This administrative regulation establishes uniform procedures for handling City liability, workers' compensation (see also § AR-12), property and fidelity risk exposures.
It shall be the objective of the City to:
Provide and maintain safe physical conditions (safe places to work, safe vehicles, safe equipment, and safe municipal public facilities).
Conduct all municipal operations as safely and efficiently as possible.
Provide adequate insurance (either through outside carriers or through self-funded programs) to cover all significant potential risk exposures.
Department heads.
The responsibility, authority and accountability for loss prevention is hereby assigned to all department heads within their individual operating areas.
Their responsibilities include:
Matching employee skills and capabilities to job requirements.
Training employees to perform operations in a safe and efficient manner.
Motivating employees to work safely and efficiently.
Continually observing operations for unsafe acts and conditions and taking immediate corrective action when required.
Investigating all accidents in their department.
Establishing safe and efficient departmental work rules and procedures.
Individual employees.
Each City employee is responsible for performing his/her job in a safe and efficient manner.
Every employee should:
Report all unsafe acts and unsafe conditions to their supervisor.
Report all accidents or injuries immediately.
Perform all work in as safe a manner as possible.
Be familiar with and abide by all safety rules and regulations.
Loss Prevention Coordinator.
The City Comptroller is hereby appointed as Loss Prevention Coordinator. It shall be his responsibility to administer a total loss prevention effort at a staff level and to coordinate these efforts with all department heads to ensure that loss prevention standards are met throughout the City.
[Amended 9-8-2014 by Ord. No. 11-2014]
The Loss Prevention Coordinator shall:
Coordinate the loss prevention activities of all departments.
Determine that safe practices and conditions are established in all areas.
Maintain and analyze accident records.
Ensure that training programs are established for all employees.
Review all City contracts to identify and reduce contractual liability and attempt to transfer such liability to the contractor.
Provide staff support to the City's Safety Committee.
Submit periodic reports to the City Manager on the status of the City's loss prevention program.
Safety Committee.
The Safety Committee shall be chaired by the City Manager and shall in addition be composed of the Public Works Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief and Loss Prevention Coordinator.
The Committee shall meet monthly to:
Review all accident investigation reports to determine how the accident occurred, what unsafe acts and/or unsafe conditions were involved and what corrective action can be taken to prevent similar accidents.
Make walk-through inspections of work places and observe City operations to discover unsafe physical conditions and unsafe acts so that they may be corrected before a loss occurs.
Establish insurance and indemnification requirements for all City leases and contracts.
City Comptroller. The City Comptroller will maintain copies of all insurance policies and claims, and a perpetual inventory of current locations, descriptions and insurable values of all property owned or leased by the City (including buildings, contents, equipment, vehicles and supplies). Contractual requirements for bonds and insurance certificates will be continuously reviewed to ensure that the required bonds and certificates are current and in the quantity specified. The City Comptroller will process all accident and loss notices and will notify the insurance company concerned.
[Amended 1-11-2010 by Ord. No. 1-2010]
Prompt reporting of losses expedites claims handling, reduces loss time accidents and results in cost savings through settlement of justifiable claims. Therefore, all accidents resulting in bodily injury to any person, whether or not employed by the City, and all accidents resulting in property damage, destruction or illegal taking of City property, shall be reported immediately to the City Comptroller (who will provide copies to the Loss Prevention Coordinator). See Appendix 6.10A[1] for copies of accident and incident reporting forms. In addition, appropriate insurance forms must be completed with the assistance of the City Comptroller (see Appendix 6.10B, auto and other liability accident notice, and 6.10C, property loss notice[2]). Claims against insurance companies or persons damaging City property will be filed by the City Comptroller.
Editor's Note: Appendix 6.10A is on file in the office of the City Manager.
Editor's Note: Appendixes 6.10-B and 6.10C are on file in the office of the City Manager.
The following policies shall be observed in determining amounts of insurance and bonds:
Fire insurance; public buildings and contents.
It shall be the City's policy to insure with outside carriers fire losses on public buildings on a blanket basis, with an agreed amount. Insurance values shall be determined by independent professional appraisal at least once every three years.
It shall be the City's policy to insure with outside carriers the contents of public buildings under the same conditions as real property.
Public liability and property damage insurance on motor vehicles. Public liability and property damage insurance shall be carried on all motor vehicles. The policy limits of liability on such motor vehicles shall be established by the City Manager, subject to budgetary restrictions.
Comprehensive general liability insurance. The City shall provide general liability coverage for bodily injury and property damage for all City properties. The policy limits of liability for such coverage shall be established by the City Manager, subject to budgetary restrictions.
Catastrophic insurance. The City shall maintain umbrella liability insurance to protect against any major catastrophe. The limits of liability, coverages and retention shall be established by the City Manager, subject to budgetary restrictions.
Other insurance. Other insurance such as burglary, hold up, marine, boiler or any type of coverage deemed necessary shall be placed into effect. The policy limits of such coverage shall be determined by the City Manager, subject to budgetary restrictions.
Employee fidelity bond. An employee fidelity bond shall be secured for all City employees as required by the laws of the State of New York or the City Charter.