[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Ogdensburg as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-15-1975 as Appendix 1 of the 1975 Ogdensburg Municipal Code]
Application for new or renewed water service shall be signed by the owner of the premises to be served or by his authorized agent and shall state fully and fairly all and several of the various uses to which the water is to be applied; and whenever thereafter any other use of the water may be required a further application must be made as aforesaid. Such applications shall be made on forms furnished by the Director of Public Works and shall state in addition to the uses for which water is desired the following:
The name of the owner.
The name of the architect or engineer (if any).
The name of the builder.
A legal description of the parcel to which water service is requested.
The street address of the building to be serviced.
The amount of charges for water, at scheduled rates for work thus stated, shall be paid to the City Comptroller before a permit for such use shall be issued to the applicant.
Contractors, builders and all persons requiring water for building purposes shall, in each instance, obtain a written permit before using water for such purposes, and shall make payment at the time the permit is issued for the amount of water to be consumed in accordance with the established schedule of rates; provided, however, that in case of repairs to buildings where the amount to be expended shall not exceed $500. No charge for water except a pro rata amount of the annual rate for such premises shall be made.
The consumer or builder is required to provide a service or fixture where there is none to enable him to procure said water for building purposes. The application for said service must be made by the owner of the property, after which the permit for such use may be issued to the builder on his application and he must file an application to have said service turned off at the curb as soon as he has finished his work.
In case a consumer or builder desires to use water from a service supplying water to adjacent premises, he must procure the consent of the Water Department and the owner of the adjacent service and make payment in advance.
No contractor or builder will be allowed to use water from any fire hydrant for building purposes.
No consumer of water will be allowed to furnish water for building purposes or filling swimming pools, tanks, cisterns, etc., on his own or any other premises, without first paying the rate for said purposes.
The consumer or builder must, in all cases, procure a permit as before provided, previous to procuring water for building purposes, swimming pools, tanks, cistern, etc., from any City waterworks.
[Added 2-11-2008 by Ord. No. 2-2008]
The owner of all houses, buildings or properties used for human occupancy, employment, recreation or other purposes situated within the City of Ogdensburg and abutting on any street, alley or right-of-way in which there is now located or may in the future be located public water service of the City is hereby required, at the expense of the property owner, to install suitable piping and related equipment and to connect such piping and related equipment directly with the proper public water service in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, provided said public water service is located within 100 feet of the property line of the property to be served. Said property owner shall be required to install said piping and related equipment within 90 days after the date of notice from the Director of the Department of Public Works.
No permit for water to dwelling houses will be granted unless taken for domestic use. All rates for other purposes in such dwelling are based on such conditions.
In case of fraudulent misrepresentation on the part of the applicant or uses of water not embraced in the application or bill or of willful or unreasonable waste of water, the Director of Public Works shall have the right to forfeit the payment and cut off the supply immediately upon the discovery of such fraudulent use or waste until waste is stopped and all arrears paid.
Any person using water at any premises without the knowledge of the Water Department shall be subject to penalty under terms of these regulations.
[Amended 6-10-1985 by Ord. No. 6-1985]
The City will charge to the property owner the actual cost of installing the services, including charges for labor, material and equipment use, overhead and billing charges.
The City will assume responsibility for installing curb stops. From the curb stop to and, if necessary, including the stop and waste valve will be the homeowner's responsibility.
Property owners will be responsible for the connection of the new service to their domestic water system within the house, repairs to walls, floors, replacement of electrical grounds and similar items.
The Water Department uses Type K soft copper pipe tubing from 3/4 inch up to two inches in diameter and pipes in excess of two inches in diameter and uses cast-iron water pipes AWWA approved. It is requested that all service lines between the street right-of-way and to a point inside the building wall at the stop and waste valves be constructed of materials of the same type as used by the Water Department or as otherwise may be directed by the Director of Public Works.
The introduction of all service pipes will be made by the Water Department. The City of Ogdensburg will, in its discretion, tap the main pipe, furnish the corporation cock, necessary pipes, connection, curb stopcock and box to the street right-of-way.
All necessary work beyond the street right-of-way, such as excavation, purchase and laying pipe and backfilling trenches and restoring grassed area to its original condition, will be accomplished by the applicant. The pipe just inside the cellar wall of the building must be connected with a stop- and waste cock.
