducting the moneys spent thereon from the deposit aforementioned.
If the sponsor is determined to be a wholly nonprofit entity, a minimum licensing fee of $25 shall be charged. A fee of $500 shall be charged in all other instances for a festival operator's license.
Except in those instances where the sponsor is a wholly nonprofit entity, the fee for a vendor's license shall be the sum of $50 per day.
The preceding fees shall be payable in advance to the City Clerk.
In addition thereto, vendors intending to operate food and beverage stands shall be required to obtain a license, if required, from the New York State Health Department and pay any fee required by the health and sanitary laws of the State of New York.
All health and sanitary requirements, regulations and licensing shall be adhered to by the sponsors and/or vendors of the festival, as provided for in the Sanitary Codes of the City of Ogdensburg, the County of St. Lawrence and the State of New York, which are incorporated by reference herein as if fully set forth.
In addition thereto, the operator of a festival shall provide a sufficient number of temporary or permanent toilet facilities for the use of vendors and the use of the public, such number to be determined in the discretion of the City Clerk.
The sponsor and/or vendors shall, with the consent of the Fire Department, be authorized to install, hook and connect to fire hydrants specially marked by the Fire Department a master hose or water-carrying device to supply water to booths and stands operating at the festival, subject to the following provisions:
The Fire Department, in its sole discretion, shall determine which fire hydrants will be used as hereinabove stated.
The sponsor and/or vendors shall maintain all fire hydrants within the perimeter of the festival free and clear of any obstruction, with the closest object located next to a fire hydrant at no less than two feet in any direction from its geometrical center.
The sponsor and/or vendors shall meet and observe at all times the requirements of the Water Department of the City of Ogdensburg.
The sponsor and/or vendors, while operating a booth or stand in which there is heating or cooking apparatus for the preparation of food, shall keep at all times, in a visible, easily accessible location within the booth or stand, a fully charged fire extinguisher of the kind classified as "ABC."
All doors or gates on entrances to and exits from the premises where the festival shall be conducted shall be kept open and unobstructed during the hours of operation of the festival in order to facilitate the rapid ingress or egress of all persons attending in case of emergency.
It shall be the duty of the sponsor, before the license shall be issued, to provide the City Clerk, the Fire Department and the Police Department with a sketch depicting the following:
Location of all fire hydrants within the perimeter of the festival.
The physical layout of booths, stands, amusement rides and the lanes of traffic that shall hereinafter be set forth, showing the dimensions of said booths and stands and the location and size of the area which the amusement rides will occupy. This must be provided at least seven days prior to the start of a festival to the Police and Fire Departments and the City Clerk.
After the sponsor has assigned the individual booths and stands to the vendors and the areas used for amusement rides to the operators, it shall be the duty of said sponsor, at least 24 hours prior to the first day of the festival, to provide the City Clerk and the Police Department with the list in which the names, addresses and locations of the vendors and operators of amusement rides shall be set forth as well names, dates of birth and addresses of all employees of all vendors and operators.
It shall be the obligation and duty of the sponsor to maintain, during the duration of the festival, an unimpeded and unobstructed lane for emergency traffic, at least 10 feet in width, for the rapid ingress and egress of vehicles required for emergencies or other governmental purposes.
All electrical requirements, regulations and licensing shall be adhered to by the sponsors and/or vendors of the festival, as provided for in the Electrical and Building Codes of the City of Ogdensburg which are hereby incorporated by reference as if fully set forth.
Where electrical power is requested from and provided by the City of Ogdensburg for ride, amusements and concessions through a city facility, a fee of $25 per day shall be charged for the provision of such electrical power. This fee shall be payable in advance.
No alcoholic beverages shall be sold or served at any street festival, excluding Farmer's Market events. No games of skill or chance shall be conducted during the operation of the festival unless and before the sponsor or the vendors obtain a proper and legal license to conduct games of skill or chance from the State of New York, the city or any other regulatory agency.
[Amended 4-13-2015 by Ord. No. 5-2015]
The sponsor and vendors receiving such licenses to conduct games of skill or chance shall be conclusively presumed to be cognizant of the provisions of state rules and regulations in regard thereto and all applicable federal, state and municipal laws, rules and regulations regarding the operation of games of skill and chance, all of which are incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth.
The duration of a license for a festival shall be for not more than 10 consecutive days or for one day per week for not more than 26 consecutive weeks, after which period it shall lapse.
[Amended 7-9-2007 by Ord. No. 6-2007]
The hours in which it shall be lawful to operate or permit the operation of a festival in the City shall be between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday; and 1:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Sunday.
Vendor sales will be permitted between 11:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. Monday to Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
If requested by the City Clerk, it shall be the duty of the sponsor to furnish the city, not later than 90 days from the last day of the operation of the festival, with a detailed financial statement submitted by the chief financial officer of the sponsor, in a form and manner satisfactory to the City Attorney. This financial record, with a profit and loss statement in the form of an affidavit attached, shall include but not be limited to fees and sources thereof, rental derived, donations received by the sponsor and other pertinent data.
Failure to provide this data upon request, to wit, the financial statement in the manner set forth, shall preclude the sponsor from applying for and receiving a festival license for future operations until such requirements have been met and to such other penalty or fines as set forth herein.
The operator's license or any vendor's license may be revoked by the City Clerk at any time during the life of such license for any violation by the operator or individual vendor of any provision of this Article or any violation of the Code of the city or any other applicable state or federal law, in addition to the penalties set forth in the general penalties section of this Article.
Anything to the contrary in this section notwithstanding, in the cases of revocation of food and beverage vendors' licenses, such revocation shall be at the discretion of the appropriate health or regulatory authority.
Before any license shall be granted, the sponsor shall provide and deposit with the City Clerk a public liability insurance policy in an amount to be determined by the City Manager of the City of Ogdensburg, but in no event to be less than the amount of $1,000,000, single limit, naming the sponsor and the City of Ogdensburg as coinsured.
In addition thereto, the sponsor shall hold the city harmless from any and all claims or judgments recovered against him or the city in any court of competent jurisdiction in excess of the amount of insurance required by the city, or if the maximum is required, for all claims in excess of said one-million-dollar single-limit-liability insurance policy.
A violation by the sponsor or any vendors of the provisions of this Article, upon conviction thereof, in addition to the forfeiture of the license, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500 or by imprisonment not exceeding 14 days, or both, per violation, such fine and imprisonment to be in the discretion of the court.