Editor's Note: For additional information regarding agenda initiatives and voter referenda, see Administrative Code Part 11.
The voters of the County shall have the power to propose ordinances by petition for consideration by County Council. Each proposed ordinance shall be germane to County government and limited to one subject which shall be clearly expressed in its title. Any such petition signed by 500 voters of the County and presented to County Council shall be considered by County Council within 60 days of receipt. Procedures for agenda referendum petitions shall be established in the Administrative Code.
Editor's Note: See Administrative Code §§ 5-1101.04, 5-1101.06, 5-1101.08, 5-1101.10.
The voters of the County shall have the power to propose ordinances by petition for consideration by the voters of the County. Each proposed ordinance shall be germane to County government and limited to one subject which shall be clearly expressed in its title.
The proposed ordinance detailed in any petition signed by voters of the County comprising five percent of the number of voters in the County voting for the Office of Governor in the most recent gubernatorial general election shall be placed on the ballot and considered by the voters at the next primary, municipal or general election.
Procedures for referendum petitions shall be established in the Administrative Code.
If approved by a majority of those voting, the ordinance shall become effective in accordance with its terms. Any ordinance that has been approved by referendum shall not be subject to veto and shall not be amended or repealed by County Council for two years following its approval.
Editor's Note: See Administrative Code §§ 5-1101.05, 5-1101.07, 5-1101.09, 5-1101-11.
This Charter may be amended by a referendum that is initiated by ordinance or by petition of the voters of the County in conformity with the provisions of the Pennsylvania Home Rule Charter and Optional Plans Law, as amended from time to time.[1]
Editor's Note: See 53 Pa.C.S.A. § 2901 et seq.
Any changes in the form of government as set forth in this Charter may not be submitted to the voters sooner than five years after the date on which this Charter is approved.