After the water service line between the street right-of-way and stop and waste valve inside the owners building has been installed, the completed work will be tested under City pressure and examined for adequate and satisfactory installation. Backfilling of trench will not be permitted unless approval is granted and authorized by the Water Department.
All service pipes shall be laid at least five feet below the surface of the ground, and they shall not be laid in the same trench with any sewer pipe or drain. Water and sewer separation shall be at least five feet apart unless as otherwise approved by the Director of Public Works.
All water troughs for pastures and all closets and urinals must be provided with self-closing valves before being supplied with water, and in no case shall any faucet except a self-closing bibb or faucet be placed over a closet, urinal or slop-hopper.
Hydrants and pipes rated as for fire purposes only shall be entirely independent of and free from connections with pipes used for any other purpose, and shall be used for no other purpose than fire purposes.
No service pipe will be permitted to conduct water into any two or more district premises or tenements unless separate and distinct curb stopcock shutoffs are provided at the curb, so that any one of the premises may be shut off without interfering with the other.
No plumber or other persons shall make any extension or addition to or in connection with or in respect to any of the water pipes or fixtures without first communicating the same fully and without delay to the Director of Public Works, who shall thereupon issue a written permit for water service.
With every permit issued will be attached thereto a report, which shall be signed by the owner of the premises or his authorized agent receiving it and returned to the Director of Public Works within 48 hours after the work is completed, setting forth fully the pipes and fixtures attached or disconnected by him or under his supervision.
The Water Department may cause said work to be re-measured, and in case it shall appear that the person receiving said permit has made fraudulent representations or returns as to the amount of work done under such permit, no further permit will be issued to said applicant or to any other person for him or in his behalf, under the circumstances, until all back rates are paid.
Rates for the use of water are due and payable on the first days of May and November, half yearly, in advance, and with a new consumer prorate in advance until such day is reached from the day of tapping, which are payable yearly in advance. Rates must be paid at the City Comptroller's office during the months of May and November, without penalty, and all bills unpaid at the expiration of the above-named months shall be increased by 10% of their respective amounts and left at the City Comptroller's office during the months of June and December for collection. On July 1 and January 1 or as soon thereafter as possible, written notice will be served upon all delinquents by leaving said notice at the last known address of the owner of the premises, that unless payment is made within five days, the supply of water will be cut off. If payment has not been made at the expiration of the time named in the notice, the Director of Public Works shall cause the supply to be cut off from the premises. A service fee may be imposed prior to again turning on the supply.
On all premises into which water is or shall be introduced, full schedule rates will be charged for all uses, and no rebate will be made or allowed for partial use of water from wells or other sources.
The regular rates for the use of fountains or jets will be based upon such use for a period equivalent to 10 hours per day for six months in each year, and whenever the water therefrom becomes a nuisance to adjoining property, the supply will be cut off until the evil is satisfactorily corrected.
An abatement of water rates on account of vacant premises or fixtures not in use shall only be allowed when the water has been shut off from such premises or fixtures. Consumers, whose premises have been vacated, must give notice at the waterworks office that the water may be shut off and they will not be held responsible for the water rates until such notice is given (all fixtures for which the Water Department has stated rates must be paid for or disconnected from the service pipe). In all occupied premises every fixture, whether used or not, will be charged for the stated rates and the rates collected so long as the same shall remain connected with the water pipes. An abatement shall be made for the number of whole calendar months that the vacancy shall continue but not otherwise. If the rates have been paid on account, of which an abatement is due, the amount shall be refunded or credited upon the bill for the following term. All abatements shall be approved by the Director of Public Works.
In laying a service pipe for any premises, doing work or furnishing material for said service and also in furnishing water, the Water Department shall deal only with the owner of said premises and although another may pay the tax, the owner of the premises shall be responsible for the same. Water tax will be regarded as a lien upon the premises supplied and a change of tenants or owners will not relieve the premises from the payment of the back bill; water having been shut off for nonpayment shall not be turned on until all arrearages have been paid.
All owners of premises supplied with water shall keep the service pipes and fixtures for and upon their premises, which shall include all pipes and fixtures from the curb stopcock shutoff, in good repair and protected from frost, at their own expense and they shall be liable for any damage which may result from their failure to do so.
