[Amended 1-28-2013 by Ord. No. 2-2013; 3-24-2014 by Ord. No. 4-2014; 6-12-2017 by Ord. No. 10-2017]
Application fees, for applications that do not require St. Lawrence County Planning Board review, shall be as follows:
Type of Application
Application Fee
Site plan review and special use permit
Adaptive reuse permit
Area variance
Use variance
Text amendment to Zoning Ordinance
Amendment to Zoning Map (rezoning)
Establishment of a planned development district
Zoning verification (per tax map parcel)
Floodplain development permit
Subdivision review
Less than 5 parcels
5 to 20 parcels
More than 20 parcels
Application fees, for applications that require 239m or 293n review by the St. Lawrence County Planning Board, shall be the City's application fee stated in Section 221-91.A. plus the current County review fee for the type of application submitted.
This fee schedule has been adopted so that the administrative costs of these procedures will be in part defrayed by the applicant and to discourage frivolous applications.