When leaks occur in the service pipes between the curb stopcock and the premises being served, they must be immediately repaired by the owner of the premises, and if not repaired within 24 hours after notice, the Director of Public Works may cause the same to be shut off until repairs are made.
No continuous flow of water to guard against frost or for any conditions shall be permitted. The owner or occupant of any premises where an unnecessary waste of water occurs shall be notified thereof, in writing, and if such waste shall not be prevented within 24 hours from the time when said notice was given, the water may be cut off from said premises and shall not again be turned on until measures for preventing such waste have been taken.
Property owners and others shall not permit unauthorized persons to draw water from the pipes connected with the City waterworks system, over which they have control and shall be liable for the tax of such unassessed consumer, and may be deprived of water until the abuse is corrected and the charge paid.
The use of street washers or sprinklers is only permitted to the applicant, his agents and employees in front and upon the building, yard, walk and street to the middle of the street for which the permit is granted, unless by special permit, and if the water therefrom is used contrary to these restrictions or is permitted to become a nuisance, the supply of water may be stopped and all advance payments forfeited.
No person shall open any fire hydrant except by the consent of the City Manager, Chief of the Fire Department or director of Public Works or for the extinguishment of dangerous fires, and no person shall deposit any building material or other articles so as to obstruct free access to any fire hydrant or in any manner willfully break or injure such hydrant, nor shall any person in any manner willfully injure the water pipes or curb stop boxes or defile the water.
No person shall injure any reservoir, pumping station, main or hydrant, watering trough or drinking fountain, nor shall any person break or enter the same and draw off or waste or cause to be removed any water therefrom. In all cases where fixtures or property of the Water Department are broken or damaged, the party or parties so offending shall be liable for all damage done.
Standpipes or sprinkler tanks are only intended and permitted for fire protection, and all such pipes or tanks must be provided with a suitable valve at the bottom of the same, where the water is let in, the same to be sealed by an officer or employee of the Water Department. In case such seal shall be broken for the extinguishment of any fire, the party shall immediately give notice to the Water Department. No seal shall be broken for any other purpose or use, nor any tap introduced into or connection made with said standpipe or tank.
No standpipe or sprinkler tank will be allowed on premises where the water is not taken for other than fire purposes and in any case, the Director of Public Works reserves the right to refuse any and all applications for the purpose.
No person, persons or corporation shall construct, maintain or extend any water supply to furnish water to themselves, or others, without the written authority of the Director of Public Works.
No person shall turn on or off the water on any main or service pipes, reservoir or hydrant, without permission or order from the Director of Public Works or officials of the Water Department.
The curb stopcocks at the curbline are for the exclusive use of the Water Department and all persons are forbidden to interfere with them.
Whenever the water is shut off from any consumer for any reason and the Director of Public Works shall deem such turning off is not sufficient prohibition against the further use of water from such pipes, he may cause the pipes to be severed from the main.
All premises where water is taken may, at any reasonable time, be inspected by a properly authorized officer of the Department, and full authority is given the Director of Public Works to order such inspection whenever he deems it for the good of the service.
In the event of it becoming necessary to suddenly stop the pumps at the pumping station or to shut off the street mains for the purpose of making repairs, when there is no time to give notice of such shutting off and if the water ceases to flow from this or any other cause, all persons having boilers upon their premises, not supplied from tanks, are cautioned against danger from collapse and owners of hydraulic lifts or of fixtures liable to injury from the sudden withdrawal of water are hereby notified that the City will not be liable and shall not be held responsible for such damage, in all cases where boilers are supplied; suitable check, vacuum, and air valves must be applied to minimize danger from collapsing or water ram.
The City Council reserves the right to attach water meters, together with the necessary connections to any service pipe, whenever it may be deemed advisable to do so. Any meter injured by negligence of the water consumer or by frost shall be repaired at the consumer's expense. The rate to be charged to users with a faulty meter will increase the rate to 50% above the flat rate. If a faulty meter is not repaired after 90 days, this penalty will increase to 100%.
No person shall cause to be removed or in any way interfere with a water meter, which has been set by direction of the Director of Public Works, or with the valves and fitting connected therewith, without a written permit from the Water Department.
In making repairs or in constructing new work, the Water Department shall have the right to shut off the water, and keep it shut off as long as may be necessary for making such repairs or extensions, and no deductions will be made or damages allowed for the time the water is so shut off.
The Director of Public Works reserves the right to limit the amount of water furnished any consumer, should circumstances warrant such action, although no limit may have been stated in the application or permit for such use; or said Director of Public Works may entirely cut off the use for any manufacturing purposes or any other use at any time by giving reasonable notice to consumer of such intended action.
[Amended 11-14-2016 by Ord. No. 20-2016]
Any person violating any of the provisions of these rules and regulations shall be assessed a penalty based upon the following schedule:
First offense, fine not to exceed $250.
Second offense, fine not to exceed $500.
Third or subsequent offenses, fine not to exceed $1,000.
It is the City's option to require offending parties to relocate their meter to an insulated meter pit on the exterior of their building at their expense after the third or subsequent violation. The property owner will bear the full expense of installation and maintenance of this pit. Furthermore, the pit design and installation shall be approved by the Director of Public Works or his designated representative.
[Adopted 7-11-1988 by L.L. No. 6-1988 (Ch. 45 of the 1975 Ogdensburg Municipal Code)]
The purpose of this Article is to establish uniform charges for the consumption and use of water provided by the City of Ogdensburg, to provide for the enforcement of the payment of the same and other regulations pertaining to the use of the City water system.
The City of Ogdensburg expressly reserves the right, power and authority to install water meters and to make a charge for water service on the basis of the readings shown by such meters for all classes of consumers and from time to time change any and all charges for the use and consumption of water and the use of the City water system.
As used in this Article, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A structure containing one or more commercial or office units in combination with one or more family units. Each individual commercial or office unit which is provided with a separate water service (whether for washing, cooking or sanitary facilities) is a separate unit for flat rate billing, or metered billing as may be required by the City Engineer.
A residential or dwelling unit, whether occupied or vacant, that is self-contained, including complete housekeeping facilities for only one household and having no cooking or sanitary facilities in common with any other family unit.
Either private homes with additional rooms to rent or commercial rooming houses or single-room occupancy structures; here the tenant is renting a room for sleeping with access to common sanitary facilities; the tenant may or may not have cooking privileges in a common kitchen.
[Last amended 12-12-2022 by L.L. No. 4-2022]
The following schedule of rates for metered water service is hereby fixed and established effective the first billing date after January 1, 2023, and upon filing with the Secretary of State:
Meter Size
Water Allowed
Minimum Quarterly Rate
1 1/4
1 1/2
$5 per 1,000 gallons of water used
Meters shall be read and billed monthly or quarterly at the discretion of the City.
Meters shall be installed and repaired by the City of Ogdensburg. The cost of such installation and repair for all meters is to be charged to the customer.
[Last amended 12-12-2022 by L.L. No. 4-2022]
The following schedule of rates for flat-rate service is hereby fixed and established effective the first billing date after January 1, 2023, and upon filing with the Secretary of State:
Single-family residence, per year: $402.
Multifamily residence, for each family unit or each tenant, per year: $402.
Rooming houses (private homes with additional rooms to rent or commercial rooming houses):
Minimum annual rent: $402.
Additional rooms to hire (annual rent): $100.50.
Commercial or office units in a commercial/residential mixed structure (where metering is determined impractical by the City Engineer), per commercial or office unit, per year: $402.
[Last amended 2-26-2024 by L.L. No. 1-2024]
The following schedule of rates is hereby fixed and established for the period effective upon filing with the Secretary of State:
Fire protection for unoccupied metered or unmetered premises or where service is shut off and/or meter is removed by DPW employees. If this type of service is performed by other than DPW personnel, the property owner is not entitled to the fire protection rate.
Fire hydrant on private property
Swimming pools (filling of), per occasion
Circus (in advance), per day
Service disconnect or seal by the City, per occasion
Service reconnection by the City, per occasion
Water service turn on or off, per occasion, regular work hours
Water service turn on or off, per occasion, after work hours
Annual rooms to hire (annual rent)
The water rent rate for any lot, parcel of land, building or other premises located outside the corporate limits of the City of Ogdensburg and serviced by the water system of the City of Ogdensburg shall be the same rate as that charged the equivalent type of structure within the corporate limits of the City.
Billing periods for metered customers.
Bills for metered water consumption shall be prepared by the City of Ogdensburg on the basis of periodic meter readings provided by the City of Ogdensburg. Readings may be at thirty- or ninety-day intervals.
A 10% penalty shall be added after 30 days from date of billing.
Enforcement procedures for metered customers. Bills for metered water consumption shall be payable within 30 days of the date of billing as appearing on such bill without penalty. After the expiration of such 30 days a notice of delinquency shall be mailed on unpaid accounts. In the event of nonpayment within 60 days from the date of billing, the Department of Public Works is authorized and directed to discontinue said water service until such payment is made.
Billing period for flat-rate customers. Where water is supplied on a flat-rate basis, the water service charge shall be due and payable on the fifth day of May and November of each year and may be paid for 30 days from that date without penalty. After 30 days, a 10% penalty shall be added.
Lien of flat-rate charges; collection. In the case of delinquent flat-rate charges, the proper water charge or aggregate of various charges for all facilities as provided herein shall be extended on the general tax roll at the same time as property taxes and other charges are extended on such roll. The total water charges shall be added to the general City taxes and all other charges appearing on said roll, which shall be payable as a part of the total charges. Said water charges shall become a lien against the respective properties, upon delivery of said tax roll to the City Comptroller for collection.
Delinquent water meter charges; collection. All delinquent water meter charges, as set forth in Subsection B above, remaining unpaid at the close of a calendar year shall be added to the general tax roll for the subsequent year. All such delinquent water meter charges shall be collectible in the same manner and at the same time as other delinquent charges appearing on the tax roll, and such delinquent water meter charges, upon being extended on the tax roll and said roll being delivered to the City Comptroller for collection, shall become a lien upon such property.
Fine for unreported flat-rate residential or commercial units.
It is the responsibility of the property owner to verify that all units owned by him, whether in single-family or multiple-dwelling residences or in commercial/residential mixed structures, are recorded by the Comptroller's office and are being billed to the property owner or his assignee. Failure to report individual billing units for the purpose of flat rate billing to the Comptroller's office shall result in a fine of $500 per unit, upon verification of such unit(s) by the City.
Notice of such fine due shall be placed on the property owner for collection within 30 days of notice. An additional 10% penalty shall be added after 30 days from date of billing. Unpaid fines remaining unpaid at the close of a calendar year shall be added to the general tax roll for the subsequent year. Such unpaid fines shall be collectable in the same manner and at the same time as other delinquent charges appearing on the tax roll, and such fines, upon being extended on the tax roll and said roll being delivered to the City Comptroller for collection, shall become a lien upon such property.
Vacant residential units.
Flat rate billing for residential water service makes no distinction with regard to the volume of water used over the course of a twelve-month period. Therefore, existing units vacant less than 12 months in any calendar year will be subject to the full annual water (and sewer) service charge.
However, where a service is disconnected for an entire structure, the flat-rate fire protection charge will apply. The fee for a service disconnect or seal is established at $46 for a disconnect or seal and $46 for a reconnection of service.
Flat-rate water charges. Claims for refunds of flat-rate water charges by water consumers on whatever basis shall first be approved by the Director of Public Works.
Maximum and minimum periods. Claims for refunds shall not be allowed for a period longer than one year from date of filing of such claims. In no event shall claims for refunds for less than 1/4 of a year be allowable.
Deductions; payment of charges. When claims for refunds for water charges are allowable, the minimum annual rate for fire protection, as herein provided, shall first be deducted from total charges paid, and the refund for whatever fraction of a year is claimed shall be computed against the remainder. In no event shall claims for refunds be allowed until the total charges have been paid to the City Comptroller, provided that the owner or owners of such premises have entered into a contract with the City of Ogdensburg as provided in § 215-45 of this Article.
The owner or owners of property outside the corporate limits of the City of Ogdensburg, New York, may be allowed to connect to existing water and/or sewer mains and purchase water from the City of Ogdensburg, New York.
Outside users shall be charged as follows:
Each outside user shall pay the same base water and sewer rate paid by City users; and
x x =
A charge which shall be computed by multiplying the full value assessment by the applicable City equalization rate to determine the effective assessed valuation. The effective assessed valuation shall then be multiplied by the existing City tax rate or as the same may be hereinafter established, to be calculated as follows:
Outside user
(City equalization rate)
City tax rate
Nonresident annual water charge in lieu of taxes.
assessed value
(Outside user equalization rate)
The owner or owners of premises located outside the corporate limits of the City and connected to City of Ogdensburg water supply mains who desire to remain connected thereto or to be connected thereto and supplied with water by the City of Ogdensburg, New York, shall enter into a contract with the City of Ogdensburg, New York, setting forth the terms and conditions under and by which water will be furnished and supplied as follows:
Whereas, the City of Ogdensburg, New York, a municipal corporation duly organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of New York, has extended its water supply mains beyond the corporate limits of said City; and
Whereas, the premises of the undersigned is connected to said water supply main and the undersigned desires it to remain connected thereto and be supplied with water by the City of Ogdensburg, now, therefore, this indenture;
Witnesseth that for the consideration of being furnished water by the City of Ogdensburg and to induce said City of Ogdensburg to furnish and continue to furnish and supply water to the premises of the undersigned, the undersigned covenants and agrees as follows: to pay for all water supplied or furnished by said City of Ogdensburg at the same rate or rates now in effect or that may be hereafter established from time to time for consumers within the corporate limits of the City of Ogdensburg subject to the terms and conditions, regulations, penalties, rates and charges established by the City Water Ordinance or that may hereafter be established by any amendment, modification or revision of said Water Ordinance.
The undersigned expressly covenants and agrees, in addition to all other charges herein provided for and as an additional consideration to induce the City of Ogdensburg to supply water to the premises of the undersigned, to pay to the City of Ogdensburg annually a sum equal to 100% of the assessed valuation of said premises supplied with water by the City, as appears each year upon the assessment roll of the Town of Lisbon, the Town of Oswegatchie or such other township within which the consumer resides or where the consumer's property is located, equalized for assessed value and multiplied by the annual tax decimal of said City of Ogdensburg. Said payment shall be due and payable in the same manner and at the same time as the regular City of Ogdensburg tax and shall be subject to the same fees and penalties.
The undersigned covenants and agrees to consent and hereby does consent to the installation of a water meter on said premises and to permit representative of the City of Ogdensburg to enter upon said premises at all reasonable hours of the day for the purpose of reading said meter.
The undersigned covenants and agrees to keep the water laterals and water connections in good working order.
The undersigned expressly covenants and agrees that he will not connect or extend or permit any other person or persons to connect or extend the water lateral running from the water supply line to said premises to any other premises.
The undersigned covenants and agrees that the City of Ogdensburg reserves the right to discontinue supplying water to the premises of the undersigned without becoming subject to any liabilities or damages to the undersigned on default in the payment of any water bill when due or on the default in the performance of or the breach of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement or in the discretion of the City Council of the City of Ogdensburg when said City Council deems it to be in the best interest of the inhabitants of the City of Ogdensburg to cease supplying water.
The undersigned covenants and agrees that he will indemnify and hold the City of Ogdensburg harmless against any and all claims for damages arising out of or by reason of furnishing water to the premises of the undersigned.
The undersigned covenants and agrees to pay the same penalty as paid by resident water users in the City of Ogdensburg.
The undersigned expressly warrants that he is the owner in fee simple of the premises known as and designed as __________for which water is to be furnished under this agreement.
It is mutually covenanted and agreed by and between the parties hereto that this agreement is not transferable or assignable.
The undersigned expressly covenants and agrees that he will notify the City of Ogdensburg of any sale or exchange of the premises to which water is supplied under this agreement.
The undersigned expressly covenants and agrees that the waiver by the City of Ogdensburg of any default in performance of or breach of any of the terms and conditions of this agreement shall not constitute or be deemed a waiver of any subsequent default in performance or breach of condition.
The undersigned covenants and agrees that all the laws, ordinances, rules and regulations governing the sale and distribution of water within the City of Ogdensburg are hereby referred to and incorporated within this agreement with the same force and effect as if fully set forth herein.
City of Ogdensburg, New York
By City Manager
(This agreement shall also be duly acknowledged in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of New York